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VIDEO: Corbett on Slay Recall

By Gabe Bullard

Filed Monday, October 29, 2007 at 3:05 PM

The President of the 24th Ward Democrats sat down with PubDef.net this afternoon to discuss the ongoing effort to recall Mayor Francis Slay and why his organization opposes it.

John Corbett, president of the 24th Ward Regular Democratic Organization, was active in the recall of his own alderman, Tom Bauer, just two years ago. Corbett is a retired University City firefighter and has spent time lobbying on behalf of firefighters in state government. He says he sometimes worked with, and sometimes against, former Fire Chief Sherman George back when George was an active member of the black firefighters' organization, F.I.R.E.

"Sherman has his own agenda, just like I did when I was president of the firefighters' union," says Corbett. "I don't think Sherman ever changed from working for F.I.R.E."

Earlier Stories:

24th Ward to Defend Slay

VIDEO: Hundreds Rally to Recall Slay

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an interesting interview! First, the man demonstrates why STL is an organization town. If you're part of the recall effort, what organizations do you have on your side? How do they compare with the organizations opposing the recall?

Second, as a UCity fireman, it begs the question, how much do UCity fire fighters make compared to St. Louis firefighters? In recent years, the news has reported that some of these county fire districts pay their firefighters close to $100,000 per year. I wonder how many blacks have those jobs?

Next, his comment about how the parochial schools are the training ground for city firefighters is an interesting one. Is it true that most firefighters are parochial school taught? Was he?

Then his comment about the 85% white makeup of the 24th ward is interesting. He says people move the 24th ward to die there. They never move.

Finally, what was it that he was doing working in opposition to Sherman George when Chief George was lobbying on behalf of FIRE?

What business would it be of a UCity/St. Louis county fire fighters union president to be concerned about firefighters, in the City, especially the black ones?

Good interview.

10/29/2007 3:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, interesting. I am curious to learn more about Mr. Corbett and Mr. George.

10/29/2007 3:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sherman George had an agenda with FIRE, wow there's a news flash. Sherman is gone and the city is better off.

10/29/2007 3:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city will be better off when that damn Slay is recalled by his bosses,the citizens of St. Louis!

10/29/2007 6:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy said that blacks don't know how to prepare for a test. We don't have the capacity to pick up a book and read.Why do you think terrorist have nothing but hate for "Colonial America"? There is a such thing as Devil Christian's or Quakers. What is the first thing he should have done while employed as a U City fire fighter? Requested a referral for an orthodontist to repair his decaying teeth. Martin Luther King said, "I have a Dream" while negros were having nightmares.Listen up protestants. Don't bring no sh-- won't be no --it. Be careful what you ask for anglo-firemen.Maybe we need to test your skills Mr. Charlie. The kettle is boiling!! The world needs to be purified of hate. I'm already a "dead man walking". This white man can't engage in intelligent dialogue with a run-a-way slave like me. The Iraqi said , "Black man, you're not my enemy..your government is". I've met some good white folks during the days of "glaciers meltdowns".However, I believe the plan is to institutionally eliminate black men altogether. That's Right! Most white folks have forgotten about the Middle Passage......but "I aint gonna evir fir git"....Salaam!! Nat Turner speaks again!

10/29/2007 7:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

After such a racist diatribe, why would Nat Turner sign off with "salaam," meaning "peace."

Perhaps someone needs to say to Nat Turner, Allah yhekemik! Nat, you guess if that's a blessing or a curse.


10/29/2007 9:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 7:23

This is a typical reply from an angry black man who can't create a meaningful dialog towards an honest man in a frank interview.
His cruelty is apparent and it's OK! because it must be difficult to hear the truth from a white man who has absolutley nothing to gain or lose from an interview.
This guy is the real thing, he brings up the truth as he and ward 24 sees it. It may not be right on but it's as they perceive it. It's truly honest.
He's been there and done that, more than many can say. Let's learn from his experience and insight even if we don't agree with his views.
Truly peace out!

10/29/2007 9:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Pub Def, is that green background there just in case you want to fill it in with some crackling flames?

10/29/2007 10:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Real Truth is that John Corbett fought like hell against F.I.R.E. and he felt dying loyalty to Local 73. I am feel anger that John Corbett would go on camera and make generalizations about blacks the way he did. Some blacks have scored well on a standardized test in past history and currently score well.

Parochial and private schools do not always produce the best and brightest in the United States, regardless of skin color. However, due to the money, power, and influence of children's parents that do attend parochial and private schools/colleges, some of these children obtain great positions in corporations and government for the rest of their life without necessarily being qualified.

For example, the current President of the United States attended some great private schools, but look at our country. We may be in the worst shape ever, but the majority of voters re-elected this guy.

I glad to know how the 24th Ward Organization feels about black people as represented by their President John Corbett. Remember the 24th Ward Organization either appointed this guy or elected him, either way I know to stay the hell away from organizations whose President still generalizes that in some ways black people are inferior mentally.

You owe all firefighters an apology to generalize in that way and try to plant seeds of division. You know better, now do better!

10/29/2007 10:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, see, he lives in the 24th ward, it's not a perfect area, but it's pretty darn good. People move there to die there. And it's about 85% white people. He's not apologizing to anybody. In fact, he embodies the status quo. He's probably laughing at these posts right now, along with his friends in the 24th ward.

10/30/2007 8:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

First Anon: "Second, as a UCity fireman, it begs the question, how much do UCity fire fighters make compared to St. Louis firefighters? In recent years, the news has reported that some of these county fire districts pay their firefighters close to $100,000 per year."

The highly paid firefighters that were written about a few years back were working for suburban fire districts, not municipal departments like U. City's. The idea is that no one except someone married to a district firefighter, or in the union's pocket, would care enough to bother running for one of those elected board positions. Municipal departments work for the city council, so there is a lot more fiscal oversight.

10/30/2007 9:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Slay is not going to be recalled, and he is way too wealthy to care anyway. St. Louis is not going to have better race relations, certain black and white leaders profit too much financially as a direct result of blacks and whites hating each other. The St. Louis Rams are not going to the SuperBowl, and Georgia Frontiere is not going to spend any money in a way that makes any sense to change the future prospects for the Rams. The St. Louis Cardinals are not going to lower their prices for hot dogs or beer at Busch Stadium, and they don't give a hoot about the fans going broke to attend a baseball game. Ballpark Village is not going to be completed by the end of next summer, and who will be able to afford the properties anyway. Paul McKee is not going to slow down buying Black Democratic Republicans for less than $50,000.00, and the black people represented by these politicians for sale will forgive and re-elect them. Rex Singuefield will help purchase these Black Democratic Republicans as a back up, and you thought people could not serve two masters. Last of all, Santa Clause is not coming to town in the City of St. Louis this year because most of these Black Democractic Republican elected officials have been TOO DAMN NAUGHTY, AND ALTHOUGH SANTA CLAUSE MAY SAY HO, HO, HO, WELL!!!!!!!!


10/30/2007 11:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is No Saint in St.Louis but Unite for the Fight and remember why the 24th is the 24th...Work together to build a better St.Louis

Vote to Unite and Look forward to better days and Justice..Donate your time towards petitioning recall for the Holidays...Now that's the Miracle on Tucker Street kinda day. and a Holiday that will make History..

10/30/2007 12:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comments like Anon 11:09 really piss me off. Taking a defeatist attitude is no way to create change. As a matter of fact, it only helps the people you are opposing.

10/31/2007 1:47 PM


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