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By Antonio D. French

Filed Thursday, February 15, 2007 at 9:59 AM


By a vote of 5 to 2, the State Board of Education has just voted to strip the local school board of its power. A lawsuit is expected.

More later...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where do I sign up to join in a lawsuit?

2/15/2007 10:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time to review our list of people history will vilify:

Mayor Slay

Vincent Shoemehl

Darnetta Clinkscale

James Buford

Veronica O'Brien

Rob't Archibald

Ron Jackson

D. Kent King

Peter Herschend

These people won't be held accountable in any legal way. So, they must be held accountable morally, i.e. Richard Nixon.

2/15/2007 10:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe there's hope now for the St. Louis Public School students! Giving TVs away wasn't the answer. Losing the AAA accredidation in 1976 didn't teach any Superintendant or Board majority how to put education first. Time will tell on this change but what has been is pure stupidity.

2/15/2007 10:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's vilify the parents for not caring, the system for nepotism and lazy work ethics, etc. NOW, let's get on with the job of focusing on kids and NOT the few activists who have not done anything constructive the past few months and the few bad seed teachers and employees who don't want their gravy train messed with. I know we have tons of teachers and parents who are spent and just want stability and a new start. All this crying from a city who won't take millions of free money from BJC to fund Forest Park over a few blades of grass.....

Let's pray and move forward for a better new school system, and stop blaming, hating, etc.

2/15/2007 10:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Echo the comments of Anonymous 2/15/2007 10:40 AM

2/15/2007 11:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! Take That Local 420!

2/15/2007 11:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

QUESTIONS??? When does the actual take-over take-effect? What happens to board principals and the super int. power? What happens to school principals? What will be different, what will change?

2/15/2007 11:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally! Every change that has been proposed has been opposed by a woman that won't even send her children to the city's schools.

It's time to clean house and start educating our children.

2/15/2007 12:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those of you who are happy, don't you get that the district will now be run by a board appointed by the politicians who gave us the people who got us into this mess. None of the mayor's people have done anything to improve education and now Dr. Bourisaw, who is making good changes, may be forced out and our schools handed over to politicians. Not educators, politicians. This is a sad, sad day.

2/15/2007 12:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I stop supporting the school district with my taxes since I have no representation? If my vote is negated by this act, why not my money?

2/15/2007 12:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody who thinks this takeover has anything to do with helping the kids of St. Louis is a fool. This is about one thing only: money. I am convinced that this is the opening wedge of what will eventually be a state-wide effort to enact school vouchers and privatization, so that those who want the "benefits" of a private education can do so on the public dime, while the rest of the education dollar goes to the well connected cronies of the politicians who have disenfranchised us.

2/15/2007 12:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


J. Gadfly

2/15/2007 1:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop whinning & crying J.G.! If your truely upset and disgusted with those who we voted for and you don't want to live in a state were due process allows for corrections . . .MOVE!!!!!!!

After all, it was the school board that Bill Purdy sat on back in '98 that crafted and signed off on the agreement dismanteling Deseg which is what allowed for this process to unfold. Are you calling for his recall as well?

2/15/2007 1:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inspecteur Clouseau ici: Mes amis, attention! The greedy are foaming at the mouth anticipating how they can get their hands on public school education funds now more accessible than ever.

A stampede is about to begin. Bienvenue (Welcome) à St. Louis où les dollars en education vous invite à prendre. (Welcome to St. Louis where education dollars invite you to come take.

2/15/2007 1:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fine. Let the privitization come. I'm with Anonymous (12:11 PM). Why do I pay taxes on YOUR children when I have none of my own but you give me no right to say these schools run like garbage? Tend to the education of your own children for a while then let's see how much we all want quality schools.

2/15/2007 1:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not due process. Allowing the voters to revise the composition of the school board in the April election would be due process.

2/15/2007 1:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's fine, you don't have to pay taxes to the schools anymore. But I'm not paying my taxes for your social security or medicare then. See how it works? Stick together or fall apart.

