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"Ghosts" to Haunt Mayor's Ball

By Antonio D. French

Filed Thursday, January 31, 2008 at 6:30 PM

Tomorrow night, February 1, opponents of the Mayor Francis Slay’s decisions to demoted Fire Chief Sherman George, support the State takeover of the public schools, and veto a police Civilian Review Board will picket outside the Mayor’s Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball from 6 to 7:30 PM on the east side of City Hall.

At approximately 7:00 picketers dressed as the ghosts of the City Fire Department, the Elected School Board, and the vetoed police Civilian Review Board will lead a procession to the front door of the City Hall and seek to join the Ball in a dance of discontent.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh geez....

I really don't feel like dealing w/ any idiocracy that night.

I'm not a Slay supporter, but I am a cool dress up party supporter...lol..

1/31/2008 9:00 PM

Blogger CWEGuy said...


It would be nice if all this effort and bluster was directed in a useful, productive direction.

1/31/2008 9:50 PM

Blogger Star Jones said...

I hope the great Percy Green shows up and disrupts this event and embarasses that damn Slay like how Percy did the elitist and racist Veiled Prophet Ball many years ago!He can do an "Errol Flynn" and rapel into the ball! He isn't too old for civil disobedience! No justice! No peace!

1/31/2008 11:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mardi Gras revelers, protestors dressed as ghosts, and 19,000 hockey fans. All in 8 inches of snow. It's going to be a fun night!

1/31/2008 11:50 PM

Blogger Po Righteous Teacher said...

this stuff is getting to be funny

2/01/2008 12:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminds me of Masque of the Red Death: http://www.online-literature.com/poe/36/ .

2/01/2008 12:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Mayor Slay,
Please Investigate the missing $40,000.00 from the Police Department.
Signed John Q. Public
p.s. I was told that all you need is an Anonymous Request to Investigate the St. Louis Fire Department, well what do you say Your Honor??????

2/01/2008 2:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a shame.

It has nothing to do with Slay. It's a rockin party raising money for charity-- I go every year. And I will be there tonight and in the future

2/01/2008 7:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

to Mayor slay;

Please have the sheriff there to check for outstanding warrants

2/01/2008 8:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me?

I am getting really tired of Percy and Vickers. Seriously, this is the City Mayor's event not Slay's. If McMillan gets elected Mayor some day will they picket him at the MArdi Gras Ball?


This has now become annoying. I lose respect for Percy and Vickers everytime they act like clowns.

F'n rediculous.

2/01/2008 8:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Mayor Slay,
While you are at it, please investigate the taxpaying practices of your consultants and confidants.

2/01/2008 8:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baruti is going to act like a horses ass?

Wow! That must be news!

I never thought Vickers, Niecy Nasheed, Baruti and Percy would act like clowns! They NEEEEVER do stuff just to get attention for themselves. These guys are really fighting foe equal rights. Seriously, stop laughing. These guys are NOT jokes. Stop laughing. No justice, no pay offs, no kickbacks, no peace!

2/01/2008 9:49 AM

Blogger Star Jones said...

john q.public, you know that damn Slay isn't going to attack the white police Chief Mokwa,he saves his attacks for blacks only!

2/01/2008 11:16 AM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

Wow, I'm there. But if I dress as a ghost could that be misinterpreted?

2/01/2008 11:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way the plowed the snow in front of city hall, it should be pretty entertaining to watch "the ghosts" try to get near city hall.

Again, more good press for Mayor Slay, because this group demonstrates stupidity.

Happy Mardi Gras!

2/01/2008 11:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better hope they watch out for aldermen arriving in SUVs with flashing lights. If they'll run red lights, they'll easily run over a few ghosts...

2/01/2008 12:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

After this can these fools actually get to work to clean up our neighborhoods please?

I get it, Percy, Niecy, Zaki and Vickers don't like Slay.

Why don't they get to work to stop our young men from shooting each other? I am sick of them blaming Slay for all of our problems while this group of "activists" do nothing but scream and act like fools.

