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Blunt Hires Slay's Other PR Man

By Antonio D. French

Filed Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 9:29 AM

From Deb Peterson's column today...

Our town's Gentry Trotter has worn many hats in his day, but this may be the first time he's worked for a Republican Missouri governor. Trotter, known mostly for his pr mavenry, has been named special assistant to Ed Martin, Gov. Matt Blunt's chief of staff, and communications advisor to the Governor's office.

Trotter is expected to provide statewide counsel in the area of media relations and community outreach. He will also advise the administration about utilities, economic development, consumer issues and boards and commissions. Trotter does some similar tasks with Democratic St. Louis Mayor
Francis Slay.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy is a JOKE ! He can't even spell !!!

Another great comment on the moron Gov. Good luck with this idiot !

7/11/2007 10:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not very qualified to make comments about----I don't even know how to say what I'm talking about.

I just remember a long time ago, making some sort of connection between Gentry Trotter and Stepin Fetchit. Maybe that is unfair to both men---just a gut feeling.


7/11/2007 10:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angela McCormack-Franks, and now Gentry Trotter shows that Governor Blunt is serious about trying to make some headway into the black community before his attempt at being re-elected.

Gentry Trotter is not an idiot, and anyone that knows Gentry Trotter knows that he works hard.

Whether you like Gentry Trotter or not, he is someone to be reckoned with if he is helping your opponent in an election. They don't call him PR WHIZ for the hell of it!

Governor Blunt is making some good African-American appointments that will tell him the real deal on the black community, but it remains to be seen if the black community will respond to Governor Blunt.

There is a chance that the black community will feel as though it is too little, too late.

However, the State Democratic Party has been missing in action for the black community, although they have a new black Executive Director (Ken Franklin-former assistant to Francis Slay) leading the way. This is the time for that new black Executive Director to start reaching out to community leaders in the black neighborhoods, before Governor Blunt hires everyone black for his re-election campaign.

Where is the State Democratic Party in Missouri hiding? Is the State Democratic Party afraid of Governor Matt Blunt? Is Jay Nixon still running for Governor in 2008? Is the Missouri Democratic Party planning on supporting Atttorney General Jay Nixon for Governor in 2008? Can Governor Matt Blunt shore up a large enough voting block of black support in Missouri to keep Attorney General Jay Nixon from becoming Governor?

Governor Matt Blunt is working hard on getting re-elected, and look for Gentry Trotter to watch for any little move or decision that Attorney General Jay Nixon makes that impacts the black community in a bad way and exploit it to the fullest.

Gentry Trotter has the PR skills to make Attorney General Jay Nixon appear to be the worst enemy that black people have ever had by August 2008!

7/11/2007 10:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gentry seems to be a little intense but over all pretty good with the media. I think it was a good move for the Gov. His numbers seem to be ticking back up. And come on he’s running against “NO WAY” Jay Nixon.

7/11/2007 12:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the black community didnt vote for Talent, what makes you think they will vote fot Blunt this time around? The St. Louis Amreican is going to kill Blunt on issue after issue that affects the black community in which Blunt has gotten been on the wrong side for each one. Outside of the deseg program name something Nixon has done that the black community generally opposes??

The #1 issue is healthcare and Blunt has done the absolute worst job of any govenor in the US on that issue.

7/11/2007 1:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

He will need a Gentry after the mess Sullivan has got Blunt in. Blunt can kiss any vote in the city good buy.

7/11/2007 4:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What will Gentry do for Martin. Is Claude Brown going to be hired also?

7/11/2007 4:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Antonio French please block kojoe. Is he white or just an unemployed black man.

7/11/2007 4:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blunt is going to need a lot more than Gentry. Maybe Blunt needs a city committee of black people. Jay has got a lot of steam.

7/11/2007 5:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I give Gentry Trotter,Blunt and Slay one four,Honey Chile!

7/11/2007 10:10 PM

Blogger Steven Fitzpatrick Smith said...

Trotter and Angel?

Someone needs to do a reality TV show on this. This is going to be very entertaining. Make sure you always have the tape rolling for you will have gold. O my!!

7/12/2007 1:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When jay Nixon was a young lawyer, we used to play basketball in DeSoto on Wednesday nights. As slow and white as we were, (don't even think about a slam-dunk), we had some epic battles, particularly between Jay and this circuit judge. Jay was pretty good---his passes were something you always had to be ready for---he prided himself on sending them in unexpected directions.

I don't think his blase, take people for granted attitude is limited to black voters---I sensed that he kind of insulted my state senator by not getting back to him on some matters---but don't give up on him----be ready for a pass out of nowhere----hoping he does not sail it tn feet over everybody's head.

I want him to be elected governor--but he needs to pay attention to people and not take things for granted.

7/12/2007 6:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Gentry use to be on channel 4 years ago (the 70's)? Did current events stuff, like concerts, plays, etc... Kind of a man about town. I was wondering if it's the same guy. (Makes me wonder how many Gentry Trotters' there are)

7/12/2007 10:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, this is the same Gentry Trotter that was a movie reviewer for channel 4 in the 70s! I give that movie four out of four,honey chile!

7/13/2007 12:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, the stories I could tell about this guy. Phrases like "paranoid whackjob" and "dangerous" and "in deep with very scary people" leap to mind.

8/07/2007 3:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have no idea how evil (and, obviously, stupid) this man is. I had this bad luck to take a job with his tacky, unprofessional "pr agency" in the 1990s. What I witnessed there haunts me to this day. Corruption on a magnitude you can't begin to comprehend, involving some of STL's most respected (for some reason) citizens.

8/28/2011 12:44 AM


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