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Boston Herald, AP Report on Slay's Fire Dept Race Relations Debacle

By Antonio D. French

Filed Saturday, January 12, 2008 at 5:09 PM

First the New York Times, now the Associated Press via the Boston Herald.

From yesterday's Herald:
Few brotherhoods are as strong as the one among firefighters, who depend on one another just to stay alive. But powerful racial tensions have divided the St. Louis Fire Department and spilled over recently to City Hall.

In October, the city’s white mayor, Francis Slay, demoted black Fire Chief Sherman George after a three-year dispute over the firefighter promotion exam.

Since then, the FBI has investigated two incidents inside engine houses that were reported as possible hate crimes — one involving a stuffed monkey hung by the neck, the other a noose tied around a cracker box.
George — the city’s first black chief — himself won his first promotion only because of a federal court order in 1978 that found the department’s tests for promotions discriminated against blacks. George, 63, and other black veterans of the department say racism hindered their rise at every step.

"The fire department was a country club for white folks," said retired Capt. Baby Webber, who is black. "Then the black folks started coming in and breaking up their country club."
Click here to read the full story.

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Blogger Bill Monroe said...

In restrospect to other media failing or refusing to address pertinent news worthy events that take place in the St. Louis Community, primarily impacting African Americans; Pub Def is a perfect venue at only $7.00 @ Month.

Anthonio-I would like to see you take Pub Def further and facilitate a TALK SHOW VIA The Internet and charge participants that call in from around the Globe-Remember Bob Law, Onion Horton, Bernie Hayes, etc.

I think people need to talk about the issues and not just on Sunday Morning for a few hours.

I think people would pay a monthly fee to have their voices heard and issues addressed openly.

1/12/2008 7:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is an interesting AP story. It suggests that the root of the St. Louis problem is a long-simmering dispute within the Fire Department. It mentions two unions, divided by race; and a long history of tension.

If true, then the dispute between George and Slay only lanced an exisitng boil.

That may turn out to be a good thing.

1/12/2008 7:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The noose was put up by a minority"

Hmmm. I didn't see much here or in the american about that one.

"The Fire department was a country club."

If you call fighting 5-10 fires a day in the exodus of North St. Louis whites in the 60's & 70's a country club, sure. Maybe he was referring to the comraderee and brotherhood that he helped destroy.

"I think the vast majority of the people in this city — both black and white — are interested in moving this city forward," Slay said"

Well he's half right.

1/12/2008 8:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ironic that it's in the Boston Herald. If you want to see some real institutionalized racism, go to Boston.

1/13/2008 12:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That damn Slay's racial bias is being exposed nationwide!

1/13/2008 1:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more I learn about this whole thing (I cannot believe I am saying this) but I have to admit that Slay did the right thing.

I hope this does not start a trend.

1/13/2008 2:15 PM

Blogger Bushido Hacks said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

1/13/2008 4:58 PM

Blogger Bushido Hacks said...

Why are we learning about this from The Boston Herald? Why not someone from the Post-Dispatch?

And what is this about TWO incidents? I heard about the stuffed monkey incident, but not the box of crackers incident. Yeah...a box of crackers is racist. That is real mature. What's next? "Racist signals" in fire safety videos and public events?

"Today in our fire safety video. Fire Captain Bob will be showing you how deep frying a chicken can be a fire hazard!"
"That chicken is hanging by where its neck used to be! That's Racist!"

"Next in our fire saftey video, Fire Captain Steve demonstrates how a menthol ciggarette and a poorly placed ashtray can be a recipie for disaster!"
"That's not an ashtray! That is a watermellon rhind! Yep! I can tell! You can see where the seeds are! That's Racist!"

"Today on the news at 5, The fire department used their fire hose to cool down 100 inner city black children along with 100 inner city white children at a Boy Scout Day Camp when it was 110 degrees outside."
"Everyone had fun...but still That's Racist!"

1/13/2008 5:08 PM

Blogger kjoe said...

I want to know more about Baby Webber----never heard him mentioned before.

1/13/2008 7:29 PM

Blogger kjoe said...

by the way---Rainford is quoted as saying only 7000 of the 43000 signatures have been collected to recall Slay.

I begged and begged for that information. Not because I oppose recalling Slay---but because I think good people making an honest effort need to be told the truth about how unlikely the effort is.

So, is there information that the 7000 signature total is wrong?

1/13/2008 7:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sad part is since St Louis City Firefighters get a better pension than St Louis County Firefighters Mayor Slay wants a 1/2 cent retail tax raise and we just had one April 1st the state made so I say its not race but Money and really sick that we make national Papers for such crap the FBI needs to check immigration fraud if they need some money for this city not raise taxes and put bandaids on the pain this city suffers from city hall....

1/14/2008 11:46 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

1/16/2008 8:53 AM


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