2/15/2007 2:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Antonio, you beat the Post-Dispatch's website by a full hour. Thank you for your coverage.

2/15/2007 2:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This IS due process as outline in the deseg agreement entered into by the School Board (on which Purdy served), the AG, DESE, the NAACP, and the State.

You should have been paying attention then, or at least have alerted someone the cat was out of the bag before it had run down the street.

2/15/2007 2:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The comment regarding the voucher system is right on point. The administration in the city has wanted a voucher system since the concept was introduced. This move will enable those individuals to put the voucher system in place. When will we learn that the education of our children has less to do with the school our child attends and more to do with us as parents. So many of us, including our board President, believe that our children will receive a better education someplace else. That's false. If Mrs. O'brien's child is performing well in Clayton then he/she will perform well in the SLPS system. We must stop running from our problems and instead do something to fix the problem. The SLPS operating budget is HUGE. Slay's primary reason for backing this action is because of the money, not the kids. Let's never forget that. The voucher system is yet another way for Slay and others to control the dollars within the SLPS.

2/15/2007 2:23 PM

Blogger Antonio D. French said...

Anonymous wrote: "This IS due process as outline in the deseg agreement entered into by the School Board (on which Purdy served), the AG, DESE, the NAACP, and the State."

In that same agreement, the State of Missouri agreed to continue payments to St. Louis Public Schools and neighboring districts, which it did for one year then stopped. According to that agreement, the State owes those districts, including SLPS, over $100 million.

2/15/2007 2:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anony 2:17, I was living in a different city when the deseg agreement was entered. Don't yell at me for not paying attention then.

It's not due process. It's an agreement,and parents aren't among the list of those parties who agreed to it.

2/15/2007 2:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why do I pay taxes on YOUR children when I have none of my own but you give me no right to say these schools run like garbage?"

You pay taxes because you're a member of society. And you have a right to a say in how the schools are run, it's called "voting" - oh, wait, forget that. You DON'T have that right anymore.

2/15/2007 3:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally don't have any children in the system either, but I have friends and neighbors and relatives that do.

I pay my fair share of taxes just like everyone else, so it does matter to me.

It matters to me enough, that I have submitted my name into the lion's den because I know that the children are the future of this city.

Do you think there are not going to be hundreds and thousands of implants to run this city in the future? NO. They will come from within the city. They are in the system NOW or will be in the next few years.

The future is ours to shape. ALL of us.

Maurice St. Pierre
candidate for school board (still)

2/15/2007 3:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo to the state board of education!

2/15/2007 4:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The voucher system is yet another way for Slay and others to control the dollars within the SLPS.

Control it how? Sounds bad, but it doesn't make much sense.

2/15/2007 4:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then my vote is for the State to take over the public schools. The "public" voting hasn't given us good citizens. Veronica O'Brien? She's a joke. Let the State try. Will our children get any more stupid?

2/15/2007 4:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE...In all honesty and fairness the reason for the failure of the SLPS is due in a large part too people just working for money with no true interest in the kids! Bottom line. I've been working in our downtown office now for 18yrs. I work with all grade level schools in many areas. I see most of the mess first hand. I can tell you anyone who would read this blog that works within the school system and would be "honest" would tell you, yes 50% of the teachers are sub's, Yes most staff members were hired because they knew someone within and not because they were the best pick, Yes Most teachers complain "at a board meeting" but take no actions to fix the problems when they return to work and lastly Yes, Most students dont take home work home anymore at 75% of the slps schools I personally work with. Do I care, Yes, But will a principal or staff member of one of these schools step up to the plate and speak out whats really going on - NO, WHY, because no one wants to loose there job, no one wants to be black listed, no one wants to create more problems for themselves. So what you have is a "few" good teachers trying to save a district full of "bad" teachers. Money, Money, Money - its want they go to work for, while most will say, "I got mine, you need to get yours" to a student thats not preforming up to par. The problem is bigger than a few politicians. I dont expect the district to turn around, ever, until we have teachers who work within the schools because they actually care for the students. Now I know all you teachers dont fall into this group, just 75% of you do! I see you day in and day out, I know some of you first hand, You dont care. And the wierd thing is most of you live check to check and will retire with a little something and still have to work. So at least im happy that in the end the kids wont be the only ones "screwed!"

