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Still Cause for Hope

By Antonio D. French

Filed Thursday, February 15, 2007 at 5:21 PM

Opponents of the takeover approved today by the State Board of Education still have cause for hope.

Officials in St. Louis Public Schools are still fighting for the provisional accreditation status that would stop these outside efforts to single out the City's public schools among the many other underperforming districts in the region and across the state.

As Deputy Superintendent John Martin explained to a group of parents and stakeholders last month, the district has evidence that it has met the sixth standard needed for provisional state accreditation.

In order for a school district to be fully accredited, it must meet nine of 14 standards set by the state Board of Education. To be provisionally accredited, as SLPS has been for several years, it must meet six of those standards. The state announced a few weeks ago, that SLPS had so far met only five.

Today's action by the State Board, which occurred despite very little local support, is based on the district losing its accreditation. Later this month, DESE will determine if that is indeed the case.

Dr. Martin said that SLPS has evidence that the district has met the sixth standard, a measure of the percentage of high school graduates that go on to college.

Martin said the district contracted with a private firm, for a fee of just $450 per high school, which tracked down recent graduates and confirmed their enrollment in institutes of higher learning.

It is now up to the state board to accept this new data, or instead ignore it and move on with stripping the district of its provisional accreditation.

That "makes all the difference in the world," said Martin.

If SLPS does maintain its provisional accreditation status, the 3-member "transitional board" will instead be an "advisory board". A decision on accreditation may be made as soon as February 28.

Meanwhile, Pub Def has learned that at least one state legislator is beginning work on legislation to change the statute that would allow the State to uniquely intervene in St. Louis City's school district.


Link to this story


Anonymous Anonymous said...

PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE...In all honesty and fairness the reason for the failure of the SLPS is due in a large part too people just working for money with no true interest in the kids! Bottom line. I've been working in our downtown office now for 18yrs. I work with all grade level schools in many areas. I see most of the mess first hand. I can tell you anyone who would read this blog that works within the school system and would be "honest" would tell you, yes 50% of the teachers are sub's, Yes most staff members were hired because they knew someone within and not because they were the best pick, Yes Most teachers complain "at a board meeting" but take no actions to fix the problems when they return to work and lastly Yes, Most students dont take home work home anymore at 75% of the slps schools I personally work with. Do I care, Yes, But will a principal or staff member of one of these schools step up to the plate and speak out whats really going on - NO, WHY, because no one wants to loose there job, no one wants to be black listed, no one wants to create more problems for themselves. So what you have is a "few" good teachers trying to save a district full of "bad" teachers. Money, Money, Money - its want they go to work for, while most will say, "I got mine, you need to get yours" to a student thats not preforming up to par. The problem is bigger than a few politicians. I dont expect the district to turn around, ever, until we have teachers who work within the schools because they actually care for the students. Now I know all you teachers dont fall into this group, just 75% of you do! I see you day in and day out, I know some of you first hand, You dont care. And the wierd thing is most of you live check to check and will retire with a little something and still have to work. So at least im happy that in the end the kids wont be the only ones "screwed!"

2/15/2007 6:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yahoo, for the supporters of mediocrity!!!

That's what all parents should want for their children, the same thing the teachers' union wants for the district - mediocrity. Everything is going to be o.k. just as long as your child can make at least a "D" on their report card they can still be promoted to the next grade. The teachers don't have to teach anything and the students don't have to learn.

After all the state is building enough penitentiaries to house all those who graduate with less skill than is neccessary to function in "normal" society. Isn't that were the union is investing it's pension money anyway. They sure aren't investing it in the future of the children they supposedly care so much about.

2/15/2007 6:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Brian for telling the truth and being willing to associate your name with it. I feel the same way - but unfortunately I can not use my name because of the "bills I have to pay". I am also in that small minority of teachers who have decided to teach because it was my calling and not because I am trying to get by.

Ultimately I hope the state does have a plan - and that it is one that is inclusive of all stakeholder groups - so that all children are exposed to competent, caring teachers in clean, safe environments. This way they all have an opportunity to learn, the rest is up to the parents.

2/15/2007 6:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what does this mean?

Meanwhile, Pub Def has learned that at least one state legislator is beginning work on legislation to change the statute that would allow the State to uniquely intervene in St. Louis City's school district.

Does that mean that this legislator wants to hedge the bet---in case Bourisaw provides documented proof that the criteria was met---that they could ignore that inconvenient item and take over anyway.

Bourisaw is likely to have proof in the form of specific names and specific enrollments in colleges which they will ignore, but which could get them in trouble for ignoring it when it goes to court.

2/15/2007 8:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo Brian Harris.

I have no children, but I pay taxes, I know products of this failed system and I interview products of this failed system.

It matters to me enough, that I have submitted my name into the lion's den because I know that the children are the future of this city.

Do you think there are not going to be hundreds and thousands of implants to run this city in the future? NO. They will come from within the city. They are in the system NOW or will be in the next few years.

The future is ours to shape. ALL of us.

It should not be parents vs. politicians vs. business vs. unions. Everyone speaks of wanting to help the children, but somewhere between speaking it and implementing it a serious disconnect has happened. Voter apathy has opened the door to disaster.

It will take serious actions to get the SLPS back on track, but I am confident that it can happen.

The voters, the businesses, the politicians, the unions, and yes, even the state must ask themselves if each and every action will truly be in the best interest of the children and they must be willing to make the difficult and unpopular decisions for the kids (who by the way don't vote). We must be their guardians.

Parents must be willing to accept harsher discipline if it will help the children. Unions must accept concessions if it will help the children. Administrators must be willing to support the teachers if it will help the children. Politicans must be willing to give up votes if it will help the children.

It HAS to happen if the City is going to survive, much less grow.

Maurice St. Pierre
school board candidate (still)

2/15/2007 8:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Nilhil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit "
Cicero, In Verrem, I, ii, 4

Our dear friend, Cicero (106-43 B.C.), Roman orator, statesman, and philosopher, spoke centuries ago about today: "Nothing is so well fortified that money cannot capture it." This includes public interest, public education, and public service.

The lucrative Saint Louis Public Schools is well on its way to being captured. The State Board of Education decision to grant partial takeover by the State to the whims of three politicians is proof of the lure and power of money. It is this humble scribe's opinion that many self-interest groups, and money-hungry groups and individuals, recognizing the alluring pot of gold the Vandals from the North (Alvarez &Marsal's Roberti &Team), discovered and exploited, are now lining up for the spoils.

Despite all the psychobabble and terminology that it's about the kids, too much effort and energy has gone into dismantling and destroying the school system to open the door to personal gain to believe otherwise. The fact that otherwise sane, rational, affluent men and women allow themselves to appear so publicly foolish by irrational, insane, and bizarre behaviors signals just how serious the money hungry are in getting what they want.

Cicero spoke well not only for his times but for ours. Another, Plautus (254 - 184 B.C.), a Roman writer of comic dramas, wrote in Epidicus, 382-383, "Non oris causa modo homines aequom fuit sibi habere speculum, sed qui perspicere possent cor sapientiae."

Commissioner D. Kent King, Mayor Francis Slay, et al, should follow Plautus advice: "A man needs a good mirror to scrutinize his heart as well as his face."

