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Group Wants Slay Disinvited from Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration

By Antonio D. French

Filed Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 4:44 PM

Dr. Henry Givens, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. State Celebration Commission
3026 Laclede Avenue
St. Louis, Mo. 63103

Re: St. Louis Racial Climate - Economic Boycott Alert

Dear Dr. Givens:

We write concerning the current intense racial climate in the city of St. Louis, which was sparked by Mayor Francis Slay recently ousting the city’s first and only black fire chief, Sherman George, replacing him with a less qualified white, and then promoting white firefighters to 80% of thirty-four high-ranking captain and battalion chief positions that were open.

As you may be aware, we have initiated a Recall campaign against the mayor, and have also issued a Boycott Alert to organizations, entertainers and celebrities planning to come to St. Louis, advising them of the atrocious racial circumstances and conditions now pending in the city, and of our intention to launch a boycott of the city if this situation is not corrected.

As you may also be aware, the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), in responding to the Boycott Alert, has put the city on notice that it may cancel its national convention that is scheduled to be held in St. Louis in 2011, and that is expected to draw over fifteen thousand and have a $30 million economic impact on the city.

We are aware, of course, of the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. activities being planned by your Commission for January 21, 2008, including the program at the Old Courthouse and the march to Powell Symphony Hall.

Because of the manner in which the mayor has totally disrespected the black community with his handling of this issue, we respectfully request that your Commission not invite Mayor Slay to either speak at the Old Courthouse or participate at the head of the march. Frankly, given what the mayor has done, it would be slap in the face to the memory of Dr. King for him to participate in any sort of prominent way at this hallow event.

We commend you and the Commission for the fine work you have done over the many years in honoring and preserving the important message of Dr. King, and we thank you for your earnest consideration of this request.

Sincerely yours,

Eric E. Vickers
Chairman Economic Boycott Committee

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric Vickers has sunk to a new low. He is now using the events meant to honor Dr. King in order to further his own personal vendetta.

I am embarrassed by this disbarred former attorney and would like him to apologize for perverting Dr. King's legacy.

I invite all people of all races to attend the events celebrating the life and mission of Dr. King. Together we can and will find solutions to the problems of our city.

Unfortunately hatemongers and opportunists like Mr. Vickers continue to hold us back. Shame on you Eric.

1/16/2008 5:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happens if Dr. Givens refuses ?

1/16/2008 7:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And who is Eric Vickers to say someone is less qualified than another.

Time for a test done by objective outsiders between George and Jenkins.

Yes, this has nothing to do with the ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Perhaps he needed to do more to leave behind an unmistakable legacy of true equality so the hatemongers couldn't take advantage of his name or aim.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a follower of Jesus Christ, God of peace, forgiveness, mercy, and grace . Eric Vickers is a follower of Muhammad. prophet of the sword and domination, couping les tetes et les mains (cutting heads and hands off).

I'll take the former rather than the latter.

1/16/2008 8:00 PM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

On Dr. Martin Luther King's holiday we should be reflect on other, more pressing issues than Slay's actions.

We should be asking why St. Louis' leadership, black and white, is allowing the racist suburban billionaire profiteer, Paul McKee, to continue is terrorist actions. He is blockbusting, which is illegal under the Fair Housing Act. I do wonder why the black leadership especially has continued to cooperate with this racist bourgeois opportunist? Do they believe that displacing their own people, while erasing the historic heritage of St. Louis City, is good public policy? This is what McKee is doing right now.

Perhaps the word racism is used too often for people to actually recognize when it is occurring? Or perhaps the black leadership is too concerned with self-preservation and personal advancement to confront the billionaire capitalist?

Those who are calling for Slay's oust should focus their attention on the Ford Excursion that drove through the front door and is parked in what was the living room. They should arrest the drunk behind the wheel.

There are more important controversies than simply the Sherman George debacle. As they are not on the agenda, and definately should be, I do question the intentions of those who want to expel Slay.

1/16/2008 9:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

those that want to expel slay need mo money. check out their eviction and civil judgement histories at


1/17/2008 6:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey---ease up on Eric, he's trying to get his license back!

1/17/2008 6:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems to me if there was any disrespect, The former fire chief who was disiplined and THEN quit his job was disrespectful of the position of the Mayor. Who runs Atlanta? the Mayor or the Fire Chief? Who runs any city? Your race card is worn out from being used every time you want to be pandered to. Time to get a job and pay your bills Eric.

1/17/2008 6:49 AM

Blogger Bill Monroe said...