2/15/2007 6:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay people when do you stop blaming O'Brien? Looks like she played a pretty clever game.

2/15/2007 6:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Antonio, the state does owe us alot. When does the first bus leave to go protest on that issue instead of trying to save teachers' jobs?

Where is this "plan" that I keep hearing Bourisaw make reference to? It certainly is not on the districts web site. That was something Creg Williams made sure was done. Bourisaw has not called one public meeting for input. At least the previous 5 superintendents held public meetings. Instead Bourisaw continues to take her orders from Purdy, Lizz Brown, Peter Downs and the teachers' union.

2/15/2007 7:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2/15/2007 4:43 PM. said...
The voucher system is yet another way for Slay and others to control the dollars within the SLPS.

Control it how? Sounds bad, but it doesn't make much sense.

To anonymous:
Here is how it works. You start with a REALLY BIG LIE: the problems urban children have in education are due to poor curriculum and poor teachers and poor district administration, NOT due to the poverty, drug addiction, abuse, neglect, homelessness, lack of resources, etc. endemic to urban environments. Then you make a BIG deal of providing billions of dollars to "help" these children who have been "left behind". You do nothing to address any of their REAL issues, instead you set progressively higher, unreasonable and unreachable "targets" that will affect urban districts FIRST, (make no mistake, other districts are on their way to this same place as we speak), and target them with heavily funded programs that do nothing to address the REAL problems these children have, but line the pockets of select publishing houses and consulting firms. (Even when the Inspector General's audit catches you red-handed, you fire select scapegoats and proceed with the plan). You rely upon cronyism to determine the "best" method by which to educate these children, and implement it with the weight of federal law and federal money. When your diabolical efforts show no academic improvement, (duh) you initiate a takeover of the school system, deflecting attention from your dubious results. You are now free to download more and more federal monies into the pipline of which you now have total control. (Reading First is due to be followed by Math Now, and of course there's always good old Title 1.) Tons of federal money pouring in and no pesky parents or voters to worry about. Soon you'll have established a federal curriculum so brainless the children can read it to themselves. No more need for teachers at all. (So long union AND thinking, caring teachers). If all else fails, you can always dissolve the district into charter schools run by more cronies who will then get all the benefits of the federal monies with none of the inconvenient strings to which you held the public schools,like targeted test scores and certified teachers. (Why is it that no one ever seems to look at the ACTUAL test scores of the Charter schools? They are in single digits--far below the "worst" public schools in St. Louis.) Anyway, you ride the wave of federal money till someone finally screams that the "emperor has no clothes". I believe in the story, it was a CHILD who had the guts to say it.

2/15/2007 8:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contact 801 and you can get a copy of Bourisaw's plan. It's not a secret, I've seen it. As far as her getting input, she had parents from every single school come to meet with her and hear our concerns--I know because I went as a representative of our school. She doesn't have to stage faux public input meetings at dinner time on school nights because if you contact her she actually responds and listens to you, on an individual basis. Try it.

2/15/2007 9:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2/15/2007 9:32 PM . .

Are you suggesting that in a district with 30,000 students, equating to at least 40,000 parents (taking into account deaths and single parent homes) that Bourisaw will meet with each of us if we just call?

I have children at 3 different schools, neices and nephews at 5 others and a grandchild at still another yet I have never heard of these meetings.

If you truely were a parent rep and you are proud of the fact, why not state your name and school affiliation? I don't think you are proud at all. I think like so many, you too are ashamed and afraid if you tell-it-like-it-is the lizz brown crew will come after you like they do all disenters.

And yes, before you ask, I am afraid to use my name. I don't want that flunky attorney spouting the names of my children all over the air so they can be terrorized at school. I've seen how her minions behave!!

