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State Dems in Turmoil?

By Antonio D. French

Filed Saturday, January 27, 2007 at 5:33 PM


We got a tip this afternoon that Roger Wilson, the chairman of the Missouri Democratic Party, had resigned today at a meeting of party officials in Jefferson City. We called State Committeewoman Mattie Moore to confirm, but she said it was not so. But apparently it is.

One possible reason for Wilson's departure is the controversy surrounding who will be the next executive director of the party. The state's highest ranking Democrat, U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, has committed to having an African-American fill the post. Word is Wilson as well as Attorney General Jay Nixon (next year's Democratic candidate for governor) also agreed to a black E.D. But who?

Brandon Davis, McCaskill's former deputy campaign manager political director, interviewed for the job and has been lobbying officials for weeks. But word is that Wilson told Black Caucus members this week "no way" on Davis.

Readers may remember that McCaskill was instrumental in Wilson getting the chairman's seat after her defeat of former Gov. Bob Holden in the 2004 Democratic primary. If McCaskill wants Davis, who is Wilson to say no, some may wonder.

Meanwhile, sources say another African-American candidate, recommended by Kansas City State Rep. Mike Talboy, interviewed for the post. Marlin Marshall is said to have the support of Nixon. And Wilson, we're told, was more supportive of him than Davis.

Just how much this subplot played in Wilson's sudden departure remains unclear.

More as we hear it...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's true that Roger resigned effective with the election of his replacement. He will appoint a committee to choose his replacement. How much influence Jay has will be seen with whom is chosen as Chair and then ED. BUT the party is together and resolute to see this through.

1/27/2007 6:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Party has suffered under Roger "I don't raise money" Wilson. And why can't Claire tell him what to do? She put him in as Chairman and apparently is supportive of Brandon but Roger has said no to him.

Just goes to show, even the highest ranking Missouri Democrat can be told no by Roger Wilson if that Dem is a woman. Would he say no to a direct order from another man?

1/27/2007 7:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandon was McCaskill's Political Director (not Deputy Campaign Manager) and a pretty poor one if his inability to lock up the top dems in the state to become the first black ED of the party is any indication.

1/27/2007 7:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandon has worked dilligently for the state democratic party and should be rewarded for his work in helping to elect Sen. McCaskill.

1/27/2007 7:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandon Davis is a joke and a divisive one at that. Just look through the archives of this blog for evidence or talk to any top-ranking Democrat worth anything.

He is divisive and lazy and would be a disastrous choice for the party.

I don't know who Marlin Marshall is, but I'm sure anyone with a pulse would be better than Davis.

1/27/2007 8:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Wilson did finally step up to the plate in 2006 and raise over $2 million. But other that that he had no real vision on how the party could help elect Democrats to the State House or Senate.

1/27/2007 10:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"He was pretty ineffective at locking up top Dems in the state."

Claire won didn't she?

People need to realize that just because Brandon doesn't kiss your ass, does not mean that he is undeserving of this position. Brandon has worked hard and endured a lot of BS (especially o this site) and is more than qualified to get this position.

1/27/2007 10:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roger raised more money than anytime when we didn't have a Governor from the Party. It's true he originally didn't want to raise money but working through his staff he did so.

Brandon was a great asset in every election he has worked in. He has a bright future and will land someplace soon, if it isn't as ED. I'm really sorry that he has been hung out with this revelation, if it is true.

1/27/2007 11:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Davis would be absolute sh*t as ED and doesn't deserve anything. How about a fresh face, Claire? Everyone is sick and tired of Brandon's bag of bullshit. Our state party frinally is poised to really do some good, and this lazy a** will ruin it for sure.

1/28/2007 9:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandon Davis would be a great bouncer. Noever a good ED

1/28/2007 12:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether or not you agree with Mr. Davis as a potential ED, sll this name calling and disparaging commentary is inappropritate, unnecessary, and racist.

1/28/2007 6:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Brandon Davis the same McCaskill aide who (after the primary) shut Jeff Smith out of a meeting because he hadn't been elected a senator at the general election yet, but admitted Jamilah Nasheed (who hadn't been elected a state rep at the general election yet) to the same meeting?

1/28/2007 7:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Oracle. Just one example of Brandon's masterful political skills.

At this critical juncture for MO Dems, the party needs someone more responsible and skill at the helm.

1/29/2007 4:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've worked in government and on campaigns and have seen Mr. Davis at work. Not sure where the characterization of him as "lazy" originates. The brother is extremely intelligent and works VERY hard. A lazy person, irrespective of race, typically does not become a hightly publicized contender for the ED spot of a state party. The fact that we are spending our time writing about him means that he's done something right. You don't have to like him, but let's not lie about him. Does he think highly of himself? Probably. Should he? Yes. Why? Because he's talented and great at what he does!! We need to see more people unapolegetic for being successful. GO Brandon!

1/29/2007 5:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who IS Brandon Davis? What are the prerequisites for this position? What are his qualifications to serve as Executive Director other than being "a minority" and for working for Claire? Is that enough? Apparently, he has negatives as well. What are they? What are the rules on who gets to decide who gets the job?

1/30/2007 10:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wake up folks!

There is a major power play developing into a defined power struggle for the direction of the MoDems between Nixon, McCaskill, and the Carnahans.

It is worth noting that this power play is not about race, as the previous posters seem to suggest, but rather, it is about who or whose people can raise the most money between now and the '08 elections for the MoDems.

One can only hope that the people working behind the scenes for these named "party leaders" can unify this party ASAP and put to bed any racial overtones.

2/13/2007 10:55 PM


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