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SAB Meeting Thursday

By Gabe Bullard

Filed Wednesday, October 03, 2007 at 11:24 AM

The Special Administrative Board of St. Louis Public Schools will meet tomorrow (Thursday) at 6:00 PM in the Administration Building, 801 North 11th Street. This is a public meeting. Here's the agenda:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Student Recognition
5. Public Comments
6. Approval of Minutes
7. Superintendent’s Report
8. Board Member Updates
9. Adjournment
After the public meeting, the SAB will hold a closed executive meeting. The agenda for this meeting includes legal, real estate and personnel matters. Here's that agenda:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Motion to go into Closed Session
4. Legal Matters
5. Real Estate Matters
6. Personnel Matters
7. Adjournment


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Blogger kjoe said...

two interesting things (to me)in Giegerich's story today:

"State board President Peter Herschend rejected the suggestion that the state board's actions were politically motivated.

"That belittles the State Board of Education, and it is incorrect," he testified at a hearing in Cole County Circuit Court.

The elected School Board is challenging the state intervention that put an appointed board in charge of the city schools in June. Supporters of the elected board who were in the courtroom Tuesday openly derided Herschend's remarks, drawing a rebuke from Cole County Circuit Court Judge Richard Callahan."

You can google Herschend"s name and find dozens, if not hundreds of gifts to republicans, ranging from 300 dollars to 25,000 dollars. He bundles them together under his own name, and his family members, and employees from Branson. But I doubt anything he ever does from his position on the state board could be politically motivated. Right.

Giegerich saved the big shocker for the end:

Because of a heavy caseload, Callahan asked that attorneys for both sides return Dec. 7 for closing arguments.

Justice delayed--justice denied.

What a smarmy, low-life jerk. His resentment of the elected board is so obvious---this will delay the timetable for getting their case appealed to a real court.

By the way----I still have not seen a date upon which Sullivan was reappointed. Hope you can find out---if, that is, he shows up.

10/03/2007 12:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also interesting--no supporters of the takeover in court. How much can it really matter to them if they can't be bothered? No SAB members there either day. Veronica was all over this before, where is she now? Not only the 5 elected board members named, but many others who support them were there. It's obvious which side has the support in this city.

10/03/2007 1:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elected board has very little support. They look like fools. where was Percy? They say that Bourisaw really looked bad on the stand. Veronica O'Brien in the court room, why? She only wanted to get things in place so she has moved on. Knowing that skinny little_______ she had spies all over the place. People keep saying she is working on another project.
Asking her to show up is like asking Ron Jackson to show up. They made it clear what side they were on.

10/03/2007 5:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The state needs to find three people that can replace the three that are on the SAB. So far Sullivan and is board have been worthless. Think the judge knows that Sullivan is doing nothing but walking around talking about what a good business man he is. Roberti was better than him.

10/03/2007 5:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The SAB has refused to honor the policy statement that mandated raises for teachers and paraprofessionals. To this day, the teachers, clerical, and many other categories of district workers who are educating our children, have not been compensated. The administrators got their raises in September, but suddenly there is no money for everybody else?

Is this what it is like to work for McBride and Son?

How can anyone, honestly support the takeover and the SAB knowing that they don't even honor legal binding agreements?

And you think they can better educate our students!


10/04/2007 7:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Part of the district problem is the union. Mary, Ray and rest are doing nothing for the people they represent. They turned on the elected board. They union needs to get out of the way.

10/04/2007 8:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The union and Percy Green. He is being paid by Dick Goldberg to support Bourisaw. This just shows that Percy is a phony.

10/04/2007 10:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget people like Bill Purdy and Peter Downs along with the help of a black man they are using our children for their gain.

10/04/2007 10:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You people crazy. The elected board gets nothing but grief out of this job. They don't get paid, they have to put up with nuts making personal attacks on them, and they don't have rich political backing so they pay money out of their own pockets for their campaigns and for the lawsuit. They aren't getting political paybacks from anyone. There is no possible reason they would do this except to help our kids. It would be a lot easier for them to walk away.

10/04/2007 11:49 AM

Blogger kjoe said...


I think you are right.

10/04/2007 2:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feel sorry for Donna Jones, Bill Purdy and Peter Downs, what good are they. They let the SAB and the superintendent walk all over them. None of them of them are concerned about the district, just being in power and on TV.
That Sullivan guy, he is not much better.

10/04/2007 5:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The elected board is looking real bad. Dr. Bourisaw is really making them look bad. They all need to go.

10/04/2007 6:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


A previous Anon mentioned that it appears the SAB and Bourisaw are not going to honor the agreement that avoided a strike 3 years ago. The teachers and other employees have since faced more working days with longer hours every year. Health insurance costs have increased and benefits decreased once already since the agreement and the good bet is they will again come Jan. 1st when health benefits are to be renegotiated.

Mary Armstrong and the other leaders of the union should be frantically spreading the word that teachers WILL NOT SHOW UP ON MONDAY if the negotiated raise is not on tomorrow's check.

The union has bent over so many times under Armstrong it doesn't even know how to stand up anymore. If they allow this to happen tomorrow I think I have finally reached the point of saying GOODBYE LOCAL 420! YOU ARE WORTHLESS!