2/16/2007 12:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ANY CITIZEN has the right to challenge unconstitutional actions by politicians and power brokers. As for directing me to 'move if I don't like it here in Mo,' I would urge you to do the same. Your argument is based on the whole 'winner takes all' mentality--reminiscent of a toddler throwing a tantrum. Basically, you're saying that anyone who challenges an injustice needs to leave. I'm sure your brand of justice would be welcome in such enlightened enclaves like Saudi. In the meanwhile; I will remain here and continue to irritate ignorant idiots like you. Everyone needs a hobby. I will however waste no additional time on your distracting tantrums; rather I will focus my attentions on returning our civil rights. I sincerely wish you well (as much as you deserve); and hope you enjoy your delusional nervous breakdown. Enclosed is a 'care package' filled with mood elevators for your disposition and a boatload of Viagra so you can grow a pair.

J. Gadfly

2/16/2007 8:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Bravo to the state board of education!

2/15/2007 4:39 PM

Anonymous said...
YEAH!!! Take That Local 420!

2/15/2007 11:06 AM

Anonymous said...
Stop whinning & crying J.G.! If your truely upset and disgusted with those who we voted for and you don't want to live in a state were due process allows for corrections . . .MOVE!!!!!!!

After all, it was the school board that Bill Purdy sat on back in '98 that crafted and signed off on the agreement dismanteling Deseg which is what allowed for this process to unfold. Are you calling for his recall as well?

2/15/2007 1:35 PM

The above posts pretty much say it all. Anonymous people who are unable or unwilling to offer any facts leading to hope for anyone in the district. These posts appear angry and maybe hateful without reason. When I read them they come across to me as saying, "Ha ha. We win! You lose! We're winners! You're losers! I'm better and more righteous than you and I never had to be reasonable or state my case."
This is evidence of a closed, narrow mind. It makes judgements without facts. In otherwords, it is prejudicial. Race and class prejudice. History tells us there is no future in that. The people who posted above don't care about that either. They now must hide and find ways to shield their ears and eyes from the suffering and misery that lies ahead for families that will not be able to get vouchers who will truly be "left behind".

2/16/2007 8:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 9:32, you say-

"I have children at 3 different schools, neices and nephews at 5 others and a grandchild at still another yet I have never heard of these meetings."

Umm shouldn't you bear a little of the responsibility of "never" hearing about these meetings? There is a little thing called a PTO that would have given you info like that. Or if your school does not have one of those, gasp, you might have to step up and be active in the school and organize one. There is also a little thing called the SLPS website that will give you dates and times for public meetings where you could have gotten this info.

All you had to do is ask.

This strikes a nerve with me cause we have SO many parents complaining about the SLPS but it is LACK of parental involvement that is one of the biggest problems in this district.

Step up and be involved and you will be informed- K?

And I'm wondering who is the "flunky lawyer" you refer to?

2/16/2007 12:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just get Bill Purdy out and find him a friend.

2/16/2007 6:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Just get Bill Purdy out and find him a friend.

2/16/2007 6:50 PM

Veronica, please. Your posts are so transparent! You look even more immature and unstable.

2/17/2007 9:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snead Hearn I don't usually post on here, but I've grown tired of your incessant accusations of Mrs. O'Brien posting everything said against Bill Purdy!

Perhaps YOUR real name is Bill Purdy and YOU are afraid of the truth finally being revealed and your cover blown {talk about transparent!}. It is the understanding of more than a few people that you are also assisting Mrs. Jones with living expenses since she joined the Board and was fired by the last company she worked for!

People at 801 constantly talk about your ability to buy premium box seats at the Rams games and your trips around the world; all on a principals pension? I think not.

Stop picking on Veronica and just tell us how you afford these things. Show the voided checks that are apying for the lawsuits. You were on the board that created the mess that Ron, Darnetta and Veronica walked into. Veronica just seems to have outsmarted you and got close enough to know the inside scoop. Are you mad a Black woman outsmarted you to get re-elected & get the presidents seat? Yep, you are. (ROFL) Haa-Haa-Haa, Hee-Hee-Hee!!!!!!!!

