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Picketing on Easter Sunday

By Antonio D. French

Filed Sunday, April 16, 2006 at 12:12 PM

It was a busy weekend for citizen activists. Central West End residents gathered to voice their concerns and learn more information about a new high-rise development. Southside residents protested a plan to move a McDonalds across the street from its present location. And this morning, Maxine Johnson, a homeowner in the 3rd Ward, picketed in front of Bethlehem Lutheran Church to call attention to a plan by Better Living Communities (which was founded by the church) and Ald. Freeman Bosley, Sr. to use eminent domain as part of a planned redevelopment.

Click here to see more photos from Johnson's protest.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CWE high-rise replacing the voluntarily sold American Heart Association building doesn't involve eminent domain. Protesters here are just anti-density NIMBYs trying to confuse the issues.

4/17/2006 8:49 AM

Blogger Antonio D. French said...

It helps to read the article before you post a comment, Anony. The photo is of a protester in the 3rd Ward. The project that she is picketing does involve the use of eminent domain.

The CWE high-rise controversy was only mentioned to highlight the unusually high number of events this weekend relating to development.

Please see this post (http://pubdefweekly.com/2006/04/meeting-on-new-lindell-towers-plan.html) for more information about the Lindell Towers meeting.

4/17/2006 8:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I thought a picture with that many cars parked on the street surely couldn't be anywhere in Bosley's ward.

Besides, protesting Salisbury Park is a little late, as homes are already being built. Sort of like slumlord Roos protesting Botanical Heights.

4/17/2006 10:02 AM

Blogger Michael R. Allen said...

There are other threats to Third ward homeowners even after Suburbs Park has been built. There is Shreves Engine Rebuilders' constant talk of expansing their fortress as well as an often-mentioned expansion of Salisbury Park.

And no protest is too late for the next aldermanic election.

4/17/2006 1:01 PM


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