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PHOTO: Gambaro Sworn-In

By Antonio D. French

Filed Thursday, June 21, 2007 at 4:32 PM

Derio Gambaro was sworn-in today as the newest member of the State Board of Education. Gambaro's appointment is subject to Senate approval next year.

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Blogger Adric said...

Wow - it's good to know that they are appointing people to public education posts that have such vast expeience with public education! I know how comfortable I'd be advising the Archdiocese on how they do things. After all, I've read Post-Dispatch accounts of how things are there.

6/21/2007 11:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The beginning of the decline of the educational system started when Slay's group of individuals personally voted to allow Bill Roberti's crew to take over the St. Louis Public Schools.

Many have forgotten about this group selected by Slay. The main leader of this group was 27th Ward Committeeman Curtis Royston. He led the charge and vote for this group to come to St. Louis and take over.

Let us never forget what Committeeman Curtis Royston did to our community in the name of leadership!

6/22/2007 1:38 AM

Blogger Ariel said...

anon 1:38--

It actually began with the election of President Bush and the subsequent passage of the No Child Left Behind Act. This federal law created the impetus for federal, state and local governments to abdicate their responsibilities for dealing with crime, poverty, urban decay, and a host of other social issues by laying the blame squarely at the feet of school districts.

No one foresaw that when they said "every child can learn" they did not mean to provide the social support necessary for children to do well, but instead to hold schools responsible for social problems they have no control over. No one understood when they undertook this law that they would be destroying the lifeline of poor children all across America in the name of helping them. Many people still don't get it. It's a clever lie, and a big one, all wrapped up in the appearance of caring about the children.

Few remember that the administration first attempted to create a charter-style voucher system across the country. When this effort failed to pass the legislature, they housed it in a plan that would ultimately get them to the same goal. It is evil brilliance that they have managed to do it while shirking their legitimate duties to society's children and keeping people believing they are doing it all "for the children".

There is really only one goal: to get public money into private hands. NCLB made available massive amounts of federal money to revamp curriculum, train teachers and fund "innovative charters". So the money goes to publishing companies, consulting firms and charter companies. No one seems to notice what the money does NOT go to: jobs for the children's parents, social services for their families, counselors for their emotional distresses, homes, shoes, safe streets.

All the federal money was smelled a mile away by the Slay crew. Now it appears they are about to get hold of the whole pot of gold. Never mind that the charters perform WORSE than the city schools. Never mind that reliable studies have shown that charters and takeovers have not improved student performance ANYWHERE. Never mind all that. As long as there is federal money being handed out for abdicating social responsibility and playing school, they will continue to dismantle education in the name of "helping the children".

Until someone rings the recess bell on them.

6/22/2007 11:06 AM

Blogger Elf44 said...

Anonymous said:

"The beginning of the decline of the educational system started when Slay's group of individuals personally voted to allow Bill Roberti's crew to take over the St. Louis Public Schools."

People need to be reminded that the board majority elected in 2003, and who subsequently hired Roberti and company, was endorsed by not just Slay, but also Civic Progress, the Black Leadership Roundtable, AND LOCAL 420. Come to think of it, Local 420 also endorsed Veronica O'Brien when she was elected to the board in 2005.

Just a little reminder.

6/22/2007 1:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's your point Elf? So what if that bunch was endorsed before anyone knew what they planned to do or how they would act? The only crime their supporters were guilty of was of being trusting. The former supporters have obviously learned their lesson.

6/22/2007 1:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont understand why the 27th ward deals with Curtis, seeing that he lives in the county. How many wrong decisions has this guy been a part of. I sincerely hope he gets his act together and start thinking about the people whether than his own selfish concerns and ambitions.

6/23/2007 2:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Here today, gone tomorrow--tomorrow being January 08

6/23/2007 1:27 PM


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