2/18/2007 12:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Ronald Humphries of Fairgrounds Park for demonstrating the shallow thought process and immaturity of allies of V. O'Brien and the proponents State takeover.
Your post doesn't deserve the honor of a lengthy response.

2/18/2007 12:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Purdy . . Ooops, I mean Snead Hearn. Your response shows that you are no more articulate in writing than you were on the radio this morning.

Just picking on a Black woman because she wouldn't follow your lead. Be afraid Bill, be very afraid. THe clouds are parting and the truth will be revealed. I hope Veronica does know something that canhelp us get rid of you. Once you are gone - the erst will soon follow.

The public will soon see that Lizard Brown has corrupted the SLPS school board the Same way she corrupted Marlene Terry and the Ricerview Gardens District. It's a shame that it is women like her that people like you and Peter like to co-habitate with.

2/18/2007 3:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

R H of F P said...
Bill Purdy . . Ooops, I mean Snead Hearn.

2/18/2007 3:18 PM

R H of F P, you're quite a character. I can't really say much more. You haven't written anything of substance. You certainly haven't written anything hopeful or helpful. I can only see two agenda items in your posts: defend Veronica and smear Purdy or anyone else that writes anything that opposes her. You write nothing about children and what you think would be the best way to educate them. You offer NO details about a solution.
Are you trying to make an intellectual point?

2/19/2007 8:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

snead hearn said...R H of F P, you're quite a character. I can't really say much more.

Of course you can't, the TRUTH can't be change or argued against. I'm gonna give you a couple of solutions though, the rest I'm working with REAL committed people to impliment:
The best way to educate children would be to put the financial resources where they need to be - in the classroom. The best way to achieve this is to lobby our legislators on both sides of the isle. It would also prove beneficial if all students are tested in the same manner. This would also include eliminating culturally biased tests.

We should also provide opportunites for children who don't fit well into the SLPS sytem to receive there eduaction from alternative sources. This should include all low-income students and should not be limited to only those the district does not want because they are "disciplinary problems". [I here teachers wanting to "get rid of" those children who they can't control by putting them in alternative schools, but they want to keep the "good" children.]

One more thing . .we also need to get you off the Board. I ain't trying to smear your name - you're doing that yourself. But YOU most definately are trying to smear Veronica simply because she won't go along with you racist agenda to continue to undereducate children of color!

2/20/2007 8:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ronald Humphries of Fairgrounds Park said...
snead hearn said...R H of F P, you're quite a character. I can't really say much more.

Of course you can't, the TRUTH can't be change or argued against. I'm gonna give you a couple of solutions though, the rest I'm working with REAL committed people to impliment:
The best way to educate children would be to put the financial resources where they need to be - in the classroom. The best way to achieve this is to lobby our legislators on both sides of the isle. It would also prove beneficial if all students are tested in the same manner. This would also include eliminating culturally biased tests.

We should also provide opportunites for children who don't fit well into the SLPS sytem to receive there eduaction from alternative sources. This should include all low-income students and should not be limited to only those the district does not want because they are "disciplinary problems". [I here teachers wanting to "get rid of" those children who they can't control by putting them in alternative schools, but they want to keep the "good" children.]

One more thing . .we also need to get you off the Board. I ain't trying to smear your name - you're doing that yourself. But YOU most definately are trying to smear Veronica simply because she won't go along with you racist agenda to continue to undereducate children of color!

