By Antonio D. French
Filed Friday, May 25, 2007 at 6:01 PM
With all the uproar about the billions more dollars allocated for the Iraq War yesterday, almost completely unnoticed is that in the same bill Congress also raised the federal minimum wage for the first time in almost a decade. Labels: Congress, Employment
The hike will raise the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 an hour over three years. Starting 60 days after it is signed into law, the first increase will be to $5.85. In year two, it goes to $6.55 an hour. And in year three, $7.25.
$7.50 is not enough. Why don't we make it $50 per hour?? That way we can ensure everyone can afford to live well...
Anyone with the most basic understanding of economics knows why a mandated minimum wage hurts the economy.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
5/26/2007 10:11 AM
Anyone with a basic knowledge of the exploitative nature of corporate greed and the cataclysmic effects of persistent poverty knows we do need a minimum wage.
I'll make you a deal, CWEGuy. I'll agree with you that we can do away with the minimum wage when you agree with me that we should shift the burden of providing health care for Americans from employers to the federal government, where it belongs.
5/26/2007 10:28 AM
Why bother with health care at all, Antonio? Let people fight it out amongst themselves to decide what wage they will work for. Once they are unable to work, throw them away and someone else will be waiting to take their place. (Or let their children starve to death)
If we run out of American citizens, bring some in from Central and South America. (Either legally or illegally, it really doesn't matter as long as they are willing to do the work)
When they run out we can always go back to the good ol' days and look to Africa for a work force!
If only that pesky thing called "human decency" didn't get in the way....
5/26/2007 11:07 AM
Nobody that can and will work works for minimum wage. We found that out during the Clinton administration when we tried "workfare". When people had to work, they found higher paying jobs. Minimum wage simply increases inflation and improves the buying power of nobody.
Federal health care? Everything the federal government does well can and usually is done better by the private sector. The only thing the federal government does really well is kill people. Which isn't a bad thing since that is one of the few powers the Constitution gave it.
The intrusion of the government into the health care system is destroying it.
Sorry, no deal.
5/27/2007 8:18 AM
A system of universal healthcare (like every other Western industrialized nation has) will not "replace" private health care. Those that can afford it will continue to pay for the best heath coverage they can buy.
But it is in the national interest — and our economic interest — to address the needs of the nearly 50 million Americans without healthcare.
Medical debt remains one of the leading causes for bankruptcy and financial ruin in our country.
The cost of providing health insurance remains one of the biggest costs for American businesses, and one of the reasons they prefer to hire immigrants since they are less likely to demand it.
Besides, I read the U.S. Constitution as saying it is the responsibility of the federal government to address the general health of its people.
"We the People of the United States, in Order to... promote the general Welfare... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Section. 8, Clause 1: "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes... to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States."
Despite popular rhetoric, Social Security does work to provide a safety net.
Again, despite popular rhetoric, public education in America does work in more places than it is failing. And private education has never dared to address the needs of every American, regardless of income.
And federally provided health care for government employees and elected officials does provide quality medical care for people, like many poor veterans, who would not have anything without it, and many wealthy leaches, like U.S. Senators and ex-Presidents, who could afford to pay for it themselves, but still choose the federal system because of its significant benefits.
No one should be under any illusions that free healthcare will be the best in the world. But free healthcare that you have to wait four hours or even four weeks to see a doctor for is better than what 50 million people have now, which is nothing.
There will always be better for those that can afford it. But what about everyone else?
5/27/2007 10:49 AM
I'm not sure of which spelling to use, so I will use both: Here, here! Hear, Hear! to both Jim Heger and Antonio French.
I'm neither a socialist nor a communist, but somehow we have lost the vision for public service, public welfare, and public education -- a sad commentary on the only superpower in the world today.
When Bush talked of sending $50 billion to Africa for AIDS/HIV, I wondered, "what about the needs of our own country?" That $50 billion will only be abscounded for personal profit and corruption along the way.
African nations must begin to take care of themselves. And we definitely need to take care of our people and citizens, which we are beginning to do a lousy job of.
Yes, to personal responsibility and consequences. Nevertheless, many are victims of circumstances and greed and they need our attention and assistance.
The corporate world's only interest is personal profit. Let's not forget such an important principle
5/28/2007 1:05 PM
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