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Media Watch: Takeover Coverage

By Antonio D. French

Filed Saturday, June 16, 2007 at 9:16 PM

PubDef.TV takes a look at how local TV news covered the state takeover of St. Louis Public Schools.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Mr. Purdy been successful at anything that deals with the takeover. He mislead a lot of us.

6/16/2007 10:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of the news cst speak of Bill Purdy like he is running things. Is he the district point person for the new board?

6/16/2007 11:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the real question is where was Peter?

6/17/2007 8:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know but it is clear Mr. Purdy is running Peter and the administration. This became clear after Veronica O'Brien stopped being President. Another thing for sure is Veronica would never follow their lead. She seemed to be able to think for herself and have of working knowledge of the district. She was always very good with the public. No nonsense type of person and very focused.

6/17/2007 9:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the Post today they said the old powerless board will meet Tuesday. Te writer wondered if Bourisaw would be at the meeting. I would think she would be there. She is under contract with the old board. She is very very close to Mr. Purdy. She has put her name on the lawsuit and has vowed to stick by him and the union. She is a honorable woman and will stick by her word. It was nice to see a superintendent have such close ties with the board and sue their bosses. She has sued many employors before and if I were the state I would be careful because she knows how to stir things up. Stay the course with the elected board.

6/17/2007 9:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:06 a.m., R I D I C U L O U S! A pack of lies.

Many employees at 801 N. 11th want her barred from entrance.

6/17/2007 11:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they should ask Sullivan to get a restraining order against her.

6/17/2007 12:16 PM

Blogger kjoe said...

Bourisaw should attend meetings with both boards. Even if the 7 lose the lawsuit, they will still exist---I do not know what powers they still have after 1998 that were mentioned.

If the 3 lose the suit, I am not sure whether they would continue to exist, but the schools need to keep running while they do exist.

I was surprised at Jackson's bitterness toward Bourisaw. Would it really be best for the children for her to refuse to cooperate, or resign and cause more chaos?

She does not appear to be one who will soften her stance regarding charter schools---the 3 might have to fire her, eventually.

6/17/2007 12:57 PM

Blogger Star Jones said...

I bet an overwhelming majority of the people who have seen Veronica O'Brien's erractic behavior both in person and through the media believe that she is nuts!She makes Rochelle Moore look sane!

6/17/2007 1:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

star jones what about the kids. you only talk abour Veronica O'Brien and Slay. Veronica O'Brien has a lot of support. Only a few haters that go along with Purdy and Downs say she is crazy. If she is crazy maybe more of us should be as crazy as you say she is.

6/17/2007 2:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeas, and Purdy and Bourisaw were right to tell you all the ship was sinking and they would save the union. You all will be talking about Veronica for the next 10 years and woman will still not be paying attention to you.

6/17/2007 2:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simply put, Bourisaw works fo rthe new board. By law, the old board stillexists, but does not run the district. Therefore, Bourisaw should not show up for UNLESS Rick Sullivan says it is okay. And out of trying to show that the two boards can exist, he may allow her to show up.

If you are looking to see where she believes her bread is buttered, look to see if she sits with the old board or sits in the audiance.

6/17/2007 3:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing for sure is this has all been about Bourisaw and her bread and better. She never cared about our kids until the district hired her. Now she is an authority on black kids. Again, for everyone that follows this blog it is all about the adults. If I were Bourisaw I would quit if she cares about the kids. She will only be a distraction.

Bourisaw works for the old board. By way of an agreement. So if she wants to jump ship then sign on with them. It is crazy for anyone to think that she will be around long.

6/17/2007 6:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is it that French allows all types of awful comments about Slay and O'Brien, but if it is about Peter, Purdy or Jones he removes the comments. We know who really runs this website.

6/17/2007 7:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

He does the same to Liz Brown also.

6/17/2007 11:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"but if it is about Peter, Purdy or Jones he removes the comments. We know who really runs this website."

Someone is either not reading this blog regularly or is just an agitator.

A certain board member has been slandering Purdy, et al, right and left.

Second thought, perhaps someone's reading comprehension is greatly lacking and the need for a remedial reading course is in order.

Rex T.

6/18/2007 8:01 AM

Blogger Ariel said...

The Jaco Report (channel 2) finally made comment on the recent Rand report which showed that NO takeover ANYWHERE has actually been shown to improve student achievement. Of course, they waited until AFTER the takeover to report this.

I hope the transitional board takes into consideration that the way other cities and states have approached urban education takeovers--which has generally been by turning the schools over to charter companies--has not worked. There is current, solid documentation and research available that shows that charter companies have NOT proven themselves to be "the answer" to urban education. Certainly the lack of student achievement in existing charters in St. Louis underscores this fact.

I hope they will help to create something unique in St. Louis rather than jump on the failed bandwagons of other takeovers. The transitional board has the opportunity to work together with the elected board, the community, the state and the teachers to do something great and unique in St. Louis. Something OTHER states and cities can study, instead of our repeating their failures.

6/18/2007 11:16 AM

Blogger kjoe said...

Two little things to keep an eye on:

the state board wants to build a charter school in st. louis modelled after Texas can---

Matt Blunt has this online school with 2500 students signed up---and the outsourced corporation from baltimore has yet to hire one teacher for it. SLPS was going to do their own online education choice---

I don't think the state knows much about what it is doing.

Sullivan strikes me as a man who does not suffer fools gladly.

Wouldn't it be a scream if he figured out---Blunt and Slay are really stupid and inept in the area of education? And acted accordingly?

I get so tired of typing those crooked letters, and then having to type another set of crooked letters. please, antonio---get a cheap-assed four letter deal.

6/18/2007 12:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The timing of that Jaco report was CLASSIC! I laughed out loud when he read the lead (out of sheer frustration/disgust).

6/18/2007 3:55 PM


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