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VIDEO: Shrewsbury Commercial

By Antonio D. French

Filed Friday, February 23, 2007 at 6:00 PM

Here is Aldermanic President Jim Shrewsbury's campaign commercial currently running on TV. It features cameos by State Sen. Pat Dougherty, Ald. Phyllis Young, former Ald. Irv Clay, Chief of Staff Pam Ross, and campaign staffers Harold Brown and April Harris.

Shrewsbury is in the last 11 days of a close campaign with 6th Ward Alderman Lewis Reed to be decided in the March 6 primary election.

*Reed is a client of A.D. French & Associates

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good commercial. I also got something in the mail from him today. Does anyone know if Lewis Reed has bought any television time?

2/23/2007 7:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who says it's a close race? That's not what I've heard at all. Spoken like a true paid consultant by the Reed campaign.

2/23/2007 8:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This race isn't close. Shrewsbury is leading all the way. Dave Caputa is one of the guys that he's shaking hands with is a Carpenter Business Representative who lives on the hill.

2/23/2007 8:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually the other posters are correct. I've been hearing that the polls are strongly favoring Shrewsbury. From an insider I've heard that Reed is polling in the low teens with undecided voters. Everyone knows that traditionally African Americans are not your polled voters. So the numbers may be a bit skewed, but if I were in the Reed camp, I would be working in overdrive. (And I know Reed is working hard, and doing all he can. No one thinks he is a bad candidate). Its just hard for an African American candidate to win a city wide race AND defeat a generally well liked incumbant.

2/23/2007 9:27 PM

Blogger O.T. Hodge said...

Very well done ad. Kudos to Shrewsbury for keeping it positive.

2/24/2007 12:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just have to say to anony at 8:05pm that I don't know many "true paid consultants" that will post opposition's commercial on their blog for the sake of fairness. If you weren't such an asshole, you would acknowledge that fact before you start your bitching.

2/24/2007 2:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice that this commercial is riddled with the stereotypes that have run the City of St. Louis into the ground? In particular, the group of rented black children that are walking down the street with Jim Shrewsbury; are just another version of the white politician kissing the black baby to prove that he can tolerate black people. Race is a factor in this election and that is unfortunate for us all. Mr. Shrewsbury brings this full circle with this commercial.

Mr. Shrewsbury is an insincere individual who has no sense of what is good for our city as a whole. His constant response when asked, (What would you do different?) is I would not change a thing. I will keep running things just the way they are. This is evident when he picks up the elders of the Board of Aldermen in an imaginary neighborhood. These same politicians would benefit most from the leadership of Jim Shrewsbury. This frightens me because to leave things the same means that there will never be any improvement in our city government. This commercial would suggest that we are very unaware of the goings on in our own city. I really like the dig that this commercial takes at our Mayor and his driver. It must be very satisfying for Mr. Shrewsbury to claim that he does not drive a city car, but what he does not say is that he works in the county and driving a city owned vehicle might just cause a little conflict. If giving up a city car is the only way that he can show that he is a good public servant than I am not impressed.

Mr. Shrewsbury has had many opportunities to work with the members of the Board of Aldermen to effect change in our city government, our schools, and our community at large. He has had numerous opportunities to bring us all together on various issues. His choice was to sit on the fence to see where everyone else was on any given issue and to side with who ever could give him the best press. He has never stuck his neck out on any issue. I suppose some would see him as just a nice person. Spend 10 minutes with this man and you will feel as though you are speaking with a Looney Tunes character.

St. Louis is a city divided by race and affluence. The great battle of North vs. South looms present in our city. As long as politicians like Jim Shrewsbury are allowed to lead our city, it will remain the great divided mess it has always been. Wake up St. Louis ask for what is needed for all of us. CHANGE! It’s your city, your future and your vote. Choose wisely on March 6, 2007

2/26/2007 12:28 PM


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