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Tax Credit Passes House

By Gabe Bullard

Filed Thursday, August 23, 2007 at 12:58 PM


After a move by State Representative Jamilah Nasheed to force a vote on the Land Assemblage Tax Credit separately from the larger economic development package, the credit still passed by a large margin of 106 to 45, with six members absent.

Voting in favor of the tax credit were Representatives T.D. El-Amin, Rodney Hubbard*, Connie Johnson and Tom Villa.

Voting against were Representatives Mike Daus, Jamilah Nasheed, Jeanette Mott Oxford and Robyn Wright-Jones.

Speaking on the floor in favor of the bill, Representative Hubbard said, "With the addition of local control, any concerns that people have with any proposed development can now be addressed at the local level."

Hubbard also read from an editorial in today's St. Louis American which said, "What is certain is that North City needs major development, and economic development in distressed areas in particular is driven by tax credits. It is also certain that a move from blight of its current scale (and not only on properties owned by McKee) to a project worth major investment is almost certain to involve compromises by North City residents and officials who represent them..."

*Hubbard is a client of A D French & Assoc.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The American neglected to mention exactly what compromises North Side residents will have to make (Life, liberty, property).


8/23/2007 1:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city is on the move when people are motivated to "steal" north St. Louis.

When Clinton went to Harlem people complained. Move in on their prime real estate.

Maybe the anti progress people should use their energy to to bargin with the developer demanding housing and a business community that serves north St. Louis.

Everytime I turn around this city is trying to stop something. When will we elect people to "start something"?

Veronica O'Brien

8/23/2007 1:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully the the E&A Board can have some sort of plan that that will encourage Small developers and urban redevelopers to gain a tax credit at the local level. Something that would help smaller business compete. If there is a will there is a way. Its time to start problem solving and stop complaining. I for one am tired of my streets looking back with distressed properties all around. The bill has passed we must move forward and get somthings put into place that demands accountability on the local level now.

8/23/2007 1:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Representative Rodney Hubbard clearly shows that he understands politics at its best. He rode on the bus with the protesters and spoke at the press conference, heard what the oppositions concerns were and passed an amendment to this controversial bill with full support. People never knew that he was supporting the bill throughout the whole process, and he was among the opposition but not of the opposition. That's politics at the highest level, and he will be handsomely rewarded by Paul Mc Kee and every developer that participates in the monetary gains from the passage of this bill.

Representative Hubbard got the job done, and this is why the Republicans and Democrats supporters reward him with the BIG BUCKS. He makes the Aldermen and State Representatives that attended the press conference and rode the tour bus to oppose this bill look like some damn fools.

Maybe these same politicians that were in staunch opposition to this bill should humble themselves and allow Representative Hubbard to teach them the proper way to operate in politics. For example, Representative T.D. El-Amin has humbled himself and does whatever Representative Hubbard tells him to do, and that is nothing to be ashamed of when you don't know what to do on your own.

Hell, maybe these same politicians should get ready to call him Senator Rodney Hubbard, because he understands how politics is played to win. He may have some flaws to work out (we all do), but he shows clearly that he is smarter and more strategically gifted than the Northside Aldermen and State Representatives that were involved in protesting this bill and called an emergency meeting that he also attended.

Senator Rodney Hubbard is either that great or the Aldermen and State Representatives involved in the protest against this bill are that bad. I believe that both may be true!

Yet another victory for Senator Rodney Hubbard, and he was smart enough to quote the St. Louis American on his way to victory. This can only help Senator Hubbard in gaining more press coverage from the St. Louis American.

Congratulations Senator Hubbard, you are the top black legislator in the State of Missouri!
BAR NONE!!!!!!!!!!!

8/23/2007 1:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Maybe the anti progress people should use their energy to to bargin with the developer demanding housing and a business community that serves north St. Louis."

as soon as the developer is ready to bargain, we will be there.

If you have paid any real attention to the issue, you know that the problem is that the developer won't talk with us.

This battle would have never flared up had there been dialog.

Respect is a two way street.

8/23/2007 1:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think Rodney Hubbard is smart enough to be deceptive. We all know what he is about. If opponents of the bill had given him $20K and a pat on the back he would have led the opposition.

