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Congressman Says He'll Take Wal-Mart's Money and Still Vote Against Them

By Antonio D. French

Filed Tuesday, November 21, 2006 at 2:41 PM


At a press conference today meant to call attention to the working conditions of employees of Wal-Mart, America's largest private employer, Congressman Lacy Clay was asked about contributions he has accepted from the retailer.

At the conclusion of Clay's speech, which slammed Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott for his company's huge profits in the face of persistent poverty among his roughly 1.4 million employees, reporter Matt Sepic of local NPR affiliate KWMU asked Clay whether he would return nearly $7,000 in campaign donations from Wal-Mart's political action committee.

"Not at all," said Clay. "That's the name of the game is raising money. I have dues to pay to my Democratic Party, about $150,000 a year. So wherever I can get that money to pay those dues, I will take it."

Clay said even though he has accepted money from Wal-Mart, he has not voted how the company would have wanted him to on many issues in Congress.

"You have to have money to run effectively," said Clay. "I'm going to take all the money I can get."

Check back later for more exclusive video from today's press conference...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is what I like to see, a politician who is not beholden to big business. A leader who shows what it takes to lead.

Plus he just stuck it to walmart one more time by taking their money and not doing what they want. If he gives it back then they can just give it to someone who will do what they want.

11/21/2006 3:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

See who everyone voted for! First he will lead you to believe that he supports you. Then, he will take your money and run with it and not stand up for what you believe in. Thats exactly who we need in office in Missouri's District One!

11/21/2006 5:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The old guys put it this way:

If you can't take their money, drink their whiskey, screw their women and then vote against them in the morning you don't belong here.

11/21/2006 6:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was rather hypocritical. He can benefit personally from Walmart's great wealth off of the backs of poor people, but they can't. Everyone has bills to pay. You can't worship two masters.

11/22/2006 8:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another hypocritical, two-faced politican. Should we be surprised? Lacey had better wake up to the money going out of his District 1 to the Walmart in Granite City. It is one of the largest in the country. Nearly half the cars in the lot are from North County and mine is one of them nearly 2 times a week.
Love Walmart. Wake up people!!!!

11/22/2006 8:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The name of the game is taking money, huh? I thought it was to represent the people.
Here is a link to Lacy Clays actual voting record.

Here is a link to actual legislation he has sponsored.

I could be wrong, but it seems that out of the 27 pieces of legislation, there are 15 on behalf of chemical companies and 4 that directly or indirectly affect poor people. Hmmm

11/22/2006 9:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


There are already two popular Wal-Mart operations in the 1st Congressional District. I am sure the Congressman's constituents appreciate both the jobs and the retail services.

11/22/2006 1:24 PM

Blogger Pat said...

Thankfully he's not representing my district. Unfortunately, he does represent the 1st. I think it's time to get rid of the fool.

11/22/2006 11:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clay should realize that Wal Mart has security problems, like shop-lifting which is done by the majority being his people. Keep them out of the stores and cost goes down.

11/25/2006 6:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does that mean, "like shop-lifting which is done by the majority being his people. Keep them out of the stores and cost goes down." I don't like the sound of it.

Could you be talking about a whole group based on race, home zip code, gender? Or do you mean elected officials?

11/26/2006 8:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have lived in the district all of my life as well. I am all for getting him out. I even voted for the Libertarian that was running against him just out of frustration. I knew that he would probably win, but I just didn't want to give the vote to him anymore just because he hasn't done anything. I even remember asking him about something years ago and his only response was that he does not get involved in local politics.

11/27/2006 6:46 PM


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