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So Fresh and So Clean

By Antonio D. French

Filed Monday, May 21, 2007 at 8:53 AM

It was Senator Joe Biden's faux paux right out the gate of his Presidential run that inspired three local black professionals to start a new website called CleanAndArticulate.com.

Just days after announcing he was running for President, Biden said about one of his Democratic opponents, Senator Barack Obama, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy ... I mean, that's storybook, man."

Like many other Americans, St. Louis attorney (and early State Rep candidate) Don Calloway took issue with Biden's backhanded compliment.

"Implicit in Sen. Biden's comments about Sen. Obama is that cleanliness and articulation are in short supply among African Americans," Calloway wrote. He said he believes that being "clean and articulate" (C&A) is the norm among black people.

According to Calloway and his partners at CleanAndArticulate.com, Miller W. Boyd III and fellow attorney Robert Kenney, the site seeks to provide readers with news, commentary, and daily insight relevant to the African-American experience.

Light on original writing and heavy on links to news sites, by Calloway's own admission, "Clean and Articulate" is still in its infancy. But with so much news about the black community going on, and so few of the good news stories being reported, C&A should have no shortage of material to comment on.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good going Biden! My people can be so stupid sometimes.

5/21/2007 1:30 PM

Blogger rage said...

Oh, cut me a damn break!

Cleanliness and articulation are in no shorter supply in African America than per capita in Red State HillBilly America. I know such sux to read. But, alas, it's the Gospel truth. African Americans are no more or less clean or articulate than any other represented American group. Every ethnicity represented in America has its share of inarticulate and filthy members, giving no group a clear corner on the market. What is more is that African Americans are not even the most criminal group in America no matter what Faux News Murdocians report. However African Americans are by far the most often profiled, reported, arrested, falsely charged, wrongfully imprisoned, and legally targeted. Stats bear that truth out in SPADES here in AmeriKKKa the bigoted!

What Senator Biden brings to the forefront is that America has not abandoned her Jim Crow roots and racists passions, particularly under this Presidential Administration, where the mother of the sitting President finds that being trapped hungry, thirsty, filthy, hot,and at gunpoint in a fast-rising cesspool to be a vast improvement in the quality of human life for peoples of color. Senator Biden is unfortunately very representative of the steadily growing intensely deceitful hypocrisy of the so-called affluent empathetic European American progressive. African America knew exactly what he meant when he "praised" Senator Obama, and collectively were not surprised. African Americans, however, are thoroughly disgusted that America still exists as a society in which a European American can still substantiate such a comment as having been a complement that had to be paid to an African American equal. There were thousands of worthwhile issues on which Senator Biden could have legitimately remarked in his assessment of the junior Senator from Illinois without attacking his hygiene and speaking skills. But, then again, that demands that Senator Biden stop straddling every political fence he manages to hopelessly encounter in his attempt to come off as an overtly progressive moderate Dem while simultaneously swinging from Dumya's jock in an effort to remain reasonably re-electable to the Senate when he doesn't get his Party's nomination for the Big Run in November of 2008, to put this thing in black, clean, articulate terms.

5/21/2007 1:34 PM

Blogger kjoe said...

Obama inspires people on a scale not seen since Ronald Reagan.

Democrats have had Mondale in 84, the guy in the tank in 88, Clinton making it with the help of executing a black man with 1 third of his brain missing (ricky rector) the same weekend he and Hillary were explaining about Gennifer,(he also exploited sister soljah to his great advantage),then Gore who was boring but managed to win more votes than Bush, and then Kerry.

I trust Obama to define himself. And continue to inspire as he does so.

5/21/2007 7:41 PM


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