These Roman men continue to speak to us today. Nevertheless, it may be an American closer to our times whose words will best describe today's decision: "This day will live on in infamy." (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) It is an infamous decision because of all the behind-the-scenes machinations and collusions, the trickery, the pilfering and pillaging, the refusal to do business in good faith for the sake of the children, the injustices of demanding of the City school district what other districts are not required, the withholding of promised funding, etc., etc.

Philo-Teknos grieves and weeps with you today, those of you who truly care about the children, for the children, and about their future. We send our young men and women to fight and die to bring about democracy in a far corner of the earth, while wily politicians steal democracy from the people in our own backyard.

Unlike Charles Dickens, we can't say "It was the best of times. It was the worst of times." Today begins "the worst of times" because wicked schemes and plans have been rewarded.

(Friend of Children)

2/15/2007 10:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pu blic aschools have been rotten since the mid 70s' if not earlier. It is a shame on all of us that we have elected people who don't have the kids education and development at heart. Anyone who truely believes that the schools can be turned around without intervention is fooling themselves.

Who among the board will close the schools that have too few children, who will lay off teachers and other employees that are associated with those schools.

Who among the board will say OUT LOUD that the parents have to (through a mandate) get involved in the education of their child

Who among the board will place performance evualuation and accountability measures on the teachers.

Who among the board will ensure that we as a city put the us versus them aside in the name of our kids.

Noone......therefore, let the state come in and help us get back to the basics, educating the kids.

2/15/2007 10:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've noticed that most people who are so quick to label teachers as "good" or "bad", aren't in classrooms to see what the conditions really are, what principals are doing, and what the students are like. There is a huge variety of conditions from school to school, even classroom to classroom. I do know that many of your "good" teachers are getting ready to say "goodbye" to the SLPS. It is unbelievable to me that people are asking for the state to come in and run the SLPS. How many of you are happy with the way the state of Missouri runs anything? Do you think they are going to miraculously develop a conscience and suddenly care about these kids? Expect mass exoduses of your most qualified teachers if the state comes in and starts interfering (more) in the classroom. I have seen firsthand the state's answer to problems and so have others who are dealing with Reading First, etc. When they give help it comes in the form of more crap in the classroom and more testing. I don't need more crap in my classroom, I need a security guard, alternative settings, teacher's aides, more special ed. help, another secretary, etc. The state is not talking about increasing ANYTHING that we need and, I'm sorry but anyone who wants state intervention is either a damn fool or has never dealt with the state of Missouri before.

2/16/2007 6:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bad teachers + Bad parents + Petty leadership = Disaster! No amount of money will ever be able to fix the SLPS until these three factors are addressed.

2/16/2007 7:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

brian harris, i beg to differ with you

walk a mile, i dare you

i was called, and chosen and i get results at the expense of low wages, occupational dangers, etc.

even the late Ray Charles can see that the appointed panel is the force behind the dysfunction on the current, previous boards, etc.

the constant interference of Mayor Sly, oooops I mean Slay, and his gangster ridden politricks orchestrated (along with Shame Mel) the confusion. So how does anyone figure that state intervention will help anything?

Yeah, I'm a teacher. I am also a product of SLPS and a parent. And all 4 of my children are SLPS graduates and have post secondary education. 100% success rate because I MADE SURE OF IT!

2/16/2007 9:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I woke up this morning in an America where...

Our sons and daughters are sent to fight a war and not even Congress has any say about it.

State officials who disagree with voter's elected choices simply replace them with appointed people they choose.

Federal government curriculum is taught to our children about which not even parents have a say.

Police officers have broad powers to do all kinds of surveillance on me in the name of "homeland security" and the only people in place to oversee that they do not abuse their powers are the ones who gave them the powers.

Every freedom I took for granted was slipping away and the only branch left on the freedom tree that could stop the madness was the courts of the land. But then I remembered that it was the very people raping liberty who picked those who would judge them.

I woke up in an America today where nearly everyone seemed to be asleep or watching TV, and the few who were awake were crying out truth, but only heard by one another.

Oh, that a trumpet would sound in the land and wake the sleeping masses! For then surely the spirit within us would boil the blood in our veins to reclaim the dream of freedom by any means necessary.

There is no hope but we, the people, united, one nation under God.

2/16/2007 9:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to Brian Harris, I would pose several questions. First of all--you claim to have worked in the downtown office for some 18 years, silently observing as callous, uncaring employees masquerade as teachers. You further acknowledge that some 50% of the district's teachers are 'subs'--inferring a mediocre quality amongst them at best. You also say that ..."most staff members were hired because they knew someone within and not because they were the best pick." You continue your diatribe with additional comments marking the overall mediocrity and callous indifference of most staff in the SLPS. My question is simply--what function do you perform downtown? If you knew these things to be true; why haven't you registered your outrage earlier? Your 'dig' at the teachers 'complaining at a board meeting' infers that these same invisible teachers also cause mayhem through union membership. Well sir, I have been to school board meetings and have spoken out to the powers that be. I teach in the system out of choice. I WAS ONE OF THESE YOUNG PEOPLE. I wanted to return something back to a community that has been disenfranchised in every way long before the injustice democracy suffered yesterday. You claim these same teachers have no plan to improve things. I would refer you to multiple plans formulated by both AFT and the NEA at the national levels. These plans call for a return to reasonable discipline, zero tolerance for violence, innovative curriculums based on scientific and developmental norms, empowerment of teachers as opposed to the present system of undermining, universal pre-school beginning as early as 2 years, REDUCED CLASS SIZES, increase parental involvement and a return of respect to our nation's teachers. In addition these same UNIONS demand universal single payer health care for all as opposed to Mo.'s inhumane slashing of Medicaid coverage for children. They also have spearheaded an international campaign for economic justice which focuses on FAIR TRADE NOT FREE TRADE, ABOLITION OF SLAVERY WORLD WIDE, ABOLITION OF CHILD LABOR WORLD WIDE, A LIVING WAGE FOR ALL PEOPLE, HEALTH CARE FOR ALL, FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION FOR ALL WHICH IS INDEPENDENT OF RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE, EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WOMEN AND A RETURN TO DEMOCRACY AS OPPOSED TO THE CORPORATE FASCISM WHICH PERVADES OUR WORLD TODAY. What does this have to do with public education? Everything. Democracy requires an informed public capable of critical thinking and analysis. Democracy requires a free and independent press which delivers news not the intellectual pablum we see with Katie Couriq. The schools are broken because society is broken. Since the 1980's the social safety net has been dismantled, along with any protections for workers. I would suggest that you search your soul and try to locate your conscience--that is--if you have one.

J. Gadfly

2/16/2007 10:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder. Could you be a shill for the Mayor's office? Also, could 'anonymous' be a plant or shill by Slay's office as well? I'm referring to the anonymous poster who tells people to move out of Missouri if you don't like the garbage that the Mayor is shoveling. Then again, you both could be posting from a PR firm, bent on destoying any responses that the Mayor doesn't like. Welcome to Saudi Missouri.