I do not think that Eric Vickers is the problem in St. Louis.
I think that those black men and black woman; along with supporters of other nationalities who oppose the white power structure dominating all things in our City is indeed the problem.
Personal attacks against those who oppose SlAY are cowardly acts; what about the issues??

1/17/2008 6:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Martin Luther King is probably shaking his head saying, "Coretta, Malcolm, until I saw St. Louis, Missouri, I thought the South was bad."

The people of St. Louis, Missouri need a change in the office of Mayor, the way the United States needs a change of the Presidency. Somebody that can bring St. Louisians together.

We have someone that represents change with great experience that can run for Mayor to bring the City of St. Louis and region together, but will he do it in 2009instead of waiting until 2013 before St. Louis falls totally apart due to racial issues.

Michael McMillan may be the best solution for Mayor in 2009. Most people regardless of race would galvanize around Mike McMillan and he has proven that he has the experience to invigorate any office that he is elected to oversee. Michael McMillan believes and has illustrated the vision of Martin Luther King in his License Collector office, at his fundraisers, at his former
19th Ward events, and too numerous other occasions to mention.

Mayor Slay, maybe you should step down for the sake of the City of St. Louis and throw your support behind Michael McMillan in 2009 in the best interest of the City of St. Louis. Mayor Slay this would show everyone that you care about what is best for the City of St. Louis as a whole. Good luck Mayor Slay the decision is up to you.

A believer in Martin Luther King's dream.

1/17/2008 8:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Mike but he ain't ready...too many secrets may come out. Too bad people won't ever accept him for who he is.

Get over Slay, I have and so have most folks. Sherman didn't follow orders so he's gone. I am more concerned with my do nothing alderman than room 200 anyhow.

Mr. Vickers needs to go to jail for what he did to my family and others. He should never show his face in public again for what he has did to many many black families. Vickers is the lowest of the low.

1/17/2008 8:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happens if Dr. Givens refuses ?

1/17/2008 8:31 AM

Blogger Papillon said...

To Mr. Duckworth,

What is your source that Paul McKee is a billionaire? I could not find him on the Forbes list.

A Trillionaire

1/17/2008 9:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Mike McMillan doesn't have any secrets that may come out, and the rumors that have circulated are false anyway.

If anyone has some facts to support their rumors, speak now or forever shut the hell up. By the way, put your name with the rumor that your cowardly self wants to reveal.

Mike McMillan is the best candidate for Mayor in 2009! Regardless of the Slay recall effort, so don't use that as a crutch. Mike McMillan is a better leader and all around person than Slay. By the way, there are some real negative facts on some of the other potential Mayoral candidates.

2008-11 will be a battle of good vs. evil in the City of St. Louis.

1/17/2008 9:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm! A battle of good vs. evil, and this between two Democrats! Doesn't speak well of City Democrats, does it.

Hopefully, there is no insinuation of good vs evil representing two races or a bi-racial man and a white man of Middle East extraction (Lebanese).

Maybe what St. Louis really needs is a two-party system again. That's one of the greatest means of checks and balances of power.

1/17/2008 10:12 AM

Blogger Po Righteous Teacher said...

St Louis doesn't need two parties when the repubs can get Slay to function as a democrat

1/17/2008 10:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

to anonymous at 8:19

I agree. Vickers is the consumate crook that will cheat whoever he can. Do you remember when he had a license and he would take retainers on legal fees from hard working folks and do nothing?

As far as I'm concerned ANY group that associates with him is just as bad and has ZERO credibility and is just looking to exploit for their personal gain.

I'm no fan of Francis Slay but if Vickers is against him I think I;ll have to side with Slay

1/17/2008 11:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Efrim = Evil

1/17/2008 11:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is scary


1/17/2008 11:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Doug Duckworth for being the white dilettante of the year. Hey remember everybody, Doug knows best.

1/17/2008 11:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

from jihadwatch.org

Eric Erfan Vickers, executive director for the American Muslim Council (AMC), in a statement noted the Southern Baptist Church’s historical legacy of supporting segregation between whites and blacks, said, Vines’ remarks 'not only reflect unpardonable ignorance, but also indicate at a growing climate of religious prejudice in America.'"

Perhaps Eric Erfan Vickers does not realize that the oldest, largest, and cruelest slave trade in black Africa was that conducted, long before the European slavers arrived on the coast of West Africa, and continuing long after slavery had been abolished in the non-Islamic world. Perhaps he is unaware of the size of that Arab slave trade, which concentrated on seizing and castrating on the spot young African males, and then marching them by slave coffle to the waiting dhows to take them first to Muscat and Oman, or marched them all the way to various slave markets. Jan Hogedoorn, whose "The Hideous Trade" should be on the syllabi of every course on slavery in every university, estimates that 90% of those castrated did not live to be sold on the Islamic slave markets.

