By Antonio D. French
Filed Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 7:37 PM
The 6 o'clock deadline has come and gone and City Marshals have allowed the students to remain. School Board member Donna Jones, radio show host and activist Lizz Brown, Committeeman Jesse Todd, and activist Eric Vickers are among the adults accompanying the two dozen high school students. Pizza has arrived and although the room remains warm after marshals turned off the air conditioning, tempers have remained cool. Head Marshal Ron Hill and three to five of his deputies are keeping a close, but so far polite, watch over the group. No one from the mayor's office has spoken to the students yet. Ed Rhode, the mayor's spokesman, did invite reporter Charles Jaco into the mayor's chambers briefly before he and the rest of the mayor's staff left for the day. Jaco was overheard saying that he was told the mayor was going to allow the kids to stay all night.
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Two dozen teenagers sitting in a room at night with adults, and no TV. City marshals may have to restrain them from leaving.
3/14/2007 7:21 PM
On a school night?
3/14/2007 8:34 PM
Why should they bother going to school if they can't get into college anyway, over loss of accreditation? The mayor should come home immediately and have the guts to face them and tell them why he thinks their futures are less important than his politics.
3/14/2007 8:52 PM
If they are serious about it, then let them stay over the weekend and have the meeting on Sunday afternoon.
I just hope that they brought their school books with them. Hate for them to fall behind.
3/14/2007 9:12 PM
Anon at 7:52, you are right on the MONEY. Metro has been the top school in the state of Missouri for multiple years! The students there, at Gateway, and other SLPS High Schools have worked hard for 12 years to earn scholarships that will now be denied them. All this is because the State wants to take away SLPS accreditation 2 years ahead of schedule, when other districts in worse shape are not going to suffer the same fate. If it were my future being snatched out from under me, I would be there, too, trouble! How dare these politicians destroy the opportunities that these students have made for themselves. We tell people to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, then we yank off their boots completely. This has gone beyond insanity. How do these people sleep at night?!
3/14/2007 9:12 PM
Here, here, Adric! Beyond insanity. Thank God some students were educated to the role of the people in a democracy before the governor and mayor's charterized version of it poisoned their social consciences! These kids are just stubborn enough to believe that the voice of the people can affect their government. I'm so proud of them I could burst.
Check out for a new post that lays out the whole sick scheme. Everyone who thinks this is just about St. Louis Public Schools is mistaken and deceived.
3/14/2007 9:25 PM
I congradulate the kids for standing up for what they believe. It's nice to see that people are taking action for their future. True stakeholders.
3/14/2007 10:56 PM
Let's show Francis Slay what we can do in 08 and take his power happy ass out of office and get a real mayor for all St. Louisians in room 200.
3/14/2007 11:13 PM
We need a better choice first. Steve Patterson are you listening.
3/14/2007 11:17 PM
Who encourages students to do thi on a school night abd the night before ACT test? Only Bourisaw and those foolish board members. Sad
3/15/2007 12:52 AM
first i would like to thank all of those who support us. we are still in the office. so you know who we are, my name is Donovan Jackson, I am joined by Devin Jackson, Miya Taylor, and numerous other students. we plan to stay until slay or any other member of his staff sit down and meet our demands. below is a list of them. and to answer some questions, yes, we will stay, no this wont make me miss my act, and NO, BOURISAW DIN'T PUT US UP TO THIS. WE ARE MORE THAN CAPABLE OF ORGANIZING A PROTEST ON OUR conclusion i would like to invite those who wish to help out to come down to the mayor's office. please, there is strength in numbers.
3/15/2007 5:55 AM
3/15/2007 6:06 AM
My personal favorite.
3/15/2007 7:40 AM
I can only guess that the poor grammer and punctuation in the Anon post at 5:55am was the 8 year old who is being kept out of school to protect the jobs of certain district employees and contracted media persons.
I would ask that one of the adults in charge of the event spend some time teaching proper communications skills while the students are under their charge.
I do however support the groups contention that the Mayor should be willing to meet with them [on issues 5, 6, and 7] without interfence from any of the other adults (i.e. Robin Wahby, Liz Brown, etc.). If this is truely a "student action" let the students speak. The whole meeting should be video taped so that neither side can put spin on what took place, without the verifiable truth.
The Mayor's office has played a role in the debacle that is SLPS, but they are not responsible for the final decision, therefore issues 1,2,3,and 4 should be addressed to the State Board and DESE.