2/16/2007 10:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Brian for saying it. I am amazed at how willing people are willing to put their heads in the sand. There are a lot of problems in the St. Louis Public Schools. The board, the politicians, the apathetic parents, and also MANY APATHETIC TEACHERS. How is it they always avoid taking ANY responsibility for any part of the failure? They are quick to point the finger at anyone else and even attack anyone who doesn't agree with them. Yet can I have a poll of how many teachers support putting in place accountability measures for teachers. How many support parents and students giving evaluations of teachers? How many support principals being able to get rid of teachers that are NOT effective or just not right for the classroom? What does the AFT, Local 420, or the NEA have on their platforms to address some of their ineffective, apathetic, members who rip of the taxpayers to pay for their salaries? What do they have in place for when a teacher gets burned out and no longer even likes their students but continues to work because they need a job or they are waiting for their pension? And for the record, I have been a teacher in the classroom.

2/16/2007 10:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the comment on 'apathetic teachers' and the need to retire them from the ranks (long before retirement is official); I would like to add that AFT and NEA do have programs to address these problems. These programs attempt to mentor the problem individuals. If mentoring is not successful;then these unions do move to have those individuals removed from the profession. If you had read your literature from a variety of organizations including professional academic groups, you would know this. I find it difficult to believe that you are a teacher and not some creep in a PR firm creating these 'stories' for the Mayor's office. All you do is repeat the same tired cliches with NO PROOF OR FACTS.

2/16/2007 11:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim- I think you're right on track! I want to know what EXACTLY the State is going to do to FIX the schools...

I've seen how well the State usually "helps" in other areas and really think we could do better on our own. About the only type of help SLPS needs from the State is more $$ and we all know that is NEVER gonna happen.

2/16/2007 12:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have one question to all of you teacher haters out there: Where are you planning to find replacements for these teachers that you want to fire? If we can't even find enough of what you label as 75% bad teachers to fill current openings, how do you propose to fill the classrooms with good teachers? Are you really so slow-witted that you don't understand WHY we have so many subs? Wake up and smell the coffee! The other problems need supports in place before you can demand that teacher quality improve. The good ones are all leaving because there are no societal supports for the other issues that the kids are bringing to school with them.

2/16/2007 12:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I would like to add that AFT and NEA do have programs to address these problems. These programs attempt to mentor the problem individuals. If mentoring is not successful;then these unions do move to have those individuals removed from the profession."

Isn't that kind of like big companies regulating themselves with no outside accountability? What about what the principal says, the parents say, the superintendent says. What about a teacher's report card and letting that be the basis of promotion, raises, or even staying at the school? We can vote for a new school board. ( Well.. we used to.) We have even been able to contribute to who is Superintendent. ( Kind of) But what about when there are poorly performing teachers.
Why can't they be accountable like everyone else?

We ask about teachers because they are the only part of the equation that is denying any responsibility. We know about parents, school boards, poverty, politicians, etc contributed. Jim, Gadfly, or any teacher, please tell me what the teacher's (as a group, not individuals)role was in the failing school system ?

2/16/2007 1:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

teacher's role? the patsy

2/16/2007 2:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon at 2:12 pm, you hit the nail on the head!

2/16/2007 2:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all you teachers who suppose I’m a hater, or that I’m against you, know this, I once heard it said that “if alcoholics and drug addicts would check themselves into rehab, this world would be a better place.” I’ve also heard “if every liar would just come clean, life would be easier.” and “if politicians wouldn’t speak with a forked tongue, maybe we could get somewhere.” Usually the person or people with the problem are in denial! So its very unlikely that most of those 75% I spoke of would even listen to me acknowledge the problems they persist in. I’m a man, most males I speak with don’t like me telling them that cheating on their woman is wrong! So I would dare to say that someone within these last 5years that this flip flop problem has been in existence within the district has proposed a great solution that would have worked but, most people wouldn’t agree that the problem even exist (even though it does). A STATE OF DENIAL WILL CONTINUE TO DESTORY OUR DISTRICT. When everyone can acknowledge a problem within the district, but no one seems to be implementing a solution that lets me know that you or someone like you isn’t listing. You know I see some weird things in some of these schools, I once saw two teachers sending porn to each other in emails during a development session; we have a lot of cases of students selling drugs to the teachers. So All I’m saying is Lets WORK (Action word) to solve this problem. You know if people did as much and put as much energy into fixing the problems in their own class rooms as they do in talking, and saying things that they have no after intent to implement themselves, We would have NO MORE PROBLEMS IN SLPS, AT ALL!

2/16/2007 3:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


J. Gadfly

2/16/2007 4:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess by all the posts it is stupid to suggest that everyone is at fault and move on. This is a 30 year old problem that a lot of people have had a hand in; some teachers, some superintendents, some principals, some parents, some school board members. It does not make sense to point fingers. It does make sense to talk about how to galzanize support for all levels of education in our city, from day care to high school.

But then, perhaps I am the one who is foolish in suggesting this.

2/16/2007 6:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teachers had a role in removing Williams. Teachers endorsed canidates who sit/ sat on the board. Teachers influenced legislation. Don't play victim. It is not pretty.

Besides that the most influence that a teacher has is directly on the children in the classroom everyday. Teachers see the children more than parents do. If the teachers' attitude is such that they don't like the children, they look down on the children, or they hate walking into the classroom, then that attitude transfers to the children. If the teachers have the attitude that everyone should just be grateful that they are putting up with the children, then they contribute to the low self esteem a child has. Teaching is a gift and you can tell the real teachers that are called to the profession by how they approach their students. If the attitude is with love, it generates a positive outcome. If it is with disdain, then you get students who could care less about your or themselves. I believe that attitude creates your reality. If the teacher is the leader of the class, then your attitude sets the tone for how they are received.

2/16/2007 6:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe someone should look into where Bill Purdy is getting his money from. When he and his wife retired they didn't make that much money. Wonder if something has gone on or is going on? Now he is paying for nother lawsuit?
Go away Bill you are a joke and a lost old man

2/16/2007 6:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree with the last comment. Something is not right will Bill Purdy. Maybe we should ask Jim Gant.

2/16/2007 6:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the cause for hope that that Downs, will be out of office?

2/16/2007 7:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy, now we are hinging our hope on how many students enrolled in institutions of higher learning. This is supposed to tell you how well the students are doing. I will tell you that as an instructor in one of those institutions, many are not able to make it pass the first few weeks. It doesn't take anything to enroll. Filling out an application is simple. Being able to keep up is the bigger challenge. Frankly that speaks to whether the students are truly doing well as opposed to simple enrollment. I can't tell you how many students I get from SLPS that can't read, write, speak, or even add.

It is time to stop hinging hope on low standards. I don't know if the state takeover will improve the situation, but this grab at straws is pathetic so a takeover can't be too much worse. I for one hope that the state at least require mandatory graduation exams based on national standards.

2/16/2007 7:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whilw you are working on Downs try taking Flower instead.

2/16/2007 7:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/16/2007 7:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You teacher haters still haven't answered the basic question - where do you believe the replacements will come from? No matter how bad you think we are, unless you can find someone who is willing to do this job in our places, you are stuck with us. Walk a mile in our shoes, then you'll know why there aren't enough of us in the first place, let alone enough perfect teachers to replace those of us who are only human.

2/16/2007 10:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon. at 2/16 1:49 p.m. asked...

