By Antonio D. French
Filed Thursday, October 25, 2007 at 10:46 AM
Obama will be in St. Louis Friday for a rally at Union Station. He is the first Presidential candidate to open a St. Louis office.
The new campaign headquarters is located in the Jack Thompson building at the corner of Washington Ave. and Tucker.
*Clients of A D French & Associates
Where is the Obama headquarters? Is it staffed?
10/25/2007 1:15 PM
Sorry for the omission. The new campaign headquarters is located in the Jack Thompson building at the corner of Washington Ave. and Tucker.
Yes, the office is staffed by state director Mike Dorsey and others.
10/25/2007 1:38 PM
Boy, I hope they didn't hire you...I want Sen. Obama to win.
10/25/2007 4:53 PM
As long as I've been reading PubDef, it seems everybody Antonio has endorsed or said he worked for has won.
Lewis Reed (huge victory!)
Kacie Triplett
Greg Daly
Jamilah Nasheed
TD El-Amin
(I got these from your website)
Looks like you're batting 1000, French!!!
10/25/2007 8:09 PM
^ Thanks for noticing.
10/25/2007 10:25 PM
Noticing what? That you're a self agrandizing liar that takes credit for other people's work?
10/25/2007 10:30 PM
There is a fox poll out---and buried several pages in---is a poll from this week which shows a change nationally from 50-18 to 42-25, Hillary over obama. That is a 15 point swing in a week of steamrolling by the Clinton people.
I do not trust Fox.
I do not trust polls.
but this has not been reported by much of anyone---and strangely, i cannot google the poll.
I found a link to it on the talking points memo.
Poll: Congress' Approval Low, But People Likely To Re-Elect Incumbents
By Eric Kleefeld - October 25, 2007, 8:17PM
The latest Fox News poll illustrates the problem of reading too much into Congress' political fortunes on the basis of the institution's overall approval.
10/26/2007 4:59 PM
Dang Antonio! You really pissed off somebody! (good job)
10/26/2007 8:38 PM
The United States of America is not going to elect a black man or white woman for President.
Say what you want, it is not going to happen.
10/27/2007 8:29 AM
Just like we were never going to elect a Catholic? I don't get people like you, anony above. This idea that if the protestant white men just keep announcing over and over that they are the only possible winners don't make it so. If the country was ever ready to disbelieve that, it's now. The current Protestant white man president has made it way easier for a woman or non-white man to win, and I bet he didn't figure on that being part of his legacy!
It's going to happen. Even if not this time around, it's going to happen. That kind of backwards thinking will go away, as we continue to be embarrassed by watching other countries find leaders based on quality instead of chromosomes, and see our world standing slide while others rise to the fore.
10/27/2007 10:38 AM
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