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By Gabe Bullard

Filed Friday, July 27, 2007 at 11:15 AM

Barack Obama: Thank you very much.

Barack Obama: If I'm not the one to do this let me ask, "Who has the power to bring Mississippi into play?"

Barack Obama: Someday I want to hear, "The state of black America is strong."

Barack Obama: Who will have the capacity? Who can inspire new people into the process of improvement?

Barack Obama: The critical question of this race is twofold. First, who has the leadership capacity? Second, who can inspire and mobilize the country?

Barack Obama: I'm going to spend some time in New Orleans. Two years after the hurricane, all we got was a 'mission accomplished' photo op. We need to make sure the people who need to be a part of the rebuilding process are a part of it.

Barack Obama: The day I'm innaugurated, the country looks at itself differently. Don't underestimate that power.

Barack Obama: 3 things I would do in my first 100 days as President to enhance African-American owned businesses.
1. Call a summit with African-American business owners.
2. Put an individual in charge of overseeing the little agencies that exist now. That person reports to the president.
3. Give financial and technical assistance. Someone may have a good idea, but no tech to back it up. We need to provide training for that.

Barack Obama: I'm confident in my ability to lead this country. But I can't do it all on my own. I'll need the help of everyone here.

Barack Obama: What it takes to operate the Harlem Children's Center for a year is roughly equal to four hours in Iraq.

Barack Obama: This plan won't be cheap.

Barack Obama: I will crack down on predatory lenders.

Barack Obama: If we created a world bank to help the poorest nations, why can't we create an inner city bank?

Barack Obama: We need to bring businesses back to inner cities.

Barack Obama: I will put in one billion dollars into innovative new jobs.

Barack Obama: When I'm president, I'll give money to fathers who help raise their children and crack down on those who don't.

Barack Obama: Why spend money imprisoning kids when we could spend less to help them early. We can find money to save the children of America.

Barack Obama: Can I have an extra five minutes? Since you had me wait 45 minutes. (audience laughs)
Mark Morial: All in favor of five more minutes...
Audience: AYE!

Barack Obama: No more subsidies for middlemen on college loans. Increase Pell Grants.

Barack Obama: We need wireless broadband in every city.

Barack Obama: If we have sprawl, we need better public transportation.

Barack Obama: We need to take steps that are important for all cities, even those that aren't housing the poorest of the poor.

Barack Obama: I want to focus on a comprehensive plan I've put forward to lift up urban America.

Barack Obama: It makes a difference when parents turn off the TV, put away the video games and starts reading to their children.

Barack Obama: Let's never pass a law called "No Child Left Behind" that leaves the money behind.

Barack Obama: We can retire the phrase working poor. If you're working every day, you shouldn't be poor.

Barack Obama taking the stage.

Hillary Clinton: Some of my Katrina Plan...

1. I would put one person in charge of that progress. That person would be in the White House and I would meet with them every day.
2. We've got to get the money directed where it is most needed.
Go to my website and look for the Dillard speech.

Hillary Clinton: I have a ten point plan about how to help Katrina victims. We have to make it clear that what was a natural disaster was turned into a national disgrace. This administration shamed us as a nation.

Hillary Clinton: steps to take in the first 100 days to protect Civil Rights:
Appoint an Attorney General who supports civil rights laws.
While enforcing current laws, let's look for holes to plug.

Hillary Clinton: I'm confident we can do this. James Baldwin said, "Those who say it can't be done are usually interrupted by those who are doing it."

Hillary Clinton: We've got to reverse President Bush's cuts on child support enforcement. We have to combat the impact of the brutal criminal justice system. I want to have a second chance program that focuses on keeping young people out of the criminal justice system and how we will rehabilitate them when they come out.

Hillary Clinton: A recent study showed that when employers were presented with similarly qualified white and black applicants, they were twice as likely to hire the white applicant. They hired white applicants with criminal records as often as they hired black applicants.

Hillary Clinton: I have a program that will create 50,000 jobs that can't be outsourced.

Hillary Clinton: We need comprehensive, community-based programs to help children go from falling through the cracks to filling in the cracks.

Hillary Clinton: According to study at the University of Chicago, universal pre-kindergarten would close by 50% the education gap between white and black children.

Hillary Clinton: I've made a commitment to universal pre-kindergarten.

Hillary Clinton: Let's expand and build on Head Start.

Hillary Clinton: Today I am announcing my Youth Opportunity Agenda. Where we do whatever we can to help every child realize their potential...I'm going to focus like a laser on those early years...Let's not just focus on children, let's focus on the parents and the aunts and uncles and cousins.

Hillary Clinton: When we squander those 1.4 million futures, we squander America's future.

Hillary Clinton: I reject the conversation about 1.4 million men being a threat. I reject the conversation about 1.4 million lost causes. It's time for America to begin a new conversation about 1.4 million workers, taxpayers, entrepeneurs.

Hillary Clinton: I want to focus on just one aspect...the crisis of 1.4 million young men of color between the ages of 16 and 24.

Clinton taking the stage.

John Edwards: When minority entrepeneurs have contracts, they're more likely to move to urban areas. They're more likely to hire minorities.

John Edwards: I will make sure my administration looks like America from the top to the bottom.

John Edwards: There are two candidates in this race spending more time attacking each other than addressing America's real problems... That got your attention, huh. (laughter)


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senator Barack Obama is afraid to say he will specifically do anything to help black men, but is a black man. His plan never talks about black men and he really doesn't give a f%ck about black men. Senator Barack Obama appears to be an elitist that has lost track of who the f&ck he is in this world.

