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Reactions to Today's Action

By Antonio D. French

Filed Thursday, February 15, 2007 at 2:18 PM

From State Senator Maida Coleman:

"I am extremely disappointed with the action taken today by the State Board of Education. As evidenced by the overwhelming representation by St. Louis residents, we are very interested in maintaining our representative democracy to run our schools. The board's decision takes a big step toward silencing the public with respect to how their schools are administered.

Furthermore, the decision also emboldens critics of our public schools who have a pro-voucher agenda. The vote by the State Board of Education did nothing to improve academics this year in the St. Louis Public Schools."

From Mayor Francis Slay:

"Today, the Missouri Board of Education took an important step towards joining education officials in Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, and Philadelphia in looking for a better way to administer a failing urban school district.

Over the past 20 years, the St. Louis public school district has failed students, employees, regional employers, and City taxpayers alike. So, I welcome and support today’s decision by the state Board of Education to relieve the district’s hopelessly dysfunctional school board of its duties.

Half the kids who start in the St. Louis public schools do not graduate. Many of those who do graduate don’t have the skills to go to college or get a good job. Only one in ten high school kids can do math at grade. Only one-third of third graders can read at grade level. Almost a third of third graders cannot read at all.

Some people will complain about the state Board’s action regarding an elected school board. The fact is that many City parents have voted with their feet. Thousands of families have left the City for better public schools elsewhere. In the 1970s, this district had more than 100,000 kids. Today, the district enrolls fewer than 33,000 students. And far fewer attend on any given school day.

I have three hopes for the St. Louis public schools: a smooth transition into its interim new governance; a steady improvement in student achievement; and some common efforts over the next few years by both the supporters and opponents of the interim system to identify a better permanent way to administer a public school district."

From Governor Matt Blunt:

"Education is my highest priority as Missouri's governor. As I have said from the beginning, I am willing to work with anybody who cares about our children. To me, when it comes to ensuring our children have access to the world class education they deserve, no option is off the table.

The State Board of Education’s action today, to pursue the option of forming a transitional school district, is a step forward for the students who for too long have been denied even a basic education.

There is still much to be done. I hope current district leaders put their students’ best interests first and work with the State Board of Education to provide a stable and productive learning environment for the remainder of the year and to facilitate a positive change for years to come."

From State Rep. Jamilah Nasheed:

"A state takeover is not the solution to the problems plaguing the St. Louis Public School system. At a recent public hearing in St. Louis attended by more than 1,200 people, the opposition to a takeover was overwhelming. With its action today, the State Board of Education has ignored the voices of district residents and taxpayers.

It is true the St. Louis Public Schools are broken and need fixing. However, I can't see how replacing a seven-member board with three-member board solves the problem and improves student achievement. I urge the State Board of Education to back away from taking the final steps toward a takeover. If it fails to do so, I will work in the General Assembly to repeal the state law that currently permits this drastic action."

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Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

None of the Members of the State Board of Education are from the City of St. Louis.


2/15/2007 2:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only because Jeff Smith failed to support the person that was nominated!

2/15/2007 2:36 PM

Blogger Antonio D. French said...

Doug, that is one of four points raised by State Senators Maida Coleman, Harry Kennedy and Jeff Smith in a letter to the Board yesterday.

Click here to read my earlier story.

2/15/2007 2:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We do not need a different form of governance, Mayor Slay. We just need different people on the Board. And we will get them, and they'll be there to fix this mess after the lawsuits get rid of this transitional board nonsense.

2/15/2007 2:42 PM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

Antonio, I read your story I am simply repeating it here.

The State of Missouri is an extremely low tax state, moreover we are near the bottom in per capita educational spending. Wellston was taken over by the State and has not made any improvements. Purdy has mentioned the lawsuit against the State of Missouri regarding funding, and this, along with other indicators, reveal the limited capacity of our State.