2/01/2008 12:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Antonio...I think the story would have been better if you didn't give them a heads up on this, although I don't agree with those planning to protest.

2/01/2008 1:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What will be funny is to watch those secretly supporting the recall show up at the Ball tonight...SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT PHOTO OP TO ME

2/01/2008 1:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many different groups of protests are there going to be?

Sherman George demotion protesters.

Protestors unhappy with the Public School situation.

McKee Blairmont protesters.

Protesters seeking local control of the police department.

Recall Slay protesters.

Do these protesters support each other's causes? Do the public school protesters care about McKee?

Do the McKee protesters care about Sherman George?

Who's in charge here?

Do the members of the Board of Aldermen support the protesters?

2/01/2008 2:01 PM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

^These are all reasons to protest. Common goals create a coalition for change. A common outcome unites individuals with different justifications.

2/01/2008 3:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If John McCain was "conservative", why would the New York Times endorse him? Why did he ask John Kerry if he could join his Democratic ticket in 2004 as VP. Why did he consider leaving the party and become an independent in 2001 after losing the Republican Primary? Why did he say Justice Alito was not as desirable as John Roberts because Alito "worse his conservatism on his sleeve"? These things are all true and well-documented by independent sources. Google them.

Let us look at McCain’s conservative credentials:

-IMMIGRATION: he wrote the bill granting amnesty to illegal immigrants (co-sponsored by Ted Kennedy)
-SOCIAL SECURITY: he voted to give your social security money to illegal immigrants
-TAXES: he voted against the Bush tax cuts multiple times (he has since flip-flopped and has campaigned as a lifelong tax-cutter)
-RHETORIC: he routinely engages in Democratic class warfare against big companies in America, particularly the “evil” drug companies who research cures to debilitating diseases for a profit
-ECONOMY: as recently as December 2007 he admitted “he does not know the economy very well” and needed to get better at it
-1ST AMENDMENT: he wrote the McCain-Feingold campaign finance bill that was declared to be an unconstitutional infringement of the 1st Amendment (co-sponsored by ultra-liberal Democrat Russ Feingold)
-2ND AMENDMENT: he was called the “worst 2nd amendment candidate” by the president of the NRA
-ENERGY TAX: wrote a bill (co-sponsored by his buddy Lieberman) imposing a massive tax on energy which, according to the Department of Energy, would drastically raise the price of gasoline and put 300,000 Americans out of work
-GLOBAL WARMING: supports radical global warming legislation which involved him voting with every Democrat; think only America is responsible to take action, not other superpowers
-JUDGES: he joined forces with Democrats (Gang of 14) to block the Senate Republican’s attempt to confirm conservative, strict constructionist judges
-WAR ON TERROR: fought with Hillary Clinton to demand that terrorists be given a full American trial
-MARRIAGE: he joined liberals to fight against a federal marriage amendment supporting the institution of traditional marriage
-CHRISTIANS: campaigning in 2000, he famously described Christian leaders as “agents of intolerance”
-PRO-LIFE: he filed an amicus brief against pro-life advocates in Wisconsin
-BI-PARTISANSHIP: he met with leading Democrats in 2004 to discuss the possibility of being John Kerry’s Vice-President
-PROFESSIONAL ETHICS: ringleader of the infamous Keating 5 ethical scandal which cost US tax payers $160 billion (Google it)
-PERSONAL ETHICS: McCain cheated on his first wife after she had a severe accident that left her partially disabled. He then divorced her and married his multi-millionaire mistress, whose daddy bought McCain a spot in the Congress

2/01/2008 3:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fireighters protesting chairtable fundraiser on the eve of an election asking for a firefighter rasie. Brilliant!

2/01/2008 5:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I drove by around 6:30 on my way to dinner at Mike Shannon's. There were literally 5 people with signs standing at City Hall. It was a sad display.

2/01/2008 9:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

there we're 6 - again 6 protesters, what a F*cking Joke.
Get over it - and start working on solutions to the problems -

2/01/2008 10:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW, what a protest. All 5 of you were a force to reckon with...

What a joke...

2/02/2008 1:18 AM


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