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Chief George "A Personnel Matter"

By Gabe Bullard

Filed Tuesday, September 25, 2007 at 11:08 AM

PubDef today contacted Mayor Slay's office to find out when a decision regarding Fire Chief Sherman George would be handed down.

Public Information Officer Ed Rhode told us it was "A personnel matter" and was not open to discussion.

This, despite several posts on the Mayor's blog about Chief George and promotions.

Some of Mayor Slay's blog posts about the issue: Promotions, Now an Order, Riding Out of Title, Chief George Will Begin Process


Link to this story


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How hypocritical of "King" Slay and his henchmen to publicly air a personnel matter in the past regarding Chief George and to all of a sudden have no comment and referencing the Chief George situation as a personnel matter! I hope Chief George sues that damn Slay and his "boy" Bryson for divulging his personnel matter!

9/25/2007 1:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey moron, since george went to the civil service board it IS now a personnel matter that should not be commented on. Infact until a decision is made Mr. Rhode cannot comment. So how about the first poster kiss my black ass and do a little research before he or she posts next time.

9/25/2007 1:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're the moron. This was ALWAYS a personnel matter!

Only now that Slay's re-election hopes are looking dimmer since black leaders are telling him not to expect a single black vote is it all of a sudden "inappropriate" to discuss it.


9/25/2007 2:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The second poster isn't black!An employer is not to discuss an employee's personnel matters with anyone without the employee's consent unless the employer wants to be subject to a civil suit!Slay has commited political suicide with his violation of the city charter by trying to interfere with Chief George's decision when to promote!I bet the 2nd poster is an ignorant and inefective "leader" of Local 73 that can't force Chief George to promote,even though you have enlisted the aid of Slay and his cronies and the biased media (Mike Owens)! HaHa!

9/25/2007 4:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you can ask the american or sly brown, the both seem to be on shermans speed dial.

9/25/2007 10:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, a personnel matter which involves 30+ men and women plus the entire department and the safety of not just the city limits but the entire metro area, and around the country for that matter (since the FD has specialized rescue companies which may be deployed anywhere in the country in the event of a disaster. If there was an incident invloving one person, I agree it should be confidential, but when safety of others is involved it is a safety matter. Promote!!!!

Whats wrong with Mike Owens? Just because he tries to get to the bottom of stories that would normally go unfounded. This is George's attempt to get back at the white man. I do remember quite fondly when George was interviewd by Owens about the air tanks the city firefighters wear, and George states, "I don't get involved with the specifications of equipment. I'm not out there. I let the men do that." Are you "F'N" kidding me?!?!? You are the chief of a once highly recognized fire department and you will not even involve yourself in the specification and purchase process of apparatus which can protect me, my crew and fellow firefighters and you whole heartly state that your not out there.... So, sir, what do you do on taxpayer time in your office?? Because you surely don't get involved in my safety or assure that I have proper supervision or there is a chain of command. Thanks.

It would be quite funny though that if the promotional list was killed and the african american who is #1 on the promotional list wouldnt make the cut on the next test. Better yet, more whites pass the next exam.

9/26/2007 10:52 AM


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