2/20/2007 8:15 AM

Apparently, we are on the same page about education.
ALL schools in the district should be funded the way we funded Magnet Schools. That program proved that the more money and resources a teacher has, the higher quality the education will be.
The problem as I see it is that government wants to go beyond just providing the resources, they want to set the rules AND administer the district. They want to provide the money, run the BoE and be the superintendent.
The reason we created schools boards across the country is to keep government out of the business of running the schools. Now they're in it more than ever, across the country, not just here.
My issue with the Board has nothing to do with race. If I was a racist, don't you think I'd belittle Donna Jones, too? She's justifiably mad but not moody.
I have serious issues with all of the people listed above. Slay and Shoemehl are by far the worst, most greedy offenders. They've done infinitely more damage than Veronica. I formed my opinion of Veronica O'Brien at candidate forums I attended. I told my parent friends then i didn't trust her because she was a Slay appointee and because she dodged the questions I asked her. Her performance as President of the BoE is clearly 360 degrees from how she presented herself as a candidate.
From being involved in my son's education, I've had numerous occasions to learn about how the Board operated before Jones, Downs and Purdy came onboard. I have some really ugly stories that convince me that State takeover is an immoral goal that Slay and is friends have been working on since before Veronica was appointed.

2/20/2007 9:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ronald Humphries of Fairgrounds Park,

Someone just sent me this:

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education web site contains a page from which data and statistics for the different school districts can be displayed.

According to the District Receipts and Expenditures page from the Statistical Profile of the Special School District of St. Louis County, Current Expenditures for fiscal year 2006 were $293 million, and current expenditures per child were $119,749, calculated from a count of 2,451 children based on average daily attendance (ADA).

According to the DESE web site reports for St. Louis City, Current Expenditures for fiscal year 2006 were $428 million, and current expenditures
per child were $11,953, calculated from a count of 35,877 children based on ADA.

According to the 2006 Special Education Profile for St. Louis City, there were 6,741 special education children, which was 16.83% of the district's
enrollment. There are more special education students enrolled in St. Louis City than in the Special School District of St. Louis County. Children are classified for special education for a variety of reasons: mental retardation, emotional disturbance, speech/language impairment, autism, and so on.

The purpose of making comparisons between districts should not be to declare that one district or another is spending too much on education. The only valid basis for determining whether a district spends an appropriate amount on education is the needs of the children. Clearly, the average child in the Special School District of St. Louis County has greater needs than the average child in most other districts; therefore, the expenditures per child
should be higher.

If we as a society can afford $119,749 per child per year in the Special School District, and we can, then we should also be able to afford greater
amounts per child in other districts when the need is there.

2/20/2007 12:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ronald humphfries postings make a lot of sense. the reason you all are so mad at O'Brien is because she is so smart and she beat you at the came. So much so the only thing you can do is call her crazy.
This lady has a future and it sho aint with us. You go girl!!!

2/21/2007 1:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
ronald humphfries postings make a lot of sense. the reason you all are so mad at O'Brien is because she is so smart and she beat you at the came. So much so the only thing you can do is call her crazy.
This lady has a future and it sho aint with us. You go girl!!!

2/21/2007 1:59 AM

I would never argue that O'Brien isn't shrewd. It's just that her shrewdness has only benefitted O'Brien, or in the case of the iPods, her kids. Yep, she's a shrewd politician alright. Stick around and see how she benefits personally and see how the SLPS decline if the State takes over.

2/21/2007 6:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If O'Brien's bizarre turnaround which put her in support of Slay and his takeover, showing contempt for the same people he does has saved her and her family from the hit ordered on her last August, then that goes beyond shrewd.

It becomes understandable.

2/21/2007 1:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 2/15 7:55 p.m asked where is Dr. Bourisaw's plan since it certainly isn't on the website.

Let me walk you through this. Go to the website (www.slps.org). Read down to the bottom of the public notices, that's the comments right there on that page, you don't have to click anything, and you will see a heading that says Dr. Bourisaw presents her plan to the community. Click on that headline. Then click were it says "download the plan."


2/23/2007 3:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 2/15 7:55 p.m asked where is Dr. Bourisaw's plan since it certainly isn't on the website.

Let me walk you through this. Go to the website (www.slps.org). Read down to the bottom of the public notices, that's the comments right there on that page, you don't have to click anything, and you will see a heading that says Dr. Bourisaw presents her plan to the community. Click on that headline. Then click were it says "download the plan."


2/23/2007 3:57 PM


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