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VIDEO: What Was Bosley Thinking?

By Antonio D. French

Filed Saturday, July 14, 2007 at 9:46 PM

With the Black Caucus and its allies clearly with the votes to hire the Board attorney of their choice, and the opposition, led by Alderman Steve Conway, forced into desperation, shouting and disorder, Alderman and Caucus member Freeman Bosley, Sr. abruptly calls for adjournment.

The looks of his stunned colleagues could only be described as... "WTF?"

The second and decisive round of this important battle will be Wednesday. Stay tuned.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone put masking tape over his mouth so he can't speak at the next meeting. Actually, masking tape is not strong enough. Find duct tape for the mouth and wire to insert in his ears so he can't be foolishly led by "Floregali".

7/14/2007 10:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boz did Reed a favor. The prez was dazed & confused up there. Xmas list for lewis reed:
#1. a copy of Robert's Rules of Order !

7/15/2007 12:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was Little Stevie Conway who looked like he got his pecker caught in the wringer. THAT COMB OVER OF HIS WAS FLAPPING ALL OVER THE PLACE! Priceless.

7/15/2007 12:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole thing was a bit embarrassing for all involved --- Reed, Davis, Conway and Bosley. If the Black Caucus had the votes to hire a board attorney why didn't they have the vote to keep from adjorning the meeting and enough votes to close the meeting?

7/15/2007 7:49 AM

Blogger Antonio D. French said...

Adjournment is a non-debatable motion. An immediate vote must take place and Bosley, of course, voted for his own motion.

The motion to close the meeting never came to a vote. There was a motion by Alderman Troupe to call the question, but that was voted down decisively because several aldermen wanted to first have a chance to respond publicly to some of Conway's outrageous public remarks and possibly reveal some of his even more outrageous private remarks.

7/15/2007 8:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be naive. Bosley knew what he was doing. If the black aldermen do actually have a chance of getting something significant done count on Bosley to be bought off. Keep your eye on Bosley, Boyd, and King. They only care about themselves.

7/15/2007 10:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So is Conway retiring and not running for 2011?

7/15/2007 11:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did Lewis let this get out of his control? If he had the votes this should have been the firt item of business. Just knock it out, similar to the Shrewsbury v. Gregali incident.

7/15/2007 11:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, Bosley is the biggest sell out this city has ever seen.
Boyd is a close second. They both are terrible people and should be
treated as such.
Lewis just has stay focused.
The war is not over!!!!!!!!!!

7/17/2007 2:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Davis needs some breath mints from all the s--t talkin!

7/17/2007 11:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boyd is the biggest sell out. Since winning his last election, he's forgotten about who helped him. His head and chest are so big he can't get through the door. 2011 will be here before he knows it. He better not get comfortable. The voters won't forget come election time.

7/18/2007 8:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I think Boyd is doing a great job. He's progressive, knows what it takes to bring development into our ward, and is committed to seeing the community prosper. His 5 years in office has made more of an impact in our ward than 20 years of the previous 2 clowns.

7/18/2007 9:09 AM


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