Keep me anonymous because the union can't protect me.

10/04/2007 8:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is an anon. on here who is posting over and over in order to try to bash the elected board...at least change your style of writing because you are obviously the same person over and over.

(By the way, the Elected Board's supporters are busting their asses IN THE SCHOOLS...that's why they are not in Jefferson City)

10/04/2007 10:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

T he eleceted board needs to go along with the union leaders. Armstrong is no good. Byron sends his children to another district and they are doing nothing for people like me that pay dues.

10/04/2007 11:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with the union is its membership! Two people cannot make or break Local 420. What do you think Mary or Byron or Ray can do when the majority of union members don't show up to meetings, and are not willing to not show up on Monday?

It's easy to blame the leadership, but if you don't have the numbers to support a job action, WTF do you expect the leadership to do? Make empty threats?


10/05/2007 8:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Si.nce the union leaders have asked that Sullivan be approved, this hurts us. Bray must know that we don't want Sullivan approved

10/05/2007 9:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon. at 8:11 a.m....

I have been trying to avoid this but cannot any longer.

At every Local 420 meeting Mary Armstrong and her supporters point out the lack of attendance at meetings and events. This is not because the membership doesn't care, this is because the membership believes (knows) that their IS NO LEADERSHIP TO SUPPORT THEM! Every time Mary (and you) bitch about the members not standing up, you further destroy their will to do so.

I say a NO CONFIDENCE VOTE should be taken in your ability to INSPIRE! No one trusts you to be strong because you have proven over and over that you WILL NOT BE! We should have taken DIRECT, STRONG action many times in the past. We put HUGE effort into getting our candidates elected and then the "leadership" decided to leave them hanging.

Our own babies decided to take a stand at City Hall and the union "leadership" ABANDONED them!

I watched Mary Armstrong and the other "leaders" of Local 420 literally SIT ON THEIR HANDS rather than stand up and support those kids in City Hall and at Jefferson City. Instead we let it get out of hand and let kids get maced! I was embarrased!

Now when we should be catching the flu, the union "leadership" is silent. To me, silent leadership is the same as NO leadership.

Now it appears (who knows if it is true because you don't hear a f***ing word from the union) our own "leaders" have thrown away our policy statement by bending over and taking it from the SAB. Raise? What raise? Is there some secret number that we aren't important enough to know about?

You ask "What can Mary or Byron or Ray do when the majority of the membership won't show up to meetings?"...GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO SHOW UP FOR, DUMBASS!

Bashing the membership certainly won't inspire them to come to meetings where they hear the same half-truths. Have a lame-ass rally (actually meant to increase membership) and then take NO ACTION? What the hell are you thinking? Quit worrying so much about the national AFT when your OWN HOUSE IS BURNING!

You ask "If you don't have the numbers to support a job action, wtf are you going to do?" You are gonna concentrate on your own membership and SCREW THE REST. Put ALL of your efforts into INSPIRING the members! We had good turnout with just the efforts of a few dedicated people. Then the "leadership" cut the balls off of even those few people.

No...you are wrong...the problem is NOT the membership, the problem is that the membership have no reason to believe they will be supported. (like I said...no leadership)

If we are going to go down anyway...I would rather go down kicking and screaming than to lay down and let them kick ME.

And as mad as people are we DON'T NEED a majority of members to take action! This district is operating on a SHOESTRING and is ready to SELF IMPLODE! It would not take many members to take action and finally FORCE people to actually DO WHAT IS NECESSARY for those who need it most...the ones WE teach.

10/06/2007 12:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all due and some undue respect, my name is not dumbass and I am not going to dignify your name calling by responding in kind.

A dues paying member, who is not confident with leaership, needs to get up, stand up, and elect somebody else.

There is similar stupidity in citizens who blame politicians but don't vote.

I have asked co workers everytime an issue comes up if they are willing to walk and the answer is: give me my chicken and my biscuit and I'm coming to work.

This is personal irresponsibility.

I can tell you that I don't care who the union leadership is, as a dues paying member, I clear my schedule and show up in stead of murmuring in the backround.

When it comes to working without the raise and further cuts in health care, I got anal glaucoma. I just can't see my ass doing it!

10/06/2007 12:33 PM

Blogger Glorybea said...

I miss seeing jim h. at the Union meetings. I and other teachers are fed up with our union leaders. Can't get a straight answer out of them - why did they feel it necessary to even go into a negotiation with the District about teacher raises???? This is unacceptable - our teacher assistants are just getting 3% raises???? This is the product of four years of "negotiations"??? This doesn't come close to what they've paid into the Union and TA's are still not making much over $20,000 when they've topped out. Many of us do not have the confidence that the Union leaders are going to do their best in negotiating for the next contract - Are they going to ask Slay, Sullivan, and Bourisaw what they want to give us? Many of us want an honest open discussion with jim there and some of the other Union regulars who have worked so hard but have been disenfranchised or "shut out" for speaking up. We need to clear the air and - perhaps have an election - many of us do not have confidence in our present leaders. Let's open this up and talk and discuss - I just don't know if Mary can just talk without yelling at anyone who questions what's going on - hey I'm rambling - jim and others please come back to the meetings and stand with the rest of us

10/06/2007 10:46 PM


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