"Jim, Gadfly, or any teacher, please tell me what the teacher's (as a group, not individuals)role was in the failing school system?"

I'll try...(for what it is worth) but my experience only goes back seven years. Many of my colleagues, some still working, others retired, have more insight into the past then I do.

The teachers as a group serve much in the same way as the little boy standing below the dyke with his finger in the hole trying to stop the entire dam from breaking. Meanwhile cracks are developing all around him and more leaks begin to spring forth. So he sticks another finger in another hole. More leaks develop. He uses up all of his fingers and toes and begins to cry out for help from his "friends" but they either don't want to get wet or can't hear him from the water beginning to cascade through, around, and over the dam. Eventually the boy can't keep his head above water and he drowns.

That is the teacher's role in the SLPS.

2/17/2007 8:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know..."dike" not "dyke"...hmmm maybe...no, we won't go there.

2/17/2007 8:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Maybe someone should look into where Bill Purdy is getting his money from. When he and his wife retired they didn't make that much money. Wonder if something has gone on or is going on? Now he is paying for nother lawsuit?
Go away Bill you are a joke and a lost old man

2/16/2007 6:39 PM

Anonymous said...
Agree with the last comment. Something is not right will Bill Purdy. Maybe we should ask Jim Gant.

2/16/2007 6:52 PM

Anonymous said...
Is the cause for hope that that Downs, will be out of office?

2/16/2007 7:15 PM

Back at it again Veronica?

2/17/2007 9:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty transparent, isn't she? By the way, the same BS was posted on every blog.

2/17/2007 10:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When someone ordered the hit on Timothy Bacon last summer---Downs and Purdy and Bourisaw and Jones took heat for ordering 20,000 dollars worth of extra security---I am beginning to wonder if she did not decide that the best sense of security comes from doing what powerful and violent people tell you to do.

2/17/2007 1:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

People, people, people (and that includes you Veronica hiding under anonymity to make unsubstantiated accusations), has no one recognized even from an article in today's newspaper that O'Brien, Archibald, and Jackson all violated their pledge to do what was in the best interests of the children by refusing to do the business of the Board of Education?
Veronica, you should be taken to court, convicted, and sent to prison for many years for doing to children what you would not allow for your own rich, affluent children. You're a disgrace not only to the black race but to the whole human race. Go take your filthy language and baseless accusations and try to reconcile to a husband who has given up on you. You are indeed a sick woman.

2/17/2007 2:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"O'Brien, Archibald, and Jackson all violated their pledge to do what was in the best interests of the children by refusing to do the business of the Board of Education?"

They can claim they THOUGHT they WERE doing what is best for the children...

As devil's advocate, maybe they do.

Maybe all the evidence of the harm that resulted is meaningless in court, without proof they INTENTIONALLY tried to harm children.

We already know the evidence is meaningless to the majority of the Missouri Board of Education.

2/17/2007 4:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey everyone, Veronica was on the Jaco Report this evening. You should have seen her and heard all her lies.

She forgets how many people she told before Creg Williams was fired (resigned) at her behest that she had someone in the wings (Diana Bourisaw). She didn't say Purdy, Downs, or Jones had someone in the wings, she said she had someone in the wings and took full credit for it.

Now she wants to deny it.

She talked about board member shenanigans when the only shenanigans apparent to anyone watching are her's, Jackson's and Archibald's. She's like the emperor without any clothes who doesn't even know it but everyone sees a naked emperor.

Veronica, you forgot to put your clothes on and everyone sees you for the drugged, sick, whatever woman you are. Pity your poor children.

2/17/2007 6:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Pretty transparent, isn't she? By the way, the same BS was posted on every blog.

2/17/2007 10:29 AM

2/17/2007 9:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Subject: Re: Santos vs The Stars
Posted: 17 Feb 2007 18:08 pm
No, I'm sorry to say I didn't see the game - when you're 17 or 18 like I was at the time, you think you'll have other opportunities to be part of that kind of history. How about yourself, were you at ...
Topic: Will MattBlunt choose a creationist as ceo of SL pub schools
Snead Hearn

Replies: 3
Views: 87
Forum: Current Affairs
Subject: Re: Will MattBlunt choose a creationist as ceo of SL pub schools
Posted: 17 Feb 2007 16:12 pm
The arrogance is appalling for sure.

Wasn't our government also based on the separation of church and state, didn't they put that into the Constitution for some reason. So listen to the founder w ...
Topic: Possible stadium sites?
Snead Hearn

Replies: 17
Views: 535
Forum: Soccer Talk
Subject: Re: Possible stadium sites?
Posted: 17 Feb 2007 14:57 pm
What are all of the proposed and actually considered sites for an MLS stadium around STL?

Also, do they have any idea when a stadium plan might be finalized? that is probably key to getting a team. ...
Topic: Will MattBlunt choose a creationist as ceo of SL pub schools
Snead Hearn

Replies: 3
Views: 87
Forum: Current Affairs
Subject: Re: Will MattBlunt choose a creationist as ceo of SL pub schools
Posted: 17 Feb 2007 14:51 pm
This is perfect example of twisted ethnocentricity. Sick.
Topic: Missouri to take over SLPS
Snead Hearn

Replies: 26
Views: 501
Forum: Current Affairs
Subject: Re: Missouri to take over SLPS
Posted: 15 Feb 2007 09:35 am
This is a travesty.

Saint Louis has done such a great job running it into the ground.

What a shame.

You think this is a travesty? If it's true, and the lawsuits don't prevail, stick around. ...
Topic: NHL officiating...part two...
Snead Hearn

Replies: 11
Views: 308
Forum: Blues Talk
Subject: Re: NHL officiating...part two...
Posted: 15 Feb 2007 09:32 am
Chicago just scored a go-ahead-goal against the Penguins...
...with six skaters on the ice. Ruutuu jumped off the bench early, picked up a loose puck and went in to score. As the 'hawks celebrated ...
Topic: SLPS idea
Snead Hearn

Replies: 10
Views: 253
Forum: Bill McClellan's Bar & Grill
Subject: Re: SLPS idea
Posted: 15 Feb 2007 09:05 am
The last School Board election took us in the direction of having people on the Board who have or have had children in the district.
That is what got Slay's attention to put State takeover on the fas ...
Topic: Answer me this, please.......
Snead Hearn

Replies: 102
Views: 1563
Forum: Current Affairs
Subject: Re: Answer me this, please.......
Posted: 15 Feb 2007 08:50 am
OK Snead, I think I see where you are going with this. Please correct me if I'm wrong, as I'm sure you will.
I agree with you that our parenting skills as a whole stink. Where the blame goes is in qu ...

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2/17/2007 9:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2/17/2007 9:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snead you must not have a job. Got your identity. All you do is blogg. You make pretty interesting comments on the net. So do you like Europe?
Remember nothing is every anonymous on the web. This is why bloggs like this won't last. They are not credible.

