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Sheet Metal Workers Endorse Harris

By Antonio D. French

Filed Tuesday, August 28, 2007 at 11:50 AM

Attorney General candidate Jeff Harris today picked up the support of the Sheet Metal Workers Local 36.

From the press release:
David Zimmerman, President and Business Manager for Local 36, said today that, “Jeff Harris is our choice for Attorney General because he has always been there on the issues important to the working people of this state. Jeff has stood up and fought for what’s important and we have no doubt he’ll do the same as our next Attorney General. Working families should rally around Harris. We are proud to endorse him."

"It has been my privilege to stand with organized labor on behalf of the working men and women of this state,” Harris said. “Today, I am proud to have the members of Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 36 standing with me and supporting my candidacy for Attorney General.”

As Attorney General, Harris has vowed to aggressively enforce minimum wage and prevailing wage laws to ensure that hard-working Missourians are fairly compensated for the work they do.

Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 36 has over 3,000 members in eastern Missouri, including the greater St. Louis metropolitan area, Columbia, Jefferson City, and Springfield.

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Blogger St. Louis Oracle said...

It is mind boggling to me why so many politicians, unions and interest groups are endorsing candidates some 7 months before it is known who all of the choices will be. Perhaps it means the candidate promised them something special, and that's bad news for everybody else.

8/28/2007 2:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have reached the tipping point. It is now official, that once elected, you are a full time candidate. The chores of fulfilling the mandate of the people, or of sidestepping campaign promises are fully on the shoulders of those that have probably carried most of that weight all these years. Once you adjust to it, it is really much clearer to know the candidates motives, and to see that he or she is acting in the truest fashion towards those motives... a lifetime ambition to reach the 'room of one hundred'.

8/28/2007 6:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Endorsements are of little value but this is a decent endorsement for Jeff.

This should be a primary to watch especially if that flip flopper actually gets in the race.

I would say Jeff is the favorite at this point based on the unscientific internet poll but I can see Margaret being helped quite a bit by being the only women in the race against two men, again assuming that the Flip Flopper runs.

Just hope the guy who supported all of Matt Blunt's agenda finishes third.

8/29/2007 9:31 AM

Blogger St. Louis Oracle said...

The Sheet Metal Workers are an exception. I think I recall that several unions endorsed Flip Flopper.

8/29/2007 9:49 PM


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