Our state legislators also need to step up to the plate and clear up any uncertainties that have arisen out of the possible "state takeover" and transitional board implementation. Who makes the Pres. of the Board of Alderman appointment? How long do transitional board members serve? How can they be removed once appointed? Who are they accountable to? Is there a "student" or "parent" voice at the table? What is the action plan of this transitional board? What are the performance measures that will be utilized to determine success or failure of this board?
3/15/2007 9:44 AM
Does anyone know how much Liz Brown is paid for the St. Louis Public Schools Watch segment of her show? Is it paid by Peter Downs, Bill Purdy, or is she contracted by the district or the Local 420? I've heard that she gets as much as $1500 per show. That's 1500 reasons to keep the chaos going. She did the same thing when Cleveland Hammonds was here. Some also say that is why she was so down on Creg Williams - because he refused her tactics.
Just thought I'd ask . . .
Does Irene Smith pay for the Eye on the Lou segments or is that paid for out of the funds that are donated to the Urban Institute? If it comes out of the UI funds, do the people who donate to that efort know they are actually paying Liz and how much she is getting?
Just thought I'd ask?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!
3/15/2007 9:55 AM
I forgot to mention, I'm also in agreement with points 8, 9, and 10.
Antonio, are the two students with the last name "Jackson" related to the David Jackson who is running for the school board?
I also looked for Geigerich's story from yesterday attacking the credibility of the students and their supporters. Can someone post the link?
3/15/2007 10:17 AM
Geigerich attacked the credibility of the students and their supporters during his questioning yesterday at their press conference. Watch the video here.
3/15/2007 11:22 AM
Let's protect the students, not the adults said...
"I can only guess that the poor grammer and punctuation in the Anon post at 5:55am was the 8 year old...I would ask that one of the adults in charge of the event spend some time teaching proper communications skills..."
grammer (grammar)
...Anon post at 5:55am...
(no space between 5:55 and a.m. and no periods on abbreviations for "anon" and "am")
...I do however support...
(commas should offset "however")
...the groups contention...
(no apostrophe after "s" on groups to show posession)
interfence (interference)
truely (truly)
video taped (one word) that neither side can put spin on what took place, without the verifiable truth...
(no need for comma)
I got bored after these. Just take note please: "those who throw stones..."
Oh, and YOUR post was at 9:44 a.m.
3/15/2007 12:33 PM
Thanks, above, I was about to point out those same errors, so I appreciate you saved me the time!
No, those two Jackson students are not related to David Lee Jackson. There are Jacksons everywhere. Maybe they are related to Ron Jackson and are ashamed to say so?
Any choice in the next mayoral election will be better than Slay. My vote is already decided. Whoever is against him, I'm voting for. To say the mayor is not responsible for this is disingenous and you know that. He, Archibald and Jackson have been talking to DESE since he lost the last election. He's pushing the whole thing. We're not stupid. They even admit it if you ask them; look at recent articles in the Post and the glee Archibald and Jackson showed about the takeover, and their immediate withdrawal from the Board election after they decided it was a done deal. If they hadn't been sure of that before the vote took place, they would have stayed in the election.
3/15/2007 12:52 PM
Actually, the purpose of the post was to show agreement with the students. Iz it so wrong to point out errors? I sertainly dind"t mind U pointing out mines.
You're post also showz just how petty those are who clame tobe deffending the writes of others. Why not address the points made in the post rather than just the miss takes? Becuaze you are petty and small-minded!!!!
But I unnderstand, your livelyhood is at stake. If you spent the same time grading papers or helping a child, maybe, just maybe - a child somewhere might learn something.
3/15/2007 1:06 PM
Once the state actually takes over AND more charter schools are allowed for the districts children all of you "teachers" out their can ask Representative Nasheed to use her powerful skills of bullying others to help you open your own school.
After all, charter schools are public schools. Then you don't have to worry about Slay, Archibald or Blunt. But you are too scared to actually be accountable and responsible.
3/15/2007 1:16 PM
I applaud the engagement of the youth in their efforts to bring attention to their plight. It's the "leader(less)ship, of Lizz Brown and the Eric Vickers type that manipulate situations and people for their own good. With constant, consistent complaining and no solutions, it's obvious that her goal isn't to primarily better the conditions of people, moreover than her ratings. It's only a matter of time, as many have come to know that Lizz Brown, Eric Vickers, Irene Smith and their so-called "activist" cronies are manipulative extortionist.
3/15/2007 1:25 PM
Kjoe, Adric or Philo- ==Just thought I'd ask =3/15/2007 9:55 AM = is accusing your side of the same greedy behavior as you are accusing the Slay, DESE/Blunt side. As someone who does not have your vast wealth of experience, I ask you to answer those questions. With so many people wallowing in the slop, there may not be clear answers. But, at least try. For my pitiful sake.