2/17/2007 10:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In all of these blogs I see blame on teachers, parents, students and board members. Why isn’t anyone actually blaming society in general? Lets start with businesses. Who is the first to ask for TIFFs in order to set up shop in a community, city, or county? If the business does not get the breaks they so desire they move to some rural location where people desperately needs jobs or in some cases some third world country. Who loses, children seeking public education. Businesses want educated/trainable employees but do not want to waste the bottom line on training new employees. President Bush called for corporate responsibility at the beginning of his first term. Why isn’t business willing to pay their share of the taxes for education when they move into a community? Also if you have been paying attention to the news the developers for the New Stadium Village is now seeking the same kinds of tax breaks. Wasn’t the Stadium Village part of the packaging to gain public support for a new stadium (even though we needed a new stadium anyway)?

Next is the State of Missouri. The State of Missouri stands to gain a substantial sum of money when the Desegregation officially ends in 2008. The State of Missouri has been withholding funds that are due to the St. Louis Public Schools and all of the other districts that participated in the Deseg program. By taking over the SLPS they would be keeping thousands of dollars that could be used to provide public education. Blunt and Slay think that charter schools are the answer. However, how many charter schools have lasted more than three years? Again it is that business thing, businesses are in business to make money not lose it. Not to mention MAP test scores are lower in charter schools than in SLPS, Riverview, and Jennings (to name a few). And again, who is losing out, students who want and need a public education.

Society needs to change its philosophy about education if we wish this community, city, state, and country want to compete on the world stage. We pay men and women millions of dollars to play a child’s game or to entertain us. Long gone are the days of the one room schoolhouse where the teacher was invited to family homes to have a meal. Not to mention the community would build the teacher a house to live in. But also in those days the whole school was comprise of thirty students in all grades (one – twelve, kindergarten was in place yet). If we want to be like other countries (France, Germany, Japan, etc.) then we need to provide the necessary funding to train future generations to keep us moving forward. Yes, we need to have standards for students to meet – not some test. Yes, teachers need to be held accountable – nothing worse than seeing a math or science teacher teaching the same lesson they taught while student teaching thirty years ago. And YES, we need to fund the schools and provide teachers and students the current resources that businesses use in order to provide those students a chance after high school. As it stands now a student has to attend a junior college, college, or tech school in order to attain a skill they can use after school. Not to many businesses offer jobs in proficient test taking.

This whole exercise is not about education it is about money. And look who stands to gain the most out of this State takeover. To me it makes perfect sense as to why the State wants to take over the St. Louis Public Schools – NOT.

2/17/2007 10:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
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Author Message
Topic: Possible stadium sites?
Snead Hearn

Replies: 17
Views: 535
Forum: Soccer Talk
Subject: Re: Santos vs The Stars
Posted: 17 Feb 2007 18:08 pm
No, I'm sorry to say I didn't see the game - when you're 17 or 18 like I was at the time, you think you'll have other opportunities to be part of that kind of history. How about yourself, were you at ...
Topic: Will MattBlunt choose a creationist as ceo of SL pub schools
Snead Hearn

Replies: 3
Views: 87
Forum: Current Affairs
Subject: Re: Will MattBlunt choose a creationist as ceo of SL pub schools
Posted: 17 Feb 2007 16:12 pm
The arrogance is appalling for sure.

Wasn't our government also based on the separation of church and state, didn't they put that into the Constitution for some reason. So listen to the founder w ...
Topic: Possible stadium sites?
Snead Hearn

Replies: 17
Views: 535
Forum: Soccer Talk
Subject: Re: Possible stadium sites?
Posted: 17 Feb 2007 14:57 pm
What are all of the proposed and actually considered sites for an MLS stadium around STL?

Also, do they have any idea when a stadium plan might be finalized? that is probably key to getting a team. ...
Topic: Will MattBlunt choose a creationist as ceo of SL pub schools
Snead Hearn

Replies: 3
Views: 87
Forum: Current Affairs
Subject: Re: Will MattBlunt choose a creationist as ceo of SL pub schools
Posted: 17 Feb 2007 14:51 pm
This is perfect example of twisted ethnocentricity. Sick.
Topic: Missouri to take over SLPS
Snead Hearn

Replies: 26
Views: 501
Forum: Current Affairs
Subject: Re: Missouri to take over SLPS
Posted: 15 Feb 2007 09:35 am
This is a travesty.

Saint Louis has done such a great job running it into the ground.

What a shame.

You think this is a travesty? If it's true, and the lawsuits don't prevail, stick around. ...
Topic: NHL officiating...part two...
Snead Hearn

Replies: 11
Views: 308
Forum: Blues Talk
Subject: Re: NHL officiating...part two...
Posted: 15 Feb 2007 09:32 am
Chicago just scored a go-ahead-goal against the Penguins...
...with six skaters on the ice. Ruutuu jumped off the bench early, picked up a loose puck and went in to score. As the 'hawks celebrated ...
Topic: SLPS idea
Snead Hearn

Replies: 10
Views: 253
Forum: Bill McClellan's Bar & Grill
Subject: Re: SLPS idea
Posted: 15 Feb 2007 09:05 am
The last School Board election took us in the direction of having people on the Board who have or have had children in the district.
That is what got Slay's attention to put State takeover on the fas ...
Topic: Answer me this, please.......
Snead Hearn

Replies: 102
Views: 1563
Forum: Current Affairs
Subject: Re: Answer me this, please.......
Posted: 15 Feb 2007 08:50 am
OK Snead, I think I see where you are going with this. Please correct me if I'm wrong, as I'm sure you will.
I agree with you that our parenting skills as a whole stink. Where the blame goes is in qu ...

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2/17/2007 9:42 PM

Anonymous said...
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Occupation: Artisan (Carpenter, Painter, etc.)
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2/17/2007 9:44 PM

2/17/2007 11:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Forums > STLtoday.com: Forums - Forum Search

Search found 331 matches

Author Message
Topic: Possible stadium sites?
Snead Hearn

Replies: 17
Views: 535
Forum: Soccer Talk
Subject: Re: Santos vs The Stars
Posted: 17 Feb 2007 18:08 pm
No, I'm sorry to say I didn't see the game - when you're 17 or 18 like I was at the time, you think you'll have other opportunities to be part of that kind of history. How about yourself, were you at ...
Topic: Will MattBlunt choose a creationist as ceo of SL pub schools
Snead Hearn

Replies: 3
Views: 87
Forum: Current Affairs
Subject: Re: Will MattBlunt choose a creationist as ceo of SL pub schools
Posted: 17 Feb 2007 16:12 pm
The arrogance is appalling for sure.

Wasn't our government also based on the separation of church and state, didn't they put that into the Constitution for some reason. So listen to the founder w ...
Topic: Possible stadium sites?
Snead Hearn

Replies: 17
Views: 535
Forum: Soccer Talk
Subject: Re: Possible stadium sites?
Posted: 17 Feb 2007 14:57 pm
What are all of the proposed and actually considered sites for an MLS stadium around STL?

Also, do they have any idea when a stadium plan might be finalized? that is probably key to getting a team. ...
Topic: Will MattBlunt choose a creationist as ceo of SL pub schools
Snead Hearn

Replies: 3
Views: 87
Forum: Current Affairs
Subject: Re: Will MattBlunt choose a creationist as ceo of SL pub schools
Posted: 17 Feb 2007 14:51 pm
This is perfect example of twisted ethnocentricity. Sick.
Topic: Missouri to take over SLPS
Snead Hearn

Replies: 26
Views: 501
Forum: Current Affairs
Subject: Re: Missouri to take over SLPS
Posted: 15 Feb 2007 09:35 am
This is a travesty.

