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Debate Video: Personal Investment

By Antonio D. French

Filed Monday, February 26, 2007 at 11:30 AM

At last night's debate between the candidates for President of the Board of Aldermen, a question from the audience asked President Jim Shrewsbury why his personal law practice is located in St. Louis County and not in the City.

Shrewsbury said he avoids all investment in the City to steer clear of any conflicts of interest.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't Mr. Reed's employer in RICHMOND HEIGHTS? That's the office he works out of?

2/26/2007 12:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is the location of your office an "investment"? Does he own the building?

Wouldn't we want him to have a vested interest in property values in the city?

How is that a conflict? It seems more like a way of shared interest than a conflict of interest doesn't it?

What's the conflict? Can someone explain his position?

2/26/2007 1:13 PM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

2/26/2007 1:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what he said in the speech, it seems like a good idea to avoid the conflicts of interest. By not having his office in the city, he doesn't have to worry about cases involving the city. Sounds pretty good to me.

2/26/2007 1:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this were Israel's Kinesit, or Parliament in Britain, Shrewsbury would be facing votes of "no-confidence" from his members.

2/26/2007 2:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt that the other Aldermen would vote that they have no confidence in Shrewsbury. They are endorsing Reed because they want things to be easier for them to spend our $$$. I heard what Shrewsbury said about taking away travel budgets so they couldn't go to Ireland anymore - yeah, if I was a board member, I'd want him out to.

But I'm not. I'm a citizen. and I'm 4 Shrewsbury for 4 more years.

2/26/2007 2:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shrewsbury's real estate law and family law practice consists primarily of properties located in St. Louis city and city residents or now former city residents, including an appreciable cut of the Bosnian immigrant market. He was on the list for the legal assistance plan previously offered to city employees. He has, over the years, acquired clients by virtue of being an elected official, offering services to constituents and acquiring clients under opportunities that would not have been there had he not been an alderman and then board president. Subsequently, most of his business is in regard to city departments. I didn't have much quarrel with this until he made the absurd claim that he moved his practice to the county to avoid conflicts of interest.

I also see an inconsistency with people who say they want elected officials to engage more in policy-making than constituent services but support a handsomely paid Board President who spends most of his time in private practice law.

2/26/2007 3:03 PM

Blogger St. Louis Oracle said...

Just because Shrewsbury has a private law practice doesn't necessarily mean that he spends more time at it than the aldermanic presidency. I would bet that Shrewsbury devotes more time to the board presidency than to his law practice.

Remember, all seats on the board of aldermen, including the presidency, are legally part-time, designed to be held by "citizen legislators" with real jobs and a real connection to real life. (For an example of how separated full-time legislators can get from real life, see the U.S. Congress.) Shrewsbury's predecessor, Francis Slay, also maintained his law practice while serving as board president. Every other board president who was capable of holding down a real job did so while board president. The job pays as much as it does because city politicians (specifically an earlier board) like to pay themselves well.

2/26/2007 3:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why we need fewer, but full time alderman (and a full time board presidetn elected by the board memebers) who don't need to worry about conflicts of interest. There only and sole interest should be the policiies and practices that are good for the city.

2/26/2007 3:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oracle, just because it isn't designated full time, or hasn't been in the past, doesn't mean that we shouldn't expect a full time president. The way things were don't have to be the way they are. $82000 is a lot of money for a part time job.

2/26/2007 4:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in the 6th. Lewis is nowhere to be found, and never responds to our needs. What makes you think he is going to do so city wide?

Contrary to that, Jim has been to our ward meetings and our neighborhood meetings consistently. Sometimes the job of President means they are working out of the office, in fact, I prefer that! To see my President in all areas of the city.

2/26/2007 4:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you "concerned citizens" would be more believable if you had names.

Tracy Landish
Ward 17

2/26/2007 5:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Tracy" - I wanted to speak with you about your post. So I looked your name up in the phone book - and I couldn't find it! Suprise.

John Smith
Ward 27
(is this more believable)

2/26/2007 6:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting I give you my cell phone number just to prove to you that I'm real, "Mr. Smith"? I have better things to do that post fake names on blogs. At least I posted my name. By my count, I'm the only one that has.

2/26/2007 8:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

82k a year sounds like full time pay to me. I think the Pres should be full time, then he would not have to pay 4 full time aides to attend his meetings for him.

2/26/2007 11:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's also intersting that one of the BIGGEST issues facing the Pres will be the School Board appointment. Was there any discussion on that topic?

2/26/2007 11:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shrewsbury IS at every meeting all over town Sunday through Saturday. And he DOES return your phone calls. How is that not fulltime? Why is it that Reed's three potential successors all are touting their commitment to constituent service and passing out their cell numbers like candy and promising to call you back? Seems like Reed might not be a full time alderman now, let alone if elected president.

2/27/2007 12:28 AM

Blogger Michael R. Allen said...

"just because it isn't designated full time, or hasn't been in the past, doesn't mean that we shouldn't expect a full time president."

We can expect what we want, but *legally* the office of president of the board of alderman is not full-time.

Michael Allen
Ward 5

2/27/2007 9:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city's charter sets the base for the job, but it is our expectations that really define the job. I will choose on March 6th to fill the job with a person who will take the job seriously and not treat it as part-time.

2/28/2007 10:40 AM


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