The State of Missouri is not a shining beacon of innovation. The State of Missouri, like many rurally dominated legislatures, is biased against the urban electorate: St. Louis City and Kansas City. Now that our voters have no have no democratic voice, this oligarchy is free to act autonomously for whatever nefarious goals that could be on the agenda.

2/15/2007 2:48 PM

Blogger Antonio D. French said...

When Mayor Slay speaks of the SLPS' "hopelessly dysfunctional school board", he neglects to mention that he helped put 4 of the 7 of them on the Board.

2/15/2007 2:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Earlier it was stated "We do not need a different form of governance, Mayor Slay. We just need different people on the Board."

Frankly, we have seen this tried over and over again the result is a continued death spiral. This is about the kids and should not be about who gets the power. Insanity is doing the same things over and over again with the expectation of a different result. I do not like to State's involvement in any city issue specifically the City Oublic Schools system but we need to put a stop to the insanity.

2/15/2007 2:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not a continued death spiral. We were within 2 points of full accreditation before the 2003 board was elected. The people elected that year put us in the death spiral, and Dr. Bourisaw is bringing us back out of it. The state now wants to put the schools back in the hands of the politicians who put us into that death spiral in 2003. That seems to me to be repeating the same thing with expectation of a different result, not electing new Board members.

2/15/2007 3:00 PM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

2/15/2007 3:07 PM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

Slay also does not mention that he went to private school his entire life and cannot relate to the problem of concentrated poverty or single parent homes. Slay mentions the historical decline. Perhaps his Father, current 23rd Ward Committeeman, and former State House Representative of the 64th District, Francis R., who was instrumental in G's career, is partly to blame?

Slay is an aristocrat and he helped the same class of people onto the Board. What we needed was more stakeholders, also known as parents, on the SLPS Board, however it seems that it won't happen. Expect further decline and eventual privatization of our school system.

2/15/2007 3:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

But it wasn't until Peter Downs and Donna Jones were elected that the board completely fell apart. After all it was those two, the teacher's union pics, who voted for Veronica as President of that board. No one seems to like to mention that. To the teacher's union - you made your bed, now you have to lie in it.

2/15/2007 3:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose when it fell apart depends on your point of view. O'Brien had acted rational up until then, so how can you hold Downs and Jones responsible for not predicting she would go crazy? Slay put her there, do you hold him responsible for seeing the future too? Yeah, we all know now that was a huge mistake, but hindsight is 20/20. The board fell apart in 2003 when they started acting like tyrants and treated the community, teachers and parents like the enemy of the schools. Veronica's presidency is short lived anyway, no one believes the Board, no matter who is on it, would vote to keep her as President after the April election.

2/15/2007 3:59 PM

Blogger maire said...


Once again watch the generalizations! The Slays went to parochial (not private school). Also, he attended fairly blue collar schools (Epiphany & St. Mary's). And do you know Mr. Slay, Sr. like personally? Have you talked to him about choosing the higher road (in reference to old Irish limericks)?

Honestly, do you have to be poor and destitute to understand the plight of the troubled man? If that's the case, we'd have wife-beaters talking about domestic violence to social workers, only womanists talking about the struggle of African-American moms, etc. Not a fair assessment.

2/15/2007 4:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look the liberals are upset by the crisis they created! Shameful that it is necessary in the minds of many that there is NO hope. The people of StL have proven over and over again that they are inept and incapable of self governance. Democrats behaving like Democrats...they always think it's about funding! How ridiculous! The Democrats have proven once again that their village is a disaster and that their children must take a back seat so a few "adults" can play petty power politics.

2/15/2007 4:05 PM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

Slay is a fortunate son, therefore is not going to be able to fundamentally comprehend what it means to be a have not. I won't either, which is why SLPS Parents should be on the Board, not some big shot private firm, local business elites, or rural Republicans. This is what Slay chose as the solution to the SLPS problem, and he pushed heavily for State Takeover when his policies failed. That is not the sign of a leader, but a someone who wishes to avoid accountability. That is what he has done.

2/15/2007 4:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That is not the sign of a leader, but a someone who wishes to avoid accountability. That is what he has done."