Saint Louis has done such a great job running it into the ground.

What a shame.

You think this is a travesty? If it's true, and the lawsuits don't prevail, stick around. ...
Topic: NHL officiating...part two...
Snead Hearn

Replies: 11
Views: 308
Forum: Blues Talk
Subject: Re: NHL officiating...part two...
Posted: 15 Feb 2007 09:32 am
Chicago just scored a go-ahead-goal against the Penguins...
...with six skaters on the ice. Ruutuu jumped off the bench early, picked up a loose puck and went in to score. As the 'hawks celebrated ...
Topic: SLPS idea
Snead Hearn

Replies: 10
Views: 253
Forum: Bill McClellan's Bar & Grill
Subject: Re: SLPS idea
Posted: 15 Feb 2007 09:05 am
The last School Board election took us in the direction of having people on the Board who have or have had children in the district.
That is what got Slay's attention to put State takeover on the fas ...
Topic: Answer me this, please.......
Snead Hearn

Replies: 102
Views: 1563
Forum: Current Affairs
Subject: Re: Answer me this, please.......
Posted: 15 Feb 2007 08:50 am
OK Snead, I think I see where you are going with this. Please correct me if I'm wrong, as I'm sure you will.
I agree with you that our parenting skills as a whole stink. Where the blame goes is in qu ...

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Question in NHL MVP?
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2/17/2007 9:42 PM

Anonymous said...
Viewing profile :: Snead Hearn
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Forum User Joined: 19 Apr 2006
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Occupation: Artisan (Carpenter, Painter, etc.)
Account Status: Active

2/17/2007 9:44 PM

2/17/2007 11:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
In all of these blogs I see blame on teachers, parents, students and board members. Why isn’t anyone actually blaming society in general?

Society needs to change its philosophy about education if we wish this community, city, state, and country want to compete on the world stage.

This whole exercise is not about education it is about money. And look who stands to gain the most out of this State takeover. To me it makes perfect sense as to why the State wants to take over the St. Louis Public Schools – NOT.

2/17/2007 10:07 PM

This is right on point! Indeed, how can we expect a society that sanctions killing and warehousing of children to value the education of children.
Everything here is blamed on people who have had precious little resources to work with and so far the debate has been about how to divide a skimpy pie.
Iowa doesn't seem to have this problem. They have perhaps the best public education system in the country. Why? Because Iowans want their kids to be well educated and they won't allow education to be used as a political football. When I lived there I noticed that even the smallest rural town had relatively modern and well maintained school buildings.

2/18/2007 9:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Purdy was on the radio today and it is clear he is out of touch with the issues. Please get this guy out of office. He is the reason the state is taking over. All he does is blame everyone

2/18/2007 12:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Bill Purdy was on the radio today and it is clear he is out of touch with the issues. Please get this guy out of office. He is the reason the state is taking over. All he does is blame everyone

2/18/2007 12:18 PM

This is a typical post by someone favoring State takeover. There is no substance to this. What did he say that leads you to believe he is out of touch.
I've heard that about Veronica O'Brien and there is ample documentation to justify those opinions. Even a casual observer can read that more people doubt O'Brien than believe her. There is an obvious consensus about her change in attitude and temperment.
Is there something I missed regarding Purdy?

2/18/2007 12:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inspecteur Clouseau ici: Mes amis, comment puis-je répondre (How can I respond)? The person who wrote that Purdy is out of touch with the issues and should be gotten out of office sounds to me like Veronica or perhaps Ron Jackson. Neither one, en mon avis (in my opinion) bring substance or credibility to the table. Ron gets physically violent, and Veronique (French for Veronica) gets irrational or sewer-mouthed.

Someone who taught her saw her on Jaco and remarked how unkempt she appeared and spoke only of her agenda and not the Board of Education's mission.

This is Black History month, a reminder of how hard it was to obtain voters' rights. Do you really think people will now lie down and allow those rights to be taken from them in order for some to profit from the situation? In French, non, non, non! In American, No way José!

2/18/2007 4:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think there is a genuine case of racism at work in this takeover---but I grimace to think of the media reaction to a suit brought by Downs, Purdy, and Bourisaw.

Bourisaw used to work for the state-------I don't think she would have made the controversial comment she did in Giegerich's story without believing them.

I do not know who or how---but I believe there will be legal action taken by somebody.

2/18/2007 4:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard about the Gant Purdy story the Riverfront times is working on? It has do with some house that he and Gant use to party at back in the day.

2/18/2007 5:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even after the State Board of Education acts, the St. Louis Board of Education will still exist, right? Although the 7 members will lose their powers to set district policy and spend district money (and will probably lose their staff, phones, and offices), they will still be "the School Board."

What do you think they ought to do with their time?

2/18/2007 6:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, didn't hear that one. Did you hear the story they are working on about O'Brien's affairs?

2/18/2007 7:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Even after the State Board of Education acts, the St. Louis Board of Education will still exist, right? Although the 7 members will lose their powers to set district policy and spend district money (and will probably lose their staff, phones, and offices), they will still be "the School Board."

What do you think they ought to do with their time?

2/18/2007 6:15 PM

Two new members will be elected---maybe the candidates should be asked---will you be participating in the lawsuit against the state board?

2/18/2007 8:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

House on Sarah Street!

2/18/2007 10:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Has anyone heard about the Gant Purdy story the Riverfront times is working on? It has do with some house that he and Gant use to party at back in the day.

2/18/2007 5:46 PM

Anonymous said...
House on Sarah Street!

2/18/2007 10:56 PM

Can't this wait? Maybe you can see that there are some really important issues going on. These posts are quite juvenile. This is an issue for adults to handle.

2/19/2007 8:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE--money in the district

Most people would agree that poor kids take more money to educate than non-poor. The non-poor don't want to pay the extra amount it takes to educate the poor for, in part, in my opinion, the non-poor believe that that poor are poor due to reasons that are often self-inflicted. Dropping out of school and having babies when they can't support them are two easy reasons to come up with. Another reason that the non-poor don't want to pay more is that there is little guarantee the poor will be better educated and have better outcomes. To my knowledge no district, across the country, has done a consistently good job of educating poor students. On top of all that, the SLPS does not do a tremendous job of educating its non-magnet students, poor and non-poor. I know there are exceptions to the above (though not with the school district educating poor students), and it is my opinion painting rather broadly.

Some of the non-poor have moved to other districts where they don't have to, as much, pay for the poor. Some of the non-poor have moved for more nefarious reasons.

My solution? Scrap the property tax attachment to education. Individual districts could tax themselves as an 'extra' but the state would be charged with providing education, regardless of what individual districts collect in taxes. That may mean giving up some local control, but it is a trade I would be willing to make.

2/19/2007 9:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

armstrong said...
RE--money in the district

2/19/2007 9:34 AM

This looks like a plan. Slay could then give all the tax abatements he wants to businesses. However, I'm not sure how changing the funding source would lead to eliminating local control. I like a plan that calls for a special tax AND allows for a democratcially elected BoE.