1/17/2008 11:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they have a hearing for Vickers my family and I will be there to testify against that evil man!

He should not be a lawyer again.

He should not show his face in St. Louis again!

1/17/2008 11:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Monroe = criminal investigation into Thurgood Marshall Charter School. You have no credibility on any issue. You are no better than Vickers.

1/17/2008 2:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


sounds like eric doesn't have many who trust him.
study the case when he represented Larry Spain in court

1/17/2008 2:58 PM

Blogger Po Righteous Teacher said...

So let me get this right?

A group of people select Vickers to speak for them, yet the entire issue is debated asif the actions are attributed to Vickers himself?

Should this heading read, "Vickers Wants Slay Disinvited from Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration"?

Anyone reading the blog entries would think so.

1/17/2008 3:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

McMillian will not cause racial harmony. He is too dependant on racial controversy. He is at the root of the anti Slay action. Any white politician that he considers a threat to his Mayoral run is labeled a racist and targeted by his henchmen. He has never beat a serious opponent and will not have the courage to take on Slay in 2009. He is counting on a free ride in 2013. Who knows if he will still be a player in 2013. He may be a faded headline by then.

1/17/2008 3:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 2:13-That's why your Chump Ass should remain anonymous; because you have no facts and if you do -bring facts and according to my facts the only Criminal Activity that took place was with the management company (Imagine) and Thurgood Marshalls Attorney (Wayne Harvey) who took money from the management company in an effort to seize control. So please remain anonymous.

1/17/2008 3:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be more appropriate for that damn Slay to speak at a KKK rally!

1/17/2008 4:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Slay is disinvited, will Vickers send out a press release complaining that Slay is a racist because he didn't attend the celebration?

Everyone is lining up for jobs in a McMillan administration, huh?

1/17/2008 5:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Po righteous teacher, you Democrats have a hard time admitting some of your party do wrong, don't you? "St Louis doesn't need two parties when the repubs can get Slay to function as a democrat" He's a Democrat thru and thru. Same with statements made by Bill and Hillary. They are as Democrat as you can get, but they too are accused of racism.

1/17/2008 5:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the history student--I assume you are aware that the true pioneers of civil rights--the black senators and congressmen of the 1800's were republican and advocated EQUAL RIGHTS (not special rights). It is also astounding what the later day republicans have done for the civil rights movement.

Like I said, you probably already know this, but I would hope that others might do a little studying and come to realize what all of these "special interest groups" are all about.

I enjoy your entries.

1/17/2008 7:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Future Mayor Mike McMillan has the most diverse citywide office in the City of St. Louis and his employees are much happier than other employees.

Imagine being Charles Bryson in Mayor Slay's cabinet and you have protest at your home by black people. Imagine knowing that Mayor Slay is standing behind you smirking while you are announcing that you will follow through on the dismissal of every black you can, to rise up through the ranks. Mayor Slay goes back home to peace and quiet, Charles Bryson goes home with a feeling of total shame within himself and his community.

The point of politics is to move forward without creating unthinkable and unresolvable conflict. Larry Williams, Sharon Carpenter, Darlene Green, Jim Murphy and Michael McMillan have accomplished that pretty well as citywide elected officials.

We know the citywide elected officials that have not accomplished that well.

Don't get mad at future Mayor Mike McMillan because of his potential.

No Black Strength Is Allowed in Room 200

1/17/2008 11:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I question your source.

When and where did Mr Bryson anounce that he "will follow through on the dismissal of every black you can, to rise up through the ranks."

1/18/2008 6:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charles Bryson's actions prove his words!

1/18/2008 8:07 AM

Blogger Po Righteous Teacher said...

I am not a democrat or republican. I don't know who the "you democrats" are that you are referring to.

Party switching is not new. Proponents of the New World Order, facilitated by Skull and Bones, aka the Illuminati ensures its survival by grooming specific people and strategically placing them in all classes.

Bush/Kerry..........both S&B
Bill Clinton........S&B
Why do you think Kerry did not support the objections to the confirmation of Bush in 2000?

The Congressional Black Caucus needed the support of 1 senator, and could not get it. Not even from the democratic senators!

So tell me that politrikal parties are genuine in this babylonian belly of the beast place where your laws sometime work and you almost do what you say!


1/18/2008 8:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Po righteous teacher, and where would you prefer to live in this world where political parties do not exist, even if they are camouflaged by race or religion?

Tell us where there is a better way under heaven and above hell. Could it be in Senegal, Sierre Leone, the Congo, Burkino Faso, Rwanda, Kenya, or Nigeria? Where pray (do take time to do this before you answer) tell.