Slay has lobbied for mayoral control of both the schools and the police department. You up for that, doug duckworth?

2/15/2007 4:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Duckworth states that it should be parents on the SLPS board and that those that are fortunate cannot relate to those that are the have nots. I say Bull.

O'Brian has children...they are in Clayton.

I have no children, but I pay taxes, I know products of this failed system and I interview products of this failed system.

Does that make me ineligible to be on the board?

It should not be parents vs. politicians vs. business vs. unions. Everyone speaks of wanting to help the children, but somewhere between speaking it and implementing it a serious disconnect has happened. Voter apathy has opened the door to disaster.

It will take serious actions to get the SLPS back on track, but I am confident that it can happen.

The voters, the businesses, the politicians, the unions, and yes, even the state must ask themselves if each and every action will truly be in the best interest of the children and they must be willing to make the difficult and unpopular decisions for the kids (who by the way don't vote). We must be their guardians.

Parents must be willing to accept harsher discipline if it will help the children. Unions must accept concessions if it will help the children. Administrators must be willing to support the teachers if it will help the children. Politicans must be willing to give up votes if it will help the children.

It HAS to happen if the City is going to survive, much less grow.

Maurice St. Pierre
school board candidate (still)

2/15/2007 4:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those of you who have supported a State take-over, what are your expectations? Do you honestly believe that the State (with dismal financials, too few staff and inadequate resources) will save the day? Do you honestly believe that if the State takes over the district, the problems of 30+ years, will somehow go away? Have you forgotten that Slay appointed the disfunctional board member, Veronica O'Brien and he supported the now infamous "turn around team". Both of whom have failed to acheive the goal of better educating our children. This is sad day in St. Louis.

2/15/2007 4:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

^ And have you forgotten that City voters elected Veronica O'Brien to a four year term of office or that Bill Purdy, Peter Downs, and Donna Jones made O'Brien the Board president?

There's plenty of blame. Now let's figure out what can happen in the next six years.

2/15/2007 5:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

^ That's just it. You and I don't get to decide anymore. We no longer have a say in our kids' education.

2/15/2007 5:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE...In all honesty and fairness the reason for the failure of the SLPS is due in a large part too people just working for money with no true interest in the kids! Bottom line. I've been working in our downtown office now for 18yrs. I work with all grade level schools in many areas. I see most of the mess first hand. I can tell you anyone who would read this blog that works within the school system and would be "honest" would tell you, yes 50% of the teachers are sub's, Yes most staff members were hired because they knew someone within and not because they were the best pick, Yes Most teachers complain "at a board meeting" but take no actions to fix the problems when they return to work and lastly Yes, Most students dont take home work home anymore at 75% of the slps schools I personally work with. Do I care, Yes, But will a principal or staff member of one of these schools step up to the plate and speak out whats really going on - NO, WHY, because no one wants to loose there job, no one wants to be black listed, no one wants to create more problems for themselves. So what you have is a "few" good teachers trying to save a district full of "bad" teachers. Money, Money, Money - its want they go to work for, while most will say, "I got mine, you need to get yours" to a student thats not preforming up to par. The problem is bigger than a few politicians. I dont expect the district to turn around, ever, until we have teachers who work within the schools because they actually care for the students. Now I know all you teachers dont fall into this group, just 75% of you do! I see you day in and day out, I know some of you first hand, You dont care. And the wierd thing is most of you live check to check and will retire with a little something and still have to work. So at least im happy that in the end the kids wont be the only ones "screwed!"

2/15/2007 6:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares about what Coleman and Jamala think. They are making fools of themselves.

2/15/2007 6:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2/15/2007 3:49 PM said . .

"After all it was those . . . teacher's union pics, . . .No one seems to like to mention that. To the teacher's union - you made your bed, now you have to lie in it."

It was also the same Union (Local 420) that supported the Mayors slate back in 2003!!

The Union may try to re-write history, but they can't erase it.

