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Alleged Irons Victim Murdered

By Antonio D. French

Filed Friday, August 18, 2006 at 2:04 PM

Early this morning, Timothy Bacon was shot and killed while he was on his way for cigarettes. According to a story by Bill Bryan on STLToday.com, he was shot by three men -- one of whom came back to the body to fire several more shots.

Bacon, 21, was the young man who, according to the Missouri Division of Family Services, was badly beaten by then-Vashon basketball coach Floyd Irons in 2000 and whose case was recently brought up by St. Louis School Board President Veronica O'Brien, who called for a federal investigation into the matter.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those poor parents - all they wanted was help for their son. I can't even begin to imagine their pain. Only someone who has lost a child can even begin to know what they must be going through right now.

8/18/2006 2:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which matter has O'Brien called for a federal investigation? This young man's murder? Or the former beating allegedly by the fired coach?

8/18/2006 3:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that know one is going to try to link this to Irons. He has done some things in the past that I don't agree with but if they dare try to link him to this I will be shocked. It is sad what happended to this man, but I don't think his involvement in the case against Irons had anything to do with it.

8/18/2006 4:03 PM

Blogger Antonio D. French said...

"Which matter has O'Brien called for a federal investigation? "

The beating.

8/18/2006 4:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he didn't have anything to do with it, it sure is a coincidence. After reports of mob mentality and Irons, it sure makes one wonder.

8/18/2006 5:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inspecteur Clouseau ici: Star, she does indeed. Those who work(ed) at Vashon said how Irons is really bad. And Demetrious Johnson was actually seen and spoken to about urging young people to yell obscenities at the last board meeting. And a pastor defends such men! These men are big time bullies, and bullies can get out of control.

Everyone with whom I have spoken thinks it is more than coincidence.

This needs to be televised so anyone who saw something or knows something can come forward.

Mes amis, this is a very sad day. Let's hope la Police trouve la verité (find the truth).

8/18/2006 6:54 PM

Blogger St. Louis Oracle said...

Nice new photo, Antonio. Now we can recognize you when we see you!

8/18/2006 7:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If in fact Irons abused this child, he should not have been allowed to continue to teach or coach. If in fact Mrs. Obrien is responsible for calling attention to this matter, why now? Why weren't the feds called in previously? There are missing pieces to this puzzle. As a parent I would like the answers.

Promoting children to participate in the yelling of obscenities is a lack of class and a lack of respect, that does not necessarily depict mob mentality.

It is highly coincidental that I had never heard any information regarding the accusations brought against Floyd Irons until all of the recent school board drama.

There are an awful lot of accusations being thrown around without any solid proof. This is exactly the reason I am angered by the antics of the board. Not enough information given to the public(parents). I HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW!

I do believe if there is this much corruption going on in the SLPS the state needs to come in. It's the only way to rid ourselves of them.

My sincere and hearfelt condolences to the parents of this child.

Let's wait until we have more facts before we condemn someone of murder. Personally I think it reeks of drug and/or gang activity.

8/18/2006 7:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be suprised if Veronica set this whole thing up. She brought him into the light, then had him taken out all so she could put something on Irons.

8/18/2006 9:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inspecteur Clouseau ici: Previous anonymous -- sick, sick, sick. With such a sick mind, perhaps you did it.

8/19/2006 5:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shame on you! Trying to make political hay when there a dead boy. I will pray for all of you.

8/19/2006 9:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teachers use to beat the snot out of students in the coatroom.

8/20/2006 3:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous! If you see a teacher hitting a student, you need to contact authorities. Your are an adult and must stand up for the children. I have taught in SLPS for more than 10 years and have never had the need to hit a student or threaten a student with physical harm. I have taught elementary and high school special education and many of my students have been emotionally disturbed and violent. If a person cannot control children without force then they need to get out of teaching or subbing. It is our duty as adults/educators or whatever role you may have to protect the children and ensure an appropriate education. In my book an appropriate education does not include physical harm or intimidation.

Teachers that use physical harm or intimidation do it because they get away with it. Parents have told me on multiple occasions that they give me their permission to "whip" their child if I need to. My response has been that I would not do that and could not do that. I assume teachers may receive similar offers and accept the offer that has been given them. This is why the parents do not complain in these cases because they approve of the punishment. I have heard many educators and parents lamenting about the policy discontinuing corporal punishment in the schools. FYI- Corporal punishment is not illegal but it is against district policy. This may be why legal consequences have not followed. If the incident did not meet the burden of assault then it may not have broken the law. I would think the Irons thing would have met the burden but it was swept under the carpet by his friends.

8/20/2006 8:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am appalled to read that teachers use physical force with students. Shame on the parents that inform teachers they have the right to "whip" their children.

I am a parent that has complained about verbal and emotional abuse in the classroom. I have never been involved in a physical altercation, but I can guarrantee you if a faculty member ever laid their hands on my child they would not want to encounter my wrath!

Not only is it an adults responsibility to report abuse, they should also teach their children to report the abuse. After the incident with the little girl on the playground last year I sat my 7 year old down to make sure he understood if he EVER witnesses a child being bullied by anyone he is to find an adult immediately.