3/15/2007 1:31 PM
Well, "waiting for your corrections," I don't see how I can spend my time grading papers since I'm not a teacher. And I believe I did address the issues in your post. Although you've opened up another question--with your obvious derision for those who devote their life to the teaching profession, I'm just curious who you think will be doing the teaching in these charter schools if not teachers? Politicians?
3/15/2007 1:53 PM
It is classic for those who are guilty of unethical, selfish behavior to "project" those qualities on others around them. It is a way that pathetically dysfunctional psyches lie to themselves enough to bear looking in the mirror.
There IS no money train stopping by for those on the other side of the education issue from Blunt/Slay. Teachers do not get money from Reading First. Parents do not get money from Title I. Children do not get federal money in their pockets for coming to school. The school board does not get paid for its efforts.
The people who stand to make money from their pursuits in this issue are those who have, since NCLB was launched, positioned themselves in terms of investments in consulting firms, publishing companies, service industries, etc. which provide services to schools using federal money. Aramark is a good example. Has everyone forgotten that Mayor Slay is connected with this food service company that his board voted in to replace our inhouse food service? There is no telling how many other unknown, secret financial connections have been established in order to funnel federal money to friends, relatives and ghost companies by those in position to do so. The ultimate position of authority is to run a charter school whereby you can direct the money as you see fit and not have to produce results or abide by guidelines SLPS and other districts are held to.
If you want to call it greed because teachers and administrators draw below-average salaries in exchange for devoting their life's work to the education of children...well, you can call a cow a duck too if you decide to. It doesn't make it true.
3/15/2007 4:40 PM
Trouble, I know virtually nothing about Lizz Brown, her show, or her guests. My expertise was gleaned from my time in SLPS classrooms and at 801. What I witnessed during Hammonds' tenure did not include corruption. He was, however, very strong on teacher supports. When Roberti entered the picture, it changed dramatically. That is when it became all about siphoning money away from the classroom. As for 420, teachers should not have to do this for our children from a Peace Corps mentality. They should be paid fairly for the level of education and skill required for this very demanding profession. Unfortunately, the Union model that our society needs for employee protection is not perfect. In order to protect the deserving, sometimes the undeserving also receive protection. Still, 420 is no match for the politicians when it comes to taking our tax dollars for contracts and other deals for friends. Until Bourisaw, I thought there was no hope of ever getting back to the Hammonds’ model of teacher and student support systems over adult greed. Creg Williams was right on board with the “spoils” of the political model. We needed someone with Bourisaw’s ethics. There are too few that aren’t lured by the idea of easy money for themselves and friends. That's why it is my dearest hope to keep her and her policies in place long enough to make our children's lives better.
3/15/2007 8:23 PM
Well, the three of us agree that teachers are underpaid. Why is that a problem that St. Louis has to deal with. Every teacher is underpaid, everywhere. I still see buzzards circling and have to wonder why they are interested. If you say "it is for the kids" you will lose every shred of respect that I have for you. Since you are finally in an answering mood. Let me ask you one last question. Is it written that Dr. Bourisaw will be replaced with a new board or is it assumed that she will not pass the muster.
3/15/2007 8:36 PM
First question was rhetorical. Don't remember if that needs a question mark. Last question does need a question mark. Sorry.
3/15/2007 9:08 PM
It's not assumed she won't pass muster. It's assumed that the paying job of CEO of our district will go to someone Gov. Blunt owes a favor to, since he gets to pick and that's how politics works. Remember? This is no longer about education, it's about politics.
3/16/2007 9:04 AM
OK, lets get this straight. Blunt gets to pick both the third spot on the Board AND the Superintendant? This is the first that I have heard this! Shrewsbury must be in Blunts hip pocket.
You people are AMAZING!
Do you think that it would negate all of the planned hoopla about the next first day of school demonstrations by the chess playing buzzards if they kept Dr. Bourisaw on as Superintendant?
3/16/2007 1:26 PM
Wel, Trouble, if I'm going to be underpaid, it's a lot easier to do in a higher SES district. That is why SLPS can never fill all of the teaching openings. Maybe they need combat pay.
3/17/2007 12:07 AM
And a lot closer to your home in the county when you leave. And I am not going to let you off with the combat pay comment, when these kids are "the best and brightest St. Louis has to offer." They are either being failed by the district and are combative or are the greatest kids ever. They cannot be both!
3/18/2007 10:37 PM
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