8/23/2007 3:13 PM

Blogger maire said...

Anyway to get a break-down of who voted?

8/23/2007 3:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone explain why a Rep would vote for the Nasheed amendment to remove LATC language for the bill but then vote for leaving it in during the division of the question? TD El-Amin, Rodney Hubbard, Connie Johnson and Tom Villa all did this. It doesn't make sense.

8/23/2007 3:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hubbard may be the top black senator, but he aint the best. And Veronica, how do you define "progress"?

8/23/2007 3:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry 'bout that. Hubbard is not a senator (thank god). If you want the best senatorial representation, then vote for Robyn Wright-Jones in 2008. Tom Villa is disgusting.


8/23/2007 3:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hubbard said: "With the addition of local control, any concerns that people have with any proposed development can now be addressed at the local level."

What this meant: "With the meaningless measure I passed, maybe an alderman will endorse my bid for senate. I hope voters are dumb enough to believe that my amendment did something to the bill."

8/23/2007 3:59 PM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

Without urban zoning codes and design guidelines what we will see is aldermen being bought by developers. This already occurs today. Having local control doesn't make any difference because local control presupposes the people are informed about the issue and politically active enough to demand urban design. We will see homes made of vinyl, with fences on the front yard, huge setbacks, and garages facing the street. Welcome to the new St. Louis City.

8/23/2007 5:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rep. El-Amin is a brother of Rep. Hubbard there relationship span back over 15yrs. Stop Hating because both of them are young energetic leaders that are on the move! There hopefuly exists a spirit or movement where more young legislators learn how to complement one another. These to Legislators complement each other, I'm happy to know they have each other's back. Politics is a Dirty game! Just another example of how people attempt to divide and conquer.

8/23/2007 6:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

aw yeah!! one step closer to long needed development up north!!

8/23/2007 8:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a very confused group of democrats leading the way for St. Louis. there are others ways to stop
the Urban sprawl created by local elected officials.
How would you like to be going into the Mayor's reach strongly supporting The McKee development style?

8/24/2007 6:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many of the attacks have been conveniently levied against Rep. Hubbard and other African-American supporters of this bill. All the while no one attacks or criticizes the Mayor for his involvement or support, or Tom Villa. I'm beginning to believe that some of these so-called Black "leaders", like Rep. Niecy Williams (Nesheed), and Ald. Troupe, Davis, Griffin etc., are really terrrified of those in the white power structure. Whose really on the plantation?

8/24/2007 6:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "White Power" structure you mention, if there is one at all, is being supported and strengthened by Hubbard and El-Amin. Why would that be? There is none. It is a "Money Power" struggle, and Nasheed, Griffin, etc, are the only ones with the guts to fight it.

I agree, the whining baby fascist twerp known as Slay IS a big part of this. Same for villainous wannabe Villa, even though I can't help but laugh when he sends out his "Directory" handbooks, since he looks like a clueless toad.


8/24/2007 1:08 PM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

It is easy to criticize individuals who profess the ideals of black empowerment while suckling the teat of the white suburban pro-gentrification lobby,

8/24/2007 11:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

the tax credit plan is much like Iraq reconstruction. Wrong way to go, but makes good money for elected North side officials. I am sure this will not amount to a hill of beans when one looks at the real root problems created by the board of alderman over the course of 34 years. Read the Team-Four plan, The trick to changing the war plan is to reread the document that created this outcome. A complete new process on North St. Louis is needed. Also, look to the new 20th ward in south St. Louis, a new Northside is emerging.

8/25/2007 8:10 AM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

Comparing North St. Louis to Iraq is both disrespectful to those who live in North St. Louis and the soldiers dying overseas.

There is no comparison.

8/25/2007 12:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree Doug, the tactics on redevelopment are the same at every level. the damage is the same, the crime is the same, the murder rate and the lead epidemic all laid out by team four. A military approach to land-reform. It is people like you that are the most dangerous for us that live and work here. This is my end of town, next year 10% of the people that live here today will move on because of the land-banked buildings the city owns, paving the way for new people to occupy our land. We will be code violated for speaking out and bear the fierce reprisals from bribed alderman and their militia, the infamous building division. We are at war here, you know little of our plight.

8/27/2007 7:26 AM


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