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Bosley Supporters to Meet

By Antonio D. French

Filed Friday, August 25, 2006 at 8:25 AM

Supporters of Ald. Freeman Bosley. Sr., who is the target of an ongoing recall effort, will hold a press conference this morning to announce the actions they have taken against what they call "fraudulent activities engaged by the persons leading the recall effort."

Both sides on the recall effort, along with the St. Louis Board of Elections, are awaiting a decision by a Circuit Court judge as to whether the Board has the authority to allow Bosley to ask signers of the petition to have their names removed. If the policy is upheld, the recall effort will fail for lack of enough signatures.

Members of the "Coalition Against the Recall" will gather at 10:30 a.m. in front of the Carnahan Courthouse, 1114 Market Street.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

What has Bosley done to improve the 3rd Ward? Sure, some new construction lately. But look at all the demolitions in the Hyde Park historic district.

People talk of the "El-Amins controlling the first ward".

Better be careful when you start talking about "aldermanic (or family) control" of a ward.

Look at what Bosley's "control" of the 3rd ward for the past 20-something years has done for his turf.

It's sad.

8/25/2006 8:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

aka "Smallest Downtown Protest"

8/25/2006 9:03 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderman Freeman Bosley, Sr. will easily win this case. If the courts ruled any other way, it would negatively affect the efforts of Alderman to stop recalls in the future.

I guarantee you every Alderman and their friends in the City of St. Louis will be calling the judge to make sure that this ruling is done right.

8/25/2006 9:03 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like this is becoming a story of aldermanic and political control superceding the welfare of a community.

8/25/2006 9:16 AM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

The worse things get, the more people will become angry and work for a change.

8/25/2006 9:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doug "Buckwheat" Duckworth you are absolutely right. The conditions have to get worse for change to occur. Unfortunately, the conditions are going to get much worse before they get better.

8/25/2006 10:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always said that the best way to get rid of a politician is to give them a resounding defeat. The recall almost always makes them feel like they are the brunt of a conspiracy against them and that they can come back and make things right. By coming up with a better candidate and then beating them in a fair fight, they go away. The better candidates are out there. You just have to find them.

But no one listens to me.


8/25/2006 10:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bosley needs to go along with his awful son. By the way how many kids does he have running around town. Sad to know that this city knows they can call upon judges to impact their decisions.

8/25/2006 10:24 PM


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