2/15/2007 6:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

These protestors should have been around when the foundation formula was being re-written. (That would required cooperation with other though - too much trouble, huh?)

They should have been at the aldermanic board meetings when the tax abatements were agreed to. (Is it trip to City Hall more costly than a trip to the State Capitol?)

They should have been paying attention when the Antonio was running for the school board. (Or was he too Black then? Or was he too radical?)

But the only "pay"ing they are concerned with is that which is going into their own pockets.

2/15/2007 7:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an African American living in North St. Louis I certainly don't care what Jamala thinks about anything outside of issues of criminal justice.

She (and OBS) stayed the course until Ellen Reasonover was released and they continue to work on behalf of "the Chain-of-Rocks Three". but I also remember her screwing up the opprtunity of Ervin "Majic" Johnson doing a multimillion dollar development in North St. Louis just because Slay was invloved.

I can only imagine what teh financial and social impact of such a development would have been.

I couldn't pull up the whole story, but here's the intor from the RFT story . . .
News Real
No-Look Pass
Magic Johnson's proposed north St. Louis development is dead
By Mike Seely
Published: October 13, 2004

How's this for a no-brainer: A real estate group, fronted by ex-basketball superstar Earvin "Magic" Johnson and focused on going where no big-shot national venture capitalist has gone before, is...

2/15/2007 7:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shut the hell up simms, Shes just trying to learn the office. You should support our black ass women!

2/15/2007 8:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't we just kill the district? Just cut it up into smaller pieces. I bet if there were 4 districts in this city, there'd be 2-3 healthy districts and one dysfunctional. Everyone could spend their time and money fixing one small district of less than 10,000 students instead of the larger mess that no one seems to be able to get their hands around.
Making the smaller districts more accountable to the neighborhoods they serve would encourage more local oversite. Huge districts in big cities are cumbersome and lend themselves to big money politics more than smaller districts with boards comprised of people you see weekly at Mass or monthly at the Neighborhood Assn meetings.

2/15/2007 9:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maire said...

Once again watch the generalizations! The Slays went to parochial (not private school). Also, he attended fairly blue collar schools (Epiphany & St. Mary's). And do you know Mr. Slay, Sr. like personally? Have you talked to him about choosing the higher road (in reference to old Irish limericks)?

Honestly, do you have to be poor and destitute to understand the plight of the troubled man? If that's the case, we'd have wife-beaters talking about domestic violence to social workers, only womanists talking about the struggle of African-American moms, etc. Not a fair assessment.

2/15/2007 4:04 PM

Slay is indeed a "fortunate son" in a society where white men gain privilege almost automatically. That being so, it takes a special effort, maybe a special wisdom for a white man to fully comprehend these issues. Slay has shown none of that either out of laziness or indifference. It looks to me that with conservatives like Slay, money talks. To assume that Slay "can" be sensitive jsut because it is possible is even more of a stretch for me.

2/16/2007 8:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those who say that there was no representation from St. Louis on the Board...Jeff Smith, Maida Coleman, and Local 420 opposed the nomination of Donayale Whitemore on the board. It was a shame too, because even if she wanted parents to have the right to choose the best school for their child, she wasn't for the takeover of the schools. That would have been a vote and someone to convince others not to do so. She actually had ideas that could improve public schools, reduce the debt, and save them from a takeover. They had such hate and anomosity that they bit off their nose to spite their face and now they want to yell we didn't have representation! That's Bull. Just like backing the school board majorities, you botched it up for yourselves.
It is important to understand that yelling the loudest doesn't make you right. These folks are simply reactionaries. They have no idea how to take real action to improve anything. They only know how to react when someone else does.

2/16/2007 10:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

For folks so against parents having a choice, how does it feel to have your choices stripped away? You fought hard to deny parents a choice in their children's education. You wanted parents to sit by and let the board and the union decide the fate of our children for your own selfish interest while year after year, more fail.

