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VIDEO: McCaskill on Toy Recalls

By Antonio D. French

Filed Monday, October 08, 2007 at 9:51 AM

Senator Claire McCaskill at an October 5 committee hearing on recent toy recalls.

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Blogger Digitizdat said...

A rational argument... unpretentious... empathetic personal story was short and easy to relate to. Expanding a government bureaucracy for the purpose of assuring the safety and suitability of market products is certainly something I can back. Like the USDA or the FDA, the Consumer Products Safety Commission serves an important function.

However, couldn't the purpose of negotiating recalls be to provide flexibility in order to prevent abusing the recall apparatus? For instance, sentient minds should be able to provide honest, just arbitration in a situation like what we just had with Mattel, where a company attempts to deflect blame for recalls by recalling items known to be benign, simply because they were manufactured by a specific entity, in this case the Chinese manufacturing sector.

Yes, if an item should be recalled, it should be recalled, period. However, there may be times when a recall is ordered that is not actually necessary, and could damage economic or political relationships with interested parties.

10/08/2007 11:48 AM

Blogger Matthew said...

not just any toy trains - thomas. and turtles and transformers. a whole lot of TTTTTToys (and aliteration)

10/08/2007 3:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on French stop trying to act like you are some sort of political blog. Face it you are a school board junkie and that is how you got on the map. Try posting your job history on your blog. the only way you get postings is if it has to do with the school board.

10/08/2007 10:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anony 10/08/2007 10:54 PM- just because Kjoe tries to twist every post to a school board slant does not mean the they are intended that way.

My son's "James the red train" has been at the "Hossipal"(sic) for over 10 weeks. Try to explain that away.

I received an e-mail from RC2 corp that some of the freebies that they sent to placate the parents over the recalled toys were now subject to recall. I am of the opinion that if there is a question about a toy's safety to a child. The faster the information gets out the better. I do not care if some Chinese BILLIONAIRE communist (?????) gets upset.

10/09/2007 7:20 PM


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