2/19/2007 11:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,
You are right--teaching is a calling--a noble calling. Do not be confused, however with a political stance, which you feel may be inconsistent with the 'teacher personna' which you have embraced. For too many decades , the public has a stereotyped view of teachers--one that encompasses selfless practicioners incapable of political dissent. That would be 'unladylike'. The public has embraced this personna from the mold of the Catholic Nuns. I have great respect for Catholic Nuns. They do great and important work. They also have the suppport of the Church and have accepted lives of poverty. Secular teachers have been expected to follow this mold, and those who disagree or have to audacity to FIGHT INJUSTICE RATHER THAN PASSIVELY ACCEPT, have had their dedication and credibility questioned and attacked. I wonder how many business leaders or politicians have accepted the same selfless mold?
As for questioning the dedication of teachers choosing to fight for democracy--I would wonder--why do you have such animosity towards democracy? The situation is simple and the main points are as follows:
1.)democracy was made into a mockery when the public vote for school board was nullified resulting in a disenfranchisement of all city voters;
2.) this is a terrible civics lesson to our children--they have learned that democracy is only for the rich and that government powers can strip them of their rights at any time;
3.) this will not help improve the schools; schools require adequate funding to ensure smaller classes and more direct attention; schools require a return to reasonable discipline and zero tolerance for violence; schools require equal effort on the student's part by STUDYING NOT TEXTING ON THEIR CELL PHONES; schools require innovation NOT SCRIPTED PROGRAMS CHOSEN BY POLITICAL HIRELINGS DETERMINED TO EARN KICKBACKS; MOST IMPORTANT--SCHOOLS REQUIRE DEDICATED TEACHERS TO FILL THE ENTIRE STAFF AND NOT HAVE UNQUALIFIED SUBS OR UNQUALIFIED PROVISIONAL PERSONNEL TO HANDICAP THE TEAM.


2/19/2007 11:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason that I would be willing to give up local control is that I think that the state, whether it Blunt, Carnahan, whomever, would want a large say in how the money is spent because they are the ones collecting it from the taxpayers of the state. They have the power/money, I would hope that they see that they have the responsibility as well. I don't want the state to throw up its hands and say, "Gee, I didn't know THAT was going on," whatever that is.

What I propose is pretty much a fantasy, but, if I live long enough, it may happen.

2/19/2007 12:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

armstrong said...
The reason that I would be willing to give up local control is that I think that the state, whether it Blunt, Carnahan, whomever, would want a large say in how the money is spent because they are the ones collecting it from the taxpayers of the state. They have the power/money, I would hope that they see that they have the responsibility as well. I don't want the state to throw up its hands and say, "Gee, I didn't know THAT was going on," whatever that is.

What I propose is pretty much a fantasy, but, if I live long enough, it may happen.

2/19/2007 12:02 PM

We have to dream! Mine would include responsible State oversight (vs. what we got from D. Kent King) but local BoE control. The public schools MUST be insulated from government meddling and yet also accountable to the taxpayers.

2/19/2007 12:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not the staff in the schools that are at fault. Most all the teachers I have taughted with in the schools are doing what is best for there students. The problem comes from people like Brian Harris who don't want to build up the people he works with but instead tear them down so somehow he can think he looks better. Brian, you are a part of the problems in this district. Please leave so the rest of us can make progress.

2/19/2007 12:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The original story for this blog was "Still Cause for Hope". As you all know, it explained how we are now awaiting word on the 6th accreditation standard, etc..

Just curious, on a scale of 1-10, how much confidence do you all have that the state will grant us the 6th standard? 1 being no possible chance without divine intervention and a 10 being absolute certainty.

My vote is a 2 (and I don't believe in divine intervention).

2/19/2007 1:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Gadfly,

I agree with what you say about teachers, but. . .

I see the analogy of democracy being stunted through a different part of our nation's history--getting blacks educated in the south. The people of, say, Georgia had voted to keep blacks out of the college. The Supreme Court and constitution said you can't do that. Well, what about the people who voted? Their rights were being trampled.

I see the state of Missouri being the federal government, saying, 'look, SLPS, you are not doing what you are supposed to do, educate kids, are you haven't done it for some time. The kids have a [state] constitutional right to be educated and it is up to me, the state, to provide it. I know you had an election and you say 'things will be different this time', well, I've heard that before and that song and dance ends today.'

If the people of Georgia can have their elections nullified for not living up to the constitution, so can the people of St. Louis. I understand the people of Georgia were most likely total racists, but a racist's vote should count as much as a non-racist's.

2/19/2007 2:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Art Linkletter said...

I see the state of Missouri being the federal government, saying, 'look, SLPS, you are not doing what you are supposed to do, educate kids, are you haven't done it for some time. The kids have a [state] constitutional right to be educated and it is up to me, the state, to provide it. I know you had an election and you say 'things will be different this time', well, I've heard that before and that song and dance ends today.

That is not a bad analogy--but--the timing is suspect. The firing of a coach who was stealing (and possibly physically abusing at least one child)---which led to the resignation of the so-called reform superintendent Williams would not have happened without the free election of board members to replace Slay's chosen people. We have all witnessed Slay's song and dance over the last few years-----I seriously doubt the federal government would have overturned elections in Georgia in order to preserve the status quo of political power.

Jefferson City is giving back to Slay what he was losing in elections. And make no mistake---they have a political agenda that has little to do with improving the education of St. Louis students.

2/19/2007 2:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just curious, on a scale of 1-10, how much confidence do you all have that the state will grant us the 6th standard? 1 being no possible chance without divine intervention and a 10 being absolute certainty.

When I realized that bourisaw was having to go back 5 years, not 2, I thought they will do whatever it takes to deny the accreditation.

But board member Reverand Archie----appointed by Slay when Whitmore-Smith was shot down----must have astonished Governor Blunt with his tough questioning and vote against the takeover. He was a private school administrator and board member---fundamentalist religion---but he is also a black man---maybe he felt a gut reaction to the racism at work in this. If there are two of the five members who voted for the takeover who do not have the stomach for this blatant disregard for integrity---maybe there will be a 4-3 vote in Bourisaw's favor.

I give the chances a 2.

2/19/2007 2:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Art Linkletter said...
I see the state of Missouri being the federal government, saying, 'look, SLPS, you are not doing what you are supposed to do, educate kids, are you haven't done it for some time. The kids have a [state] constitutional right to be educated and it is up to me, the state, to provide it. I know you had an election and you say 'things will be different this time', well, I've heard that before and that song and dance ends today.'

This SOUNDS good and READS well but the idea that the "song and dance ends today" is where this theory breaks down. Mr. Slay did us a favor by listing some urban school districts where there has been a State takeover (sometimes followed by privatization as in Baltimore). If you research public education in those districts you'll see more of the same song and dance. In fact, we needn't look any further than Wellston Public Schools to see that the State has proven it's incompetence. The State has no viable solution. Our current BoE and Superintendent have pressented the most viable solution in years. I say let them have a go at it. What difference will it make to MO if they takeover soon or wait 18 to 24 months?

2/19/2007 3:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Art Linkletter said...
I see the state of Missouri being the federal government, saying, 'look, SLPS, you are not doing what you are supposed to do, educate kids, are you haven't done it for some time. The kids have a [state] constitutional right to be educated and it is up to me, the state, to provide it. I know you had an election and you say 'things will be different this time', well, I've heard that before and that song and dance ends today.'