School choice was never about school takeovers. It was never about destroying the public schools. That is what the unions wanted you to believe so they could further their agenda. School choice was always about freedom and rights. The freedom to decide your own destiny. The right to decide what kind of education you want for your child. It was about empowerment for the everyday parent not the affluent. The affluent can afford to send their children to the school of their choice.

It feels rather helpless when your fate is decided by someone else, doesn't it? Especially when beurocratic rules block your choices. You now feel that you have a right to have a say and that your desires should be respected while you didn't respect the desires of parents who advoated to have their own choices. You tried to force them to comply with what your agenda was. That, my dears, is ultra hypocritcal. What happened to the golden rule of treating people how you would want to be treated. You fought against choices, now none of us has one including you. It sounds to me like the chickens have come home to roost.

2/16/2007 11:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about when/if SLPS loses it's accreditation don't the parents then have the option of sending their kids to an accredited district at the SLPS's expense?

How will the mighty State fund that I wonder? Or maybe they'll just let it accrue so that in 6 years when we can have an elected board again the 1st thing they see is this HUGE deficit.

Or maybe we'll lose that right too.

2/16/2007 12:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Nasheed, 1200 people at one meeting does not make "overwhelming opposition." I now I'm not going to waste my time at a meeting stuffed by the teachers' union. The majority of voters in favor of this takeover will all have a quiet sigh of relief at home.

2/16/2007 2:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enough about the taxes already. It is our responsibility as citizens of the US to take care of of those of us that cannot or will not take care of themselves. Your tax dollars for education are fractions of a penny when compared to the tax dollars spent protecting our country, state and city. If you opted out of the tax for the school district, you wouldn't notice it on your take home pay. If you choose to send your child to a private or parochial school in addition to paying your taxes for public education, that's your choice. Don't complain.

Let's face it, the school system is only a fraction of the problem with the education system in the US and the city of St. Louis. The primary reason for the dismal test scores, high drop out rate, etc. are the parents of the students in the SLPS. Even if the mayor, the teachers and the school board had a magic wand to fix the problems, it wouldn't work without a fix for the parents.

The parents send their kids to school unprepared to learn with enough baggage to weigh down a freight liner. (Maybe the child didn't get to sleep until late at night or early in the morning. Maybe dinner consisted of flaming hot cheetos and fritos. Maybe the electric was turned off or the gas was turned off so it was hard to sleep. Maybe they had to stay at grandma's all night because Mom was working until 3am at her second job. That's the baggage I speak of."

The approach to education cannot stop nor start at the school system. It must start with federal and state dollars for job training and simple life skills training. That's a long process, but it would help more than anything that can be done at the school level.

2/16/2007 5:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just make Bill Purdy go away, he is a joke and the real problem. Think he has a life or any real friends? No

2/16/2007 6:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow what goes around....

I never thought of it that way. That is an ironic twist. I guess we all have something to learn if we listen to one another instead of just bickering and fighting. We should all know by now that fighting doesn't get us anywhere. Only open communication and cooperation will build progress. Usually what is found is that there is much more in common than we care to admit.

2/16/2007 6:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Purdy is a fool. The media doesn;t talk about him too much since he is old bad news.

2/16/2007 6:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy to see people finally talking about kicking Bill Purdy out. He makes everyone sick. Besides he is a racist.

2/16/2007 11:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Just make Bill Purdy go away, he is a joke and the real problem. Think he has a life or any real friends? No

2/16/2007 6:44 PM

Anonymous said...
Oh Purdy is a fool. The media doesn;t talk about him too much since he is old bad news.

2/16/2007 6:54 PM

Anonymous said...
Happy to see people finally talking about kicking Bill Purdy out. He makes everyone sick. Besides he is a racist.

2/16/2007 11:55 PM

Veronica, please stop embarrassing yourself further. You have no credibility. No one cares about your opinions when they're stated like this.

2/17/2007 3:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Pretty transparent, isn't she? By the way, the same BS was posted on every blog.

2/17/2007 10:29 AM

2/17/2007 9:21 PM

2/17/2007 9:23 PM


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