Senator Hillary Clinton refuses to meet with black people in St. Louis at all, even though her Presidential election could receive a boost from their support.
However, at least she is not afraid to include black men in her plan for the country. She will elude to black men, she just doesn't want to meet with black people. I can see her approach, give them black people some money for their community and get the hell out of the way. At least she talks about black people in her plan. Wow, a white woman that talks about helping black men, but doesn't want to be in a closed room with a group of them. That makes me ponder something......

Do you think that Senator Hillary Clinton could have a closet fetish for some Jungle Fever?

Senator Clinton, keep in mind what the wealthy white women say behind closed doors, ONCE YOU GO BLACK, YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK!!!!!!

F^ck it! I'm still voting for Senator Barack Obama as of right now!

7/27/2007 11:14 AM

Blogger tamarice said...

All this should be much more important to me now that I'm of voting age.
Who'd get your vote, Gabe?

7/27/2007 12:37 PM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

From what I can see Obama does talk about inner cities and African Americans.

But what we need to realize is that a candidate who is only campaigning for African Americans will not be elected President.

In the same manner, Mayor Villaraigosa didn't campaign solely for Latino issues.

Minorities, often by themselves, do not have enough votes to win an election. They need coalitions. They need to run a deracialized campaign which means they do not solely stress the issues pertaining to their own minority group. Broad messages, which include their own group and others, will bring more votes across groups. This is how minorities win elections in districts where they are the numerical minority.

7/27/2007 12:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama seems to have a vision and ideas which will need a lot of help in the senate and house.

Hillary and Edwards have that, too----but it strikes me as less intense.

Obama seems to me to be the candidate most likely to cause a significant increase in voter turnout, especially in younger people. With that turnout, could come a meaningful change in the makeup of congress, not only in terms of numbers, but in terms of attitude regarding what must be done to keep their jobs in 2010.

Edwards might be the one least likely to be hit with some sort of swift boat crud----we still have a society that gets excited about irrelevant tabloid type of crap----anything to steer clear of the real issues is likely to help republicans.

I think the democrats have more good candidates this time than any time I can remember.


7/27/2007 12:53 PM

Blogger Antonio D. French said...

For the record, while PubDef.net covered today's event live, the Post-Dispatch published a single Associated Press story on its website. It appears the Republican presidential candidates aren't the only ones that snubbed today's noteworthy event.

7/27/2007 9:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous #1 only posts racist rantings.

Obama is biracial. He was raised primarily by his white mother with little help from his African father (not even an African American) and his white grandparents.

Why should he entirely identify with only half of his lineage (which isn't even African American) when he is half Caucasian and Irish.

Stupid, stupid, stupid to always cast everything in color, specifically black and white. Try entering the 21st Century filled with many biraical and multiracial Americans.

The next election is about issues, issues, issues--not race, race, race or gender, gender, gender!

And Anonymous #1, try expressing yourself without the gutter language. Plain, intelligent, educated English will do!

7/28/2007 4:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

...asking my darker skinned brothers and sisters...

Who do I vote for and why?

7/29/2007 12:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job Gabe and Antonio. Thanks for this wonderful service.

7/30/2007 12:20 AM

Blogger Lolololori said...

Could I get some more coverage of Edwards? I know Hil and Barack are the most news-worthy, but I'd like to hear about Edwards -- knowing that he took down giant corporations as a litigator makes me sortof excited to have him in the running to take down the giant corporations running the gov't. I don't know, but I'd like more Pub Def edwards coverage, please! :)

7/30/2007 11:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I kind of took a shot at them at Arch City Chronicle, because all they had was a notice that Hillary was having a fund-raiser on the 27th, and then they listed all these supporters of Edwards---no mention at all about Obama. Alvin Reid and friends:

The Democrats endorsing Edwards for president are:

St. Louis City Committeeman Claude Brown
Julie Gibson, former Chief of Staff to Governor Bob Holden
State Senator Tim Green
St. Louis American Editor Alvin Reid
Stoddard County Democratic Committee Treasurer Dennis Gregory
Wright County Democratic Committee Chair Gary Hall
Pettis County Democratic Committee Vice Chair Wanda Monsees
Camden County Democratic Committee Chair Rick Pope
Benton County Democratic Committee Vice Chair Mike Potter
Jasper County Democratic Committee Vice Chair Betty Seeley
Jasper County Democratic Committee Chair Earl Roger Seeley
Knox County Democratic Committee Vice Chair Sharon Bradley
Adair County Democratic Committee Chair Jerry Caldwell
Marion County Democratic Committee Chair Joyce Kesner
Texas County Democratic Committee Vice Chairperson Janis Mayberry
Dade County Democratic Committee Vice Chair Harlin Stump
Shelby County Democratic Committee Secretary Harold Beach
Hickory County Democratic Committee Vice Chair Gerda Fitts
Saline County Democratic Committee Chair Susan Hunter

That thread is up to 12 replies---much said about all 3 of the leaders. Some have said that what gets posted is partially due to what is sent by the candidate's people to be posted----I don't know if that is true either there or here.


7/30/2007 2:01 PM

Blogger Joe said...

I would love to see whoever gets elected upgrade the status of SBA's Small Disadvantaged Business and 8(a) programs. Speeding up those interminable certification processes, while still keeping out fronts, would be a HUGE benefit to minority-owned businesses that seek to do Federal contract work.

I'm a white guy, but I'm an advocate of minority- and women-owned businesses getting a better deal.

7/30/2007 2:30 PM


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