This SOUNDS good and READS well but the idea that the "song and dance ends today" is where this theory breaks down. Mr. Slay did us a favor by listing some urban school districts where there has been a State takeover (sometimes followed by privatization as in Baltimore). If you research public education in those districts you'll see more of the same song and dance. In fact, we needn't look any further than Wellston Public Schools to see that the State has proven it's incompetence. The State has no viable solution. Our current BoE and Superintendent have pressented the most viable solution in years. I say let them have a go at it. What difference will it make to MO if they takeover soon or wait 18 to 24 months?

2/19/2007 3:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know if I were Veronica O'Brien's husband and had a crazy acting wife like her,I would have women on the side and frequently travel on "business" trips so I would not have to be around her,biding my time until my children get a little older to file for divorce and get away from her crazy acting self!

2/19/2007 6:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/16/2007 6:36 PM said that teachers directly influence students in the classroom. Please remember that when you find that students who don't perform well on the MAP test meet college entrance requirements and go on to matriculate on college campuses all over the country, because that is exactly what is happening.

I prepare students for life. In real life, your financial statement and how well you are educated beyond highschool determines much more than the MAP test.

So, is children the focus of all the district's and the state board's efforts?

I think not; if we fixed education, no one could sell school reform.

Let's see who gets the next contract.

2/20/2007 8:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
2/16/2007 6:36 PM said that teachers directly influence students in the classroom. Please remember that when you find that students who don't perform well on the MAP test meet college entrance requirements and go on to matriculate on college campuses all over the country, because that is exactly what is happening.

I prepare students for life. In real life, your financial statement and how well you are educated beyond highschool determines much more than the MAP test.

So, is children the focus of all the district's and the state board's efforts?

I think not; if we fixed education, no one could sell school reform.

Let's see who gets the next contract.

2/20/2007 8:24 AM

This is true for all schools, public and private. I've spoken with quite a few parents and students from a broad cross section of school districts and have found that schools without exception are teaching students how to pass tests like MAP, ACT and SAT.
And as you stated, there is much more to learn in school than facts. I find that most schools are ignoring student development in providing an education.

2/20/2007 8:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope? -10

Once the politrixters in this town decide they want something, they go for it.

The voters rejected riverboat gambling, they repeatedly put it on the ballot until people STOPPED lQQking and it passed.

If accreditation were behind this crap, there are numerous district that don't have as many points as SLPS who would be better candidates for a takeover and yet, they pick SLPS (and mind you, they serve fewer students)

This is about disenfranchisement to achieve the goals and interests of a selected few elites.

Slay selecting a member to serve on a board would give him an opportunity to get around the voters of St. Louis who are tired of his meddling and orchestrating of the chaos.

2/20/2007 9:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
hope? -10

Once the politrixters in this town decide they want something, they go for it.

The voters rejected riverboat gambling, they repeatedly put it on the ballot until people STOPPED lQQking and it passed.

If accreditation were behind this crap, there are numerous district that don't have as many points as SLPS who would be better candidates for a takeover and yet, they pick SLPS (and mind you, they serve fewer students)

This is about disenfranchisement to achieve the goals and interests of a selected few elites.

Slay selecting a member to serve on a board would give him an opportunity to get around the voters of St. Louis who are tired of his meddling and orchestrating of the chaos.

2/20/2007 9:16 AM

YES! Don't forget Prop. B, the concealed weapon law that people across the State voted down overwhelmingly.
This is all about less money in the government treasury and more money in the pockets of private, for profit businesses who may or amy not care about well educated students. They probably thought the minorities in St. Louis would be pushovers and that controlling the largest district in the state would make the rest fall in line.
The citizenry of St. Louis are proving to be more formidable than they thought.

2/20/2007 9:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media has this mantra which goes----in addition to the constant failures of the last thirty years---we have this embarrassing circus of bickering board members. Anything would be better.

Well, a lot of that bickering came as the result of newly elected board members doing something that Slay's people would not have done----they dealt with the problem of Floyd irons. In spite of the media's constant calls for more accountability, when creg Williams, and by extension Mayor Slay were held accountable, all hell broke loose.

Soon after Williams was gone, Veronica O'Brien, still allied with Purdy, Downs and Jones, was calling for a federal investigation into Irons beating of Timothy Bacon---a week later, Bacon was murdered, O'Brien was worried that her family would be next, and a month later, she wanted nothing to do with her former allies.

The republicans viewed this as a golden opportunity to advance their far right political agenda---and the publ;ic relations part has been very easy for them.

Thanks to a chickenshiite, docile, unaccountable media.

2/20/2007 1:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now the last posting makes sense. People said O'Briens family was threathen and the police ask her to drop out of sight. Maybe the republicans gave her safety. A police officer told a friend that a guy had put a hit out on her. Don't know, but somethings going on and I don't believe she is crazy.

2/21/2007 1:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cause for hope? Hope to get the dead weight out of SLPS. Bourisaw is a joke. The lady is out of her league and it is clear she thinks she is a star. Get this lady out and bring Williams back to fire her.

2/21/2007 11:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Cause for hope? Hope to get the dead weight out of SLPS. Bourisaw is a joke. The lady is out of her league and it is clear she thinks she is a star. Get this lady out and bring Williams back to fire her.

2/21/2007 11

actually, Williams did come back after he quit or was forced out---Antonio reported it----Since O'Brien now favors the takeover, and told Jaco she thinks Williams could come back---you might be able to get Floyd Irons to coach and Williams to work as superintendent for Blunt's new ceo---Donayle Whitmore-smith.

O'Brien Denied Restraining Order
By Antonio D. French

Filed Friday, August 11, 2006 at 5:02 PM

School Board president Veronica O'Brien was denied a restraining order today against fired Vashon basketball coach Floyd Irons and his friend and supporter, Demetrius Johnson.

O'Brien had alleged that the two -- along with several other protestors -- threatened her and her 11 year-old child at one of many recent protests at her home in the Central West End.

But Judge Michael Stelzer, son of 8th Ward Committeeman Jack Stelzer, today denied O'Brien's petition after hearing testimony from witnesses including city police officers and even former Superintendent Creg Williams, who came back to town to testify on behalf of his friend, Irons.

2/22/2007 1:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Floyd molested boys, including his nephew who attended CBC High School. He cheated and he stole. When he was terminated, he told his girlfriend Craig Williams. Williams got emotional and withheld reports that were requested because he felt as long as he was sleeping with Irons he didn't have to adhere to the board because of Iron's influence and longevity in the community. Those supporters of Irons and Williams should be asking themselves why Vashon's basketball players didn't get an education but remained eligible to play basketball.

Oh I get it, it doesn't matter if you can't read if you have nice shoes, championship athletic wear and trophies (even if the companies did agree to give Irons a kickback for giving them the contracts)

Oh and the list of boys who survived his molestation is much longer than the list of people he has had killed.

Too much speculation? Birds of a feather................

His organizing supporter, Demetrius Johnson, rapist who fathered a child by a woman he supposedly never touch who reported to school officials that he raped her at McKinley HS but it was kept quiet in the name of Footbal.


2/22/2007 8:28 AM


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