1/18/2008 8:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree McMillan's staff is happy. I can see most of his staff are pretty young boys.


I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, just strange.

1/18/2008 8:22 AM

Blogger Po Righteous Teacher said...

...........his-story student..I don't ovastand your question

politrikal parties exist worldwide in a global supremist world

it is not where you live, but how you live

it does not matter to me where it is

the life expectancy for war torn countries with extreme militant outbursts is longer than that of the black male on the streets of St Louis

study HIS story, not someone else's interpretation of it

1/18/2008 10:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Po righteous teacher, when you say "Study His story," whose story are you referring to?

As to the statement, "the life expectancy for war torn countries with extreme militant outbursts is longer than that of the black male on the streets of St Louis," does that possibly have something to do with individual choice and responsibility?

I believe you will find in many countries in Africa, both male and female life expectancy is a lot lower due to HIV/AIDS. When Uganda adopted an abstinence agenda promoted by the Ugandan Christians, the epidemic was reversed.

If the His story you refer to is the Bible (both Old and New Testaments), then the saga and consequences of sinful attitudes and behavior will become the focus along with the good news of forgiveness, mercy, and grace through Jesus Christ. But you will have to clarify.

1/18/2008 11:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been down to get a license for my business and a 80 something year old guy helped me sitting between two women. McMillan walked through the office with a black woman in her 40s who appeared to be his secretary. They all seemed serious and not overly happy or sad. I missed the "pretty young boys" and think it's stupid for people to sit around all day and talk about who looks good or bad at City Hall. Just do your damn job whether you are young, old, black or white. We need to get beyond the racial conflict and all other issues in this city and cut the bs.

1/18/2008 1:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"....given what the mayor has done, it would be slap in the face to the memory of Dr. King for him to participate in any sort of prominent way at this hallow event."

Actually, what is shameful to the memory of The Dream is the use of this time of commemoration to vent this racial venom. No matter what our feelings are for the man, he's still the mayor until he leaves office. Furthermore, the occupant of the Room 200 is subject to change during the next election cycle. But, to unceremoniously disinvite the mayor to a city wide celebration of the life and successes of Dr. King is not only disrepectful, but horribly defeats the main purpose of this celebration. If anything, we should use this opportunity to reach out to the mayor to initiate some healing and resolution.

This is the very last way I want to see this particular holiday obtusely politicized. Saint Louis has far more important issues to bring to the table of public discourse on MLK Day than this foolishness. There are 364 other days wherein Mayor Slay can endure our vented venom in his office or in protests at City Hall. Just not MLK Day, a day set aside for celebrating America's pursuit of justice, equality, and PEACE. Dr. King gave his life, trying to get us beyond this sort of divisive ignorance to appreciate our differences in every walk of our lives. Disinviting the mayor from participating in this celebration goes against Dr. King's wishes. If Frances Slay wants to come, by all means, welcome him and initiate the discourse on what we can ALL do to make Saint Louis better together.

It's time we open up the conversation to EVERYONE, not just the most offended. Sometimes, we Africans in America become so emotionally tethered to our rage and animosity for our unmerrited poor treatment that we forget to articulate that with any understandable clarity. It's time to stop lashing out and articulate intelligibly to release this. What better time than during a celebration our offenders are civicly bound to attend? Instead of rescinding the mayor's invitation, we should be scheming to get an opportunity to talk to him face to face, speaking freely, but respectfully. We don't want to squander another opportunity to speak our minds to the powers who really need to hear US.

1/18/2008 3:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:20 p.m. Bravo! Bravo! Well said, well spoken!

"Keith Richburg, a black American reporter thought that when he was assigned to Africa it would be a spiritual reawakening of his roots but returned to write Out of America after finding out that he was not a hyphenated American after all. Richburg decided he was glad to be an American – no matter how it came to be. Similarly, jazz great Wynton Marsallis tells black jazz musicians that if they think there is a better place to be a person of any color than America, they haven't been out much."

Let the talking begin.

1/18/2008 3:40 PM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

^I would argue that depends on class as well. Some areas of North St. Louis have characteristics which do parallel the slums of global cities. Meaning they are politically isolated, discriminated against, and their people are largely marginalized. Whereas an upper middle class African American living in the suburbs might agree with the idea posited by those two gentlemen.

Someone living in a more disadvantaged environment may find Paris, especially before Jean-Marie Le Pen's ascendancy, for example, quite different. I found London to be extremely diverse, however the UK did have its National Front movement as well.

1/18/2008 11:04 PM


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