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Harold Brown joins Smith's campaign

By Antonio D. French

Filed Monday, July 17, 2006 at 4:52 PM

Harold Brown, district assistant to State Sen. Pat Dougherty, has joined Jeff Smith's campaign to replace the term-limited Democrat. "These are huge shoes to fill," said Brown. "And Jeff Smith is the only one of the candidates who can fill them. Like Senator Dougherty, Jeff will represent the entire district – from Bevo Mill to Walnut Park."


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's just amazing. When Harold Brown took $500.00 from El-Amin'a campaign (as per April's finance reporting) he probably said that Yaphett is the only that can fill that shoes. Jeff Smith must have paid him more. I am glad that he joined Smith's campaign. Now we know that Smith will sell his soul to that highest bidder, and hide the fact that he has no long-term relationship with the voters, and no track record on any issues.

7/17/2006 5:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harold Brown is a hard worker, seen at every neighborhood function across the 4th district. Another hard worker, such as grassroots-campaigning Jeff, will do well to have Harold on his team.

7/17/2006 5:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing that Harold Brown can say that Smith can fill the shoes of Senator Pat Dougherty, when we all know that Smith have never worn any shoes to represent anyone except himself. I wonder what other amzing things will Harold Brown say if he is given another $5000.00. ( That's the price tag he was selling himself for.

7/17/2006 6:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh, those shoes that Harold has Jeff filling . . . do they come with lifts?

7/17/2006 10:51 PM

Blogger St. Louis Oracle said...

I guess being a district assistant doesn't necessarily mean knowing the district's boundaries. Bevo Mill is in the 5th District (although the 4th is just a block west). That's the part of town where all three of the city's senate districts meet, and parts of the Bevo neighborhood are in all of them.

I'm curious. What did the El-Amin campaign report say was the purpose of her $500 expenditure to Brown? And what source (if any) is there for the anonymous accusation of a $5K payment?

The comparison of Smith to Dougherty is apt: Dougherty won re-election by a resounding 2-1 margin precisely because he went to great pains to represent the entire district, and most of the entire district showed its appreciation. Smith is campaigning district-wide, a good precursor that he will represent Dougherty-style (excluding Doughterty's pro-life stand on abortion).

7/18/2006 12:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oracle, I'm sure what was meant by "Bevo Mill" was the "Bevo" neighborhood, which does have a good share of its blocks in the 4th, not the actual mill. Just as some would say "Lindenwood Park" to mean the whole neighborhood, rather than the actual park.

7/18/2006 8:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking with Harold personally, he was approached by multiple campaigns. I'm sure the snide remarks about being a sell-out are really just spiteful words from a campaign that Brown turned down.

7/18/2006 8:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you spoke to him, how did he explain the money from El-Amin?

7/18/2006 9:23 AM

Blogger Travis Reems said...

What I want to know is how Candidate El-Amin explains that money. You are making it sound like fiscal impropriety. Are there questions that if asked and answered would unveil a web of lies and dirty politics?

7/18/2006 9:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is anyone lying?

Smith merely hired Brown and Brown was smart to take the job, since Smith will be the strongest candidate across the district and will work the hardest.

It's pretty hypocritical of the El-Amin people to criticize Smith for paying an employee of his campaign when they had to dole out money to protestors to go to his Fairgrounds Park event.

7/18/2006 11:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this was a bad hire for Jeff. Harold is not near as progressive or hard working as he is.

7/18/2006 12:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute.... the buyer is worse than the seller? Is that the point here? People get hired and fired all the time. If Senator Dougherty is term limited, Mr. Brown is free to go where ever he pleases. If campaigns get in a bidding war, why shouldn't he take advantage of that. How is Jeff Smith the bad guy and Yaphette so innocent when according to this blog, Yaphette was the first to pay?

Sometimes political advisors are hired to make gaining access to certain groups and individuals easier. Sometimes, they help to coordinate their campaigns up to the election date. None of this is inappropriate or illegal or immoral for that matter and makes no one a "sell out".

Are the El Amins becoming so desparate that they will allege anything? If Yaphette didn't want Brown or doesn't respect him or his knowledge, what was the $500 for?

7/18/2006 12:40 PM

Blogger Doug Duckworth said...

Why don't you guys look at the campaign finance reports of the El-Amin and Smith campaign, and see if you can find out the payout given to Brown?

If it was 500.00 from Amin, then how much from Smith?

Find out the difference before you say Brown only did it for money. At least show proof.

Don't get on the internet and knock this guy without any proof. If you really want to attack someone, show proof, otherwise your accusations are baseless.

If you want to expose corruption, get some proof.

7/18/2006 1:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real finance question is when is El-Amin going to file her now late campaign finance report? My guess is that she is scrambling to raise money around the country from the national black muslim community that have been big contributors to her. These checks will allow the campaign to offset the strong quarters of some of her opponents.

We are also waiting for an explanation as to who paid for the poll she touted last week in a press release. She denied that it was her poll but has not elaborated on where it came from. Very strange.

El-Amin's late report may end up being no big deal (and one should note that Derio has yet to file as well) but I for one am becoming more suspect every day they fail to file with the Missouri Ethics Commission.

The election is three weeks away. What is going on?

7/18/2006 2:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brown got $500 from "Team El-amin"..LOL

He was probably promised 5k, but only receved the $500.

The Hassan folks don't Pay any body on time or the right ammount.

He probably was working for them and got fed up asking for his pay check!

7/18/2006 3:11 PM


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