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VIDEO: O'Brien's Channel 5 Interview

By Antonio D. French

Filed Wednesday, November 29, 2006 at 7:33 AM

KSDK Channel 5 reporter Leisa Zigman interviewed St. Louis School Board President Veronica O'Brien this week.

Click here to read the story. Click here to watch the video.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have permission to air KSDK video on this site, or is this just blatant copyright infringement?

11/29/2006 9:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have a life? Shouldn't news stations *WANT* their reports seen? Look what YouTube has done for so many reports (including Antonio's own clips).

Antonio, until they ask you to remove it I would consider it as simply "fair use".

11/29/2006 10:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fair use?" Material that airs on commercial broadcasts is the property of the broadcaster. It is not in the public domain! I would suspect that unless this site has explicit permission from Gannett, Antonio has opened himself up to a lawsuit. I really don't care...

By the way You Tube has been ordered to stop posting programming from NBC. Apparently they don't appreciate "fair use".

11/29/2006 11:29 AM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

Fair use no longer exists per the DMCA.

Jack Valenti will track you down!

11/29/2006 12:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget state takeover. Dissolve the district. If we can be the only Missouri city not within a county, why not the only place in the state without any public schools?

But I'm not thinking of vouchers in place of public schools, at least not school vouchers. Give poor families with school-age children housing vouchers towards taking residence in another district. It can't be that far off the idea of giving transit-dependents a car instead of providing transit.

11/29/2006 3:34 PM

Blogger Antonio D. French said...

Relax, people. I've taken the video down and replaced it with links to Channel 5's website. Call off the lawyers.

BTW, if anyone wants a few copies of "Pirates of the Caribbean", I know a guy.

11/29/2006 4:49 PM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

Can you get the 3rd one? :;

11/29/2006 6:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your an elected offical (public servant) such as Veronica O'Brien what are the terms of whiched she could be impeached from her position?

11/30/2006 3:43 PM


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