The parents that are giving permission to teachers to "whip" their children are obviously not doing their job at home. Another part of the big problem in the SLPS.

8/20/2006 9:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon Parent,
As a teacher, I am glad that you report verbal and emotional abuse at your child's school. There are many employees in the SLPS that should not be near children and sometimes it takes parents reporting issues with their children to gets things accomplished. If teachers complain about colleagues it is often viewed as pettiness or personality conflicts.

Parents that authorize teachers to "whip" their children often use this and more severe punishment at home. I think some children in this environment use the safe school environment to act out their frustrations because they cannot let go of them at home due to the consequences. As a teacher, I have found that raising my voice is not as effective as lowering my voice to a whisper. This is a strategy that many children aren't used to and they quiet down to see what is wrong with the teacher. If you can build trust with children, I feel that you can modify all children's behaviors. Children are not robots and need continued support to improve their academics and behaviors.

We must maintain high standards as parents and educators in order to improve the system.

8/20/2006 10:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope someone gets prtection for O'Brien because Irons has made it clear she is next. Maybe she does need an order of protection. How is Slay supporting him. I'll never vote for Slay again.

8/20/2006 1:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is terrible, sensational, yellow journalism. You should be ashamed! To try and link Irons somehow with this murder is despicable. You don't need this type of "reporting" to increase your readership dude.

8/20/2006 2:04 PM

Blogger Antonio D. French said...

To the last anonymous commenter:

That this situation looks suspicious is simply a fact that results from the circumstances that surround Mr. Bacon's murder. I didn't bend any facts to make Mr. Irons appear to be a suspect.

The fact is that Mr. Irons' past relationship with this young man and the timing of his death as it relates to his family's recent pursuit of legal action against both Irons and the school district creates an... embarassing situation for Mr. Irons.

But I didn't create it. I just reported the facts.

My headline is accurate -- more accurate, I would say, than the Post-Dispatch's headline which vaguely read: "Man gunned down on city street" (an occurance so common that my curousity was aroused, not about the incident, but about why STLToday.com was covering this particular death).

This is a story that deserves to be investigated.

This post which you call "yellow," is anything but. Maybe red, as in raising red flags. Or maybe green, as in greenlighting an investigation into this murder and its possible connection to other recent events.

But nothing here is yellow. These are facts, reported straight up:

1) X was killed
2) This is how he was killed
3) This is why the story is relavent


More on this developing story will be reported this week. Stay tuned.

8/20/2006 2:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...it's a duck or yellow journalism. Whatever you want to call its SLIMY. I felt like a needed a shower after reading this. I'm very disappointed. In your quest for readers and to be popular, all your doing is setting yourself up for a libel suit. Congratulations! you've out done the Whirl on this one.

8/20/2006 4:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just curious. Do you think the Post-Disgrace's story was "yellow journalism" too? Do you think it should not have been reported at all?

8/20/2006 5:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, people, but if you were a journalist with ethics, you would report it the way that Antonio did, not the way the Post-Disgrace did and not by avoiding the topic like the tv stations did. No conjecture, no innuendo, just facts. That is good journalism, pure and simple.

8/20/2006 10:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you, Antonio..the powers that be would like this to be ignored ast hey have ignored Floyd's bad/illegal behavior for years. As much as his supporters would like you to ignore the facts, please continue to report the fact son Pub Def...I have found that it's the best place for the "staight story".

8/20/2006 10:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on folks, Irons is a suspect ask the police. Have any of you heard the history of this case. This kid talked and told all. Names and locations were given. This is real stuff. Try checking out some of Irons other plays. This is big people. Good work Antonio.

8/21/2006 1:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, I reiterate, the SLPS FAILED THIS CHILD!!!!!! To all of you throwing around accusations towards Irons, give me solid evidence.

We already know THE SLPS FAILED THIS CHILD, if you want to discuss guilt and make blatant accusations why are you not demanding explanations from the SLPS??

I am the parent at school arguing with the principal and teacher for verbally and emotionally abusive classroom practices. I am the parent with the reputation for being volatile. I cannot fight this fight alone, wake up, THE SLPS FAILED THIS CHILD!!!!!

8/24/2006 9:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Ma'am, "The SLPS" failed him. Everyone who ever worked at SLPS is clearly at fault here, as well as anyone who ever sat on the board, voted for the board or volunteered in any capacity.

I'm sorry, but I never once interacted with that student or parent the whole time I worked in the District. I helped plenty of children, and I am not to blame for a family that I never met because I was busy with the students at my own school. There are a lot of children who are well served by the district every day. My own daughter went through the system and got into Mizzou with a full scholarship. At SLPS she had wonderful teachers, principals, librarians, janitors, food service workers, bus drivers and classroom volunteers. In fact, I'd say that "The SLPS" successed her.

Condemnation of an entire District makes no sense at all. Even a physician can't save everybody, but I'll bet if we put as much money into Special Ed as we do professional sports, we'd have a better chance.

8/24/2006 10:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

may GOD have mercy on them becous who ever done it are had something to do with it might not pay for it on earth but they will answer to GOD! MAY GOD BLESS YOU

